



new approach新方案;新做法

an approach to学习...的入门;学习...的途径

basic approach基本方法

approach with以…方式处理;向…提出建议

design approach设计方法;设计方式

research approach研究途径;研究方案

analysis approach分析方法;分析研究

systematic approach系统观点,系统研究法

make an approach to对…进行探讨

analytical approach分析方法

process approach过程研究法

alternative approach变换方法

system approach系统方法

holistic approach整体分析,整体研究

direct approach直接法;直接进场;直接接近法

approach channel进港航道;引水渠

pragmatic approach实际的方法;重实效的方法

experimental approach实验研究法

systems approach系统方法;系统论方法

ine approach收益法;所得方法;入息计算法


The ecological approach to visual perceptionThe

ecological approach to visual perceptionPrinciples and

procedures of statistics, a biometrical approach.A

Theory of Perception. (Book Reviews: The Ecological

Approach to Visual Perception)Structural equation

modeling in practice : A review and remended two-step

approachModel selection and multimodel inference: A

practical information-theoretical approachModel

Selection and Multimodel Inference: A Practical

Information-Theoretic Approach (2nd ed)Introduction to

Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process

Analysis: A Regression-Based ApproachIntroduction to

mediation, moderation, and conditional process

analysis: A regression-based Selection

and Multimodel Inference: a Practical Information-

theoretic Approach, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, New Yo

本文标签: 方法研究系统研究法设计