


Unit 8 Natural disasters


1. earthquake 地震

e.g.: I was sleeping when the earthquake started.

2. coach 长途汽车

e.g.: They went to Italy on a coach tour.

3. flood 洪水,水灾

e.g.: The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.

4. village 村庄,乡村

e.g.: Her books are about village life.

5. storm 风暴,暴(风)雨

e.g.: There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.

6. shake 摇动,震动

e.g.: At first, I felt a slight shake.

7. fear 害怕,恐惧

e.g.: People screamed in fear.

8. direction 方向 – in all directions 四面八方

e.g.: Outside, people were running in all directions.

9. shaking 摇动,震动

e.g.: Finally, the noise and shaking ended.

10. heart 心脏

e.g.: The patient’s heart stopped beating for a few seconds.

11. mind 头脑

e.g.: A moment of fear went through my mind.

12. dark 黑暗

e.g.: I started to pull myself slowly through the dark.

13. shout 呼喊,喊叫声

e.g.: Then I heard shouts from excited people.

14. daylight 日光

e.g.: At last, I saw the bright daylight.

15. rule 规则;建议

e.g.: We should always follow the traffic rules.

16. railway 铁路

e.g.: It’s dangerous to sit, walk or ride a bicycle on railways.

17. burn 烧伤,烫伤,灼伤

e.g.: You can cover the burn with a clean towel.

18. daughter 女儿

e.g.: We have two sons and a daughter.

19. granddaughter (外)孙女

e.g.: Ben Franklin used Noah’s book to teach his granddaughter to read.

20. son 儿子

e.g.: They have three grown-up sons.

21. grandson (外)孙子

e.g.: My grandson’s birthday was on Tuesday.

22. board 木板

e.g.: She jumped off the top board.

23. weekday 工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天)

e.g.: The center is open from to on weekdays.

24. headache 头痛

e.g.: I have a splitting headache (= a very bad one).

25. toothache 牙痛

e.g.: I’ve got toothache.

26. countryside 乡下,农村

e.g.: Everyone should enjoy the right of access to the countryside.

27. housework 家务活

e.g.: Women usually do the larger share of the housework.

28. pancake 烙饼,薄饼

e.g.: The pancakes were so good that I scoffed the lot.

29. disaster 灾难;不幸,祸患

e.g.: Thousands died in the disaster.

30. accident 事故,意外的事

e.g.: What should we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents?

31. lightning 闪电

e.g.: Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire.

32. thunder 雷,雷声

e.g.: Then I heard a loud noise like thunder.

33. bomb 炸弹

e.g.: Soon the real noise came, like bombs under the ground.

34. brick 砖,砖块

e.g.: They quickly moved away the bricks.

35. towel 毛巾,浴巾

e.g.: She used the towel thoughtfully provided by her host.


1. shake 摇动,震动

e.g.: The earth started to shake.

2. beat (使)规律作响,作节奏运动

e.g.: We heard the drums beating.

3. break 损坏;打破 – break down (车辆或机器)出故障,坏掉

e.g.: My dad’s car broke down because of the cold weather.

4. clear 清除,清理

e.g.: People were trying to clear the snow from the streets.

5. mop 用拖把擦干净

e.g.: Who will mop up the water if I go home without you?

6. crash 猛撞;碰撞

e.g.: He crashed into a car coming the other way.

7. calm (使)平静,(使)镇定 – calm down 冷静

e.g.: I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.


1. loud 响亮的;大声的;喧闹的

e.g.: She spoke in a very loud voice.

2. silent 寂静的

e.g.: It was dark and silent around me.

3. nervous 紧张不安的

e.g.: I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast.

4. alive 活着的

e.g.: We don’t know whether he’s alive or dead.

5. safe 安全的

e.g.: The children are quite safe here.

6. asleep 睡着的

e.g.: Timmy was asleep when the earthquake started.

7. slight 轻微的

e.g.: I woke up with a slight headache.

8. trapped 困住的

e.g.: Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped.


1. up 完全地

e.g.: We ate all the food up.

2. still 仍然

e.g.: There’s still time to change your mind.

3. nearly 几乎,将近

e.g.: I lost my umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over.

4. behind 在后面

e.g.: Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind.


1. while 当…的时候,和…同时

e.g.: I shared an umbrella with her while we were walking to the bus stop.

2. if 是否

e.g.: I wonder if I should wear a coat or not.

3. since 由于,既然

e.g.: We thought that, since we were in the area, we’d stop by and see them.

4. after 在…以后

e.g.: People found Timmy soon after he was trapped.


1. thousands of 成千上万的

e.g.: There were thousands of people there.

2. wash away 冲走

e.g.: Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges.

3. catch fire 着火

e.g.: These thatched roofs frequently catch fire.

4. come down 崩塌,坍塌

e.g.: Then the walls began to come down too!

5. not…at all 一点也不

e.g.: I could not see anything at all, and I did not know if anyone else was near me.

6. find one’s way out 找到出路

e.g.: Hours later, as I was trying to find my way out, I suddenly heard some noise above


7. at last 最后,终于

e.g.: At last, we got on a bus to Millie’s home.

8. as…as possible 尽可能

e.g.: We should try to get out as soon as possible.

本文标签: 上册机器故障节奏作响