




Spanish National Football Team is such a superb one that they can _______.

A. get their hands dirty

C. lay their hands on us


【解析】get their hands dirty亲自动手;have their hands full忙的不可开交;lay their hands on us找到某人或

某物;beat us hands down打败某人。句意:西班牙国家足球队是如此卓越以致于能够把我们打败。

’t pull his leg when someone was in an awkward situation, or he will probably _______ fly off the handle.

A. go to hell


【解析】go to hell完蛋,滚开/蛋,下地狱,见鬼去吧;fly off the handle大发雷霆,勃然大怒;laugh his head off

笑得笑得是前仰后翻;hit the nail on the head说到点子上了。句意:当别人处于尴尬的处境时,不


3.I cannot _______ puzzled, for I simply cannot understand how I could have made such a stupid mistake.

A. help feel B. help but to feel


【解析】cannot but表示“不得不,只好,不禁”,之后常跟不带to的动词不定式。句意:我不禁感到迷惑,


are a lot of dictionaries in the reading room. You will find them very _______ if you go there to study.

A. humorous


【解析】humorous富于幽默感的,幽默的,可笑的;hopeful adj.有希望的,有前途的;handy便于使用的,

方便的;healthy 健康的,健壮的。句意:阅览室有许多词典,你会发现有词典在那儿学习就很方


being laid off, he was reduced to _______ himself out to plant vegetable on the farm.

A. hang


【解析】hire oneself out 的意思是“打工,受雇于人”。句意:被解雇以后,他已经沦落到受雇在农场里种


6._______ had he got out of the court _______ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.

A. Hardly, than



mes teasing is funny, but sometimes it is _______.

B. Hardly, when C. No sooner, when D. No sooner, then

B. hold C. hire D. help

B. hopeful C. handy D. healthy

C. but to feel D. but feel

B. fly off the handle C. laugh his head off D. hit the nail on the head

B. have their hands full

D. beat us hands down

A. humorous B. harmonious C. hurtful D. helpless



感情。humorous adj.富于幽默感的,幽默的;harmonious adj.友好和睦的,和谐的;hopeless没有


little girl stood close to the wall, _______ herself against the cold.

A. hugging



y, the weather cleared up sometime after lunch and we _______ the school.

A. hunted for


【解析】headed for“朝着……”,符合语境。句意:幸运的是,午饭后天气转晴了,我们朝着学校走去。

10.I always cannot help _______ people in trouble a hand. But I am so busy today that I can’t help _______ the

work for you.

A. to give, to do


【解析】cannot help doing something俺情不自禁做某事;cannot help(to)do something不能帮助做某事。句


g worn out after so many years’ sacrifice in the company, he decided to retire and hand the business

_______ to his son.

A. in


【解析】hand over“移交”,符合语境。句意:经过这么多年的牺牲,他感到疲惫不堪,于是决定退休,把


the speech, the headmaster recommended the students not to _______ with dishonest people if they value

sincerity and honesty.

A. hang on


【解析】hang on稍等,别挂断(电话),坚持下去,紧紧抓住;hang around with与……混在一起;hang together



e called me up at midnight, but he had _______ before I could answer the phone.

A. held up


【解析】hold up阻滞,耽搁;hurry up赶快,赶紧;hand down传下来;hang up挂断电话。句意:有人在

B. hurried up C. handed down D. hung up

B. hang around C. hang up D. hang together

B. out C. over D. on

B. giving, doing C. give, do D. giving, do

B. hoped for C. headed for D. hungered for

B. hiding C. holding D. hiring

本文标签: 词典处于感到词汇精品