




1. Move out (of)

• 用法:搬离某地

• 例句:I moved out of my old apartment last week.

2. Move in (to)

• 用法:搬进某地

• 例句:They moved into their new house last month.

3. Move on

• 用法:继续前进;结束过去的事情并转向新的事物

• 例句:It’s time for us to move on and start a new

chapter in our lives.

4. Move away

• 用法:搬离现居地

• 例句:My best friend moved away to another city for work.

5. Move towards

• 用法:朝向某个方向移动

• 例句:The crowd started to move towards the exit when

the concert ended.

6. Move forward

• 用法:向前移动;进步,取得进展

• 例句:We need to move forward and find a solution to

this problem.

7. Move back

• 用法:向后移动

• 例句:He moved back to let the others pass through the

narrow hallway.

8. Move up

• 用法:向上移动;升职

• 例句:She has been working hard in the company and

recently moved up to a higher position.

9. Move aside

• 用法:让位;挪开

• 例句:Please move aside and make room for the elderly

lady to sit down.

本文标签: 用法移动转向事情搬离