





My Next Birthday Party

I can't wait for my next birthday! It will be the best birthday

ever. I'm going to turn nine years old this year. Nine is such a big

number and I'll be getting so much closer to being a tween.

First, we'll decorate the house for my party. Mom and Dad

will hang up colorful streamers and balloons all around. We'll

have blue and green balloons because those are my favorite

colors. The balloons will float up near the ceiling. I'll help put up

the decorations too. I'll make a happy birthday sign with my

name on it using my best bubble letter writing. We'll tape it

above the fireplace for everyone to see when they come inside.

Next, Mom will bake me a delicious cake. I asked her to

make it funfetti cake this year. That's my number one favorite

kind of cake. It will be covered in bright, colorful sprinkles that

make the cake look like a party all by itself! Mom will let me help

mix the batter and lick the spoon when she's done. Licking the

spoon is always the best part of baking a cake. For the frosting,

we'll use chocolate buttercream. My mouth is watering just

thinking about it! I can't wait to see what fun decorations she

puts on top.

After we finish the decorations and cake, it will be time for

the party! My friends from school and my cousins will all come

over. When the doorbell rings, I'll run to answer it each time,

excited to see who has arrived. Everyone will say "Happy

birthday!" when I open the door. That always makes me feel so


We'll start the party by playing fun games like pin the tail on

the donkey and musical chairs. I'm sure I'll win at least a few

rounds since it's my birthday. Then we'll do a pinata in the

backyard. I got a Spiderman pinata this year! We'll take turns

being blindfolded and trying to break it open with a bat. When it

finally cracks open, we'll scramble to grab as much candy as we

can from the shower of treats.

After games, we'll eat dinner. Mom and Dad will order my

favorite meal of pizza and chicken nuggets from Mario's Pizza.

We'll have breadsticks and salad too. I'll get to drink soda pop

for my birthday instead of just milk or water! For dessert, Mom

will bring out my funfetti birthday cake on a big plate. Everyone

will sing "Happy Birthday" to me as the cake is sitting right in

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