


instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Product and Applications Description

The GE 252 brightness controller can be used for

measuring and regulating the workplace illumination

and / or floor illumination and consists of a receiver

(light sensor) with a 2 m connecting lead and a con-

verter. The converter is an oblong device and is there-

fore suited for fitting in luminaires for fluorescent lamps.

It can also be mounted separately. The receiver is built

into ceilings with the help of a spring clamp and a ceil-

ing rose (supplied with the controller).

The converter contains the current brightness level

recorded by the receiver and controls the lighting via

the instabus EIB.

There are various application programs for calibration,

constant-light control or two-step control. The light in-

tensity can also be read via the bus and for example be

indicated on a display device.

With the ETS (EIB Tool Software) the application pro-

gram is selected, its parameters and addresses are

assigned appropriately, and downloaded to the bright-

ness controller GE 252.

12 S1 TwoPnt 210201

• two-step light control

• timed interlocking provided

• release/interlocking modes

• threshold can be adjusted via push button

• cyclic send mode

• characteristic after commissioning can be specified

• optional use as on/off-control

12 S1 LuxVal 210401

• allows Lux-value to send

• release/interlocking modes

• send conditions can be specified

• characteristic after commissioning can be specified

Example of Operation






































Application Programs

12 CO Calibration light sensor 710102

• allows calibration of brightness controller

• download of the lux-value measured to the brightness


• reading of calibration value from brightness controller

(with the commissioning software)

12 S1 ConstLi 210301

• allows constant light control

• release/interlocking modes provided

• set point can be adjusted via push button

• set point hysteresis adjustable

• behaviour after commissioning can be specified

Installation Instructions

• The device may be used within casings or other

devices, or surface mounted.



• The device must be mounted and commissioned by

an authorised electrician.

• Take care that 230 V devices that are used in combi-

nation with this device provide a basic insulation of

250 V to the line; otherwise a safety distance of 4 mm

must be kept.

If in doubt, extra insulation should be added.

• The receiver cable must be installed according to DIN

VDE 0800.

• The prevailing safety rules must be heeded!

• The device must not be opened. A device suspected

faulty should be returned to the local Siemens office.

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Technical Specifications

Unless stated otherwise, the below specifications apply

both to converter and receiver.

Power supply

• converter: via bus cable

• receiver: via converter

Measuring range

• constant light control: 200 ... 1900 Lux

• send light intensity value: 0 ... 2000 Lux

• precision: ±15%

Control elements

1 learning button (on converter):

for switching between normal operating mode and ad-

dressing mode

Display elements

1 red LED (on converter):

for controlling bus voltage and displaying mode, se-

lected by the learning button


• converter:


to receiver, screwless plug-in terminals:

0,25 ... 0,75 mm² single core


to bus line, screwless bus connection blocks:

∅ 0,6 ... 0,8 mm single core

• receiver:


connection cable to converter, length: 2 m

∅ 3 x 0,6 mm, non-extendable,

sheathing ∅ max. 5,5 mm

Physical specifications

• housing: plastic

• dimensions (W x H x L):


converter: 42 x 28 x 274,5 mm


receiver: 25 x 26 x 77,4 mm

• weight:


converter: approx. 190 g


receiver: approx. 100 g

• fire load (converter and receiver):

approx. 4300 kJ ± 10 %

• installation:


converter: screw-mount, in devices


receiver: mount to ceilings

Electrical safety

• fouling class (according to IEC 664-1): 2

• protection (according to EN 60529): IP 20

• protection class (according to IEC 1140): III

• overvoltage class (according to IEC 664-1): III

• bus: safety extra low voltage SELV DC 24 V

• device complies

EN 50090-2-2 and IEC 664-1: 1992


rate of failure: 522 fit at 40 °C

Electromagnetic compatibility

complies with

EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2 and EN 50090-2-2

Environmental specifications

• climatic conditions: EN 50090-2-2

• ambient temperature operating: - 5 ... + 45 °C

• ambient temperature non-op.: - 25 ... + 70 ° C

• relative humidity (non-condensing): 5 % to 93 %


EIB certificate

CE norm

complies with the EMC regulations (residential and

functional buildings), and low voltage regulations

Location and Function of the Display and

Operator Elements


Figure 1: Location of the display and operator elements

A1 Levers for snapping the cover lids shut

A2 Cover lids of the connection block compartments

A3 Label for noting the physical address

A4 Learning button for switching between normal

operating mode and addressing mode for receiv-

ing the physical address

A5 LED for indicating normal operating mode (LED

off) and addressing mode (LED on); upon receiv-

ing the physical address the device automatically

returns to normal operating mode

A6 Type plate

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Mounting and Wiring of the Converter

General description

The devices can be built into casings or mounted sepa-

rately with two screws, Ø 4 mm.

Opening the connection block compartment (Figure 2)


Press the snap levers (A1) outwards (black arrows)

and remove the cover lids (A2) of the compartments.

Closing the connection block compartment (Figure 2)


Press the cover (A2) down until it clicks into place.


The sheathing of the bus cable must be attached to

the casing of the built-in device via the conductor fix-

ing (B1). When using a cable with shielding, it can be

screwed onto the terminal (B6, Figure 3).

The recess (B2) can be used to accommodate an over-

voltage protection which is connected to the bus con-

nection block in parallel with the bus line (Figure 3).

Disconnecting bus cables (Figure 3 “A“)


Unplug the bus connection block (B3) and remove

the bus cable conductor (B3.4) while simultaneously

wiggling it.












Figure 2: Opening and closing the cover lids




9 ... 10 mm

Slipping off bus connection blocks (Figure 3)


The bus connection block (B3) is situated in the left

connection block compartment. It consists of two

components (B3.2 and B3.3) with four terminal con-

tacts each. Take care not to damage the two test

sockets (B3.1) by accidentally connecting them to the

bus cable or with the screw-driver (e.g. when attempt-

ing to unplug the bus connection block).


Carefully put the screw driver to the wire-inserting slit

of the bus connection block's grey component (B3.3)

and pull the bus connection block (B3) from the built-

in device. When removing the red component of the

bus connection block, the grey component remains in

the compartment.

Note: Don't try to remove the bus connection block

from the bottom side! There is a risk of shorting-

out the device.

Slipping on bus connection blocks (Figure 3)


Slip the bus connection block onto the guide slot and


press the bus connection block (B3) down to the stop.

Connecting bus cables (Figure 3 “A“)


The bus connection block (B3) can be used with

single core conductors Ø 0,6 ... 0,8 mm.


Remove approx. 5 mm of insulation from the conduc-

tor (B3.4) and plug it into the bus connection block

(B3) (red = +, grey = -).


5 mm







Figure 3: Connections


Connecting receiver cable (Figure 3 “B“)


The receiver cable is connected to screwless plug-in

terminals (B4).


Remove approx. 9 to 10 mm of insulation from the

wire (B4.1) and plug it into the terminal (B4).


The sheathing of the receiver cable must be attached

to the casing of the built-in device via the cable clamp

(B5, Figure 3).


Plug-in terminals assignment:

1 (WH)

2 (BU)

3 (RD)

Disconnecting receiver cable (Figure 3 “B“)


Press the terminal lock (B4.2) with a screw driver and


remove the connector (B4.1) from the terminal (B4).

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Mounting and Wiring of the Receiver

Mounting of the receiver (Figure 4)

The included adapter (C2) allows to mount the receiver

(C1) horizontally or vertically. The adapter is slid onto

the guide (C3) on the receiver. The receiver also can be

fixed to a mounting support (D3).

The mounting support (D3) must provide an opening of

at least ∅ 35 mm for the receiver (D1). The rose (D4) is

snapped onto the receiver.

The retaining spring then is slipped with its nibs (D2)

from the back along the edges of the receivers casing

(D1) to the front until a tight fit is achieved.










Figure 4: Mounting the receiver

Mounting height (Figure 5)

Use a height of 2.5 to 6 m above the receiving area

when mounting the receiver to the ceiling.

The receiver must be adjusted along the longitudinal

axis pointing vertically downwards.







When using a mounting height of more than 6 m:


The receiver cone grows with the mounting height.

Thus, also the noise created by other light sources is

increased, i.e. the measuring errors are increased to

more than the stated maximum of +/- 15 % .


The projected light intensity that shall be established

must be increased to above 400 Lux.


The receiver cone of multiple brightness controllers

must not overlap (e.g. when arranging lines of lumi-

naires in parallel with individual brightness control-


Mounting notes

• The receiver of the brightness controller GE 252

alternatively can be fixed to a mounting support (see

Figure 4).

• The slanted tubus can be rotated along its longitudi-

nal axis. It must be adjusted in order to minimise pick-

ing up light from other light sources.


In rooms that have only a single windowed wall, the

long side of the tubus must be positioned against

the window.


In rooms with two or three windowed walls, the long

side of the tubus must be positioned against one of

the walls without windows (as dark as possible).


In rooms with windows on all sides, the long side of

the tubus must be facing northwards.

• The receiver must be mounted at least 70 cm from

any wall. If this is not possible, the receiver can be

mounted up to 30 cm from the wall. Then, the long

side of the tubus must be adjusted to the wall.

• If the light cones of individual work place lights over-

lap with the receiving area of the brightness controller

the measured values are corrupted which reduces

the effectiveness of the control.

• Avoid arrangements where light from other sources

hit the pick up directly.

Projecting Notes

Constant light control

The most effective strategy for power saving purposes

is to group up to four lines of luminaires arranged in

parallel (as seen from the window), as a greater dis-

tance from the window reduces the so called daylight

quotient considerably.

The daylight quotient (in %) is the ratio of the outside

horizontal light intensity (in Lux) to the interior daylight

intensity (in Lux).


Figure 5: Mounting height GE 252

E1 Receiver of the brightness controllers GE 252

E2 Ceiling

E3 Receiver cone

E4 Longitudinal axis of the receiver

E5 Illumination area

E6 Angle: approx. 38°

E7 Angle: approx. 20°

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Constant light control approaches


Separate control of all lines of luminaires; i.e. one

brightness controller (receiver) per line of luminaires,

placed along the longitudinal axis of the lines of lumi-

naires(up to four lights).


Two to four lines of luminaires are grouped and con-

trolled by a single brightness controller (receiver)

which must be mounted in the centre between the

longitudinal axis of the two outer lines of luminaires of

the group.

Calculation example (Figure 6)

For the example in Figure 6 horizontal light intensity of

16000 Lux (which roughly reflects a sunny day) 6,7 m


the window (i.e. beneath the third light) results in a

daylight quotient of only:

(16000 x 1,8 / 100) Lux = 288 Lux
















Two-step light control

All lines of luminaires of a room must be controlled by a

single brightness controller as the overlapping receiver

cones of separate control groups would create oscilla-


However, oscillations can occur within a single control

group (e.g. caused by passing clouds). These effects

can be countered by increasing the cycle period (which

can be adjusted in the application program) reducing

them to a frequency which is appropriate.

Calibration Notes

In order to guarantee a correct calibration the room

must be completely furnished including floor cover,

panelling and furniture. In addition, only the Luxmeter

should be placed in the receiver cone.

In order to conduct a calibration a light intensity of 200

to 1900 Lux is required in the room.

The highest precision is achieved when using the final

operating light intensity for calibration.

A warm-up period of at least 15 minutes must be con-

sidered when calibrating fluorescent lights until a con-

stant light intensity is established required for a proper


While running the calibration, the light intensity must not


Constant light control

Best results are gained when using a mix of 50% artifi-

cial light and 50% daylight for calibrating a constant

light control.

Example of a constant light control at 500 Lux:

Starting with pure daylight, the Luxmeter should show a

value between 200 and 300 Lux when placed beneath

the brightness controller. Otherwise, the blinds must be

adjusted accordingly. If this is not possible, the calibra-

tion must be delayed until the daylight meets this Lux

level. After that, the artificial light intensity is increased

until approx. 500 Lux are reached. Now the calibration

is run. For the calibration procedure the exact value

must be read.

Two-step light control

Best results are gained when using a mix of 50% artifi-

cial light and 50% daylight for calibrating a two-step

light control. However, the light intensity must not ex-

ceed 1900 Lux as no calibrations can be run at light

intensities above that level.

Running a calibration with using artificial light exclu-

sively is also possible. However, this slightly increases

the calibration error as no daylight is available.


10 %

8 %

6 %

4 %

2 %

10 %


3 %

1,8 %

1,3 m4 m6,7 m


Figure 6: Calculation example

F1 Lines of luminaires 1 ... 3

F2 Horizontal light intensity

F3 Window

F4 Measuring position for the Luxmeter

F5 Working area

F6 Daylight quotient

F7 Distance to the window


The graph depends on the room characteristics

and can be determined by measurement.

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

instabus EIB

Technical Product Information

September 2001

Brightness Controller GE 252

42 x 28 mm

5WG1 252-4AB02

Example of a two-step light control at 500 Lux:

Read light intensity with the Luxmeter beneath the

brightness controller without daylight, e.g. 600 Lux. For

best results, calibrations should be run with a mix of

artificial light and daylight at twice the light intensity

level, i.e. 1200 Lux.

Send light intensity value

Depending on the type and configuration of the lighting

installed one of the two methods (as used for the con-

stant light control and the two step light control) might

be preferable.

Dimension Diagram

Dimensions in mm





mounting hole 249 - 251










a = 77,4 mm (slanted tube)

Technical Manual

Update: /installationstechnik

GE 252, 6 pages

 Siemens AG 2001

Subject to change without prior notice

Siemens AG

Automation and Drives Group

Electrical Installation Technology

10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg

本文标签: 应用产品调节器说明说明书