


s the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad/working abroad

for a period of time.


1. New challenges, new opportunities, new experience and new friends.

2. Learn advanced science and technology/academic advantages.

3. Receive a different education. Have easy access to the first-rate facilities and get oneself

acquainted with the latest development in science and technology. 一流的设施------熟知的---

4. Broaden one’s scope of knowledge/widen one’s horizon/broaden one’s mind.

ence a new culture.



6. Develop a far broader outlook on life than those remaining home.人生观

a fluent foreign language.

. prospects / promising future

9. Develop interpersonal skills and learn to be independent.

looking at one’s own country from the outside, one can best see the strengths and

weaknesses of one’s motherland.

abroad gives you a lifetime chance to learn in world class institutions with latest

technology, to be a part of an exciting, dynamic culture.终生的,有活力的

12. Enjoy education which has a world class reputation and its facilities are world class.

13. Living in an ethnically diverse country in the world is an asset. 多民族,多种族的国家----


14. wide range of courses from internationally recognized universities.

16. Highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs and excellent research facilities.

17. Multicultural society.

18. If you want to try something new or experience a new culture, this is the best time for you to

take advantage of constructive years out and really have fun. 建设性的

19. Overseas students are often described as more confident, independent and worldly wise than

their homeland counterparts. These qualities will help you to stand out from the crowd and form

some of the core competencies looked for by employers later on in life. 自信,独立,见多识广,


20. Overseas study lets you immerse yourself in a country and really get to know the language

and its culture from the inside. 沉浸

as study is now an immense asset in the competitive job market. Some of the qualities

gained from going abroad include greater global awareness, language learning, cross-cultural

communication, enhanced independence, improved self-confidence and adaptability. 极大的


22. Studying abroad is the ideal chance to travel, make new friends, expand your horizons and

learn more about both the world and yourself It may help you to realize what you want to do in

your responsibility, useful work experience and helps you to integrate with other people. 开阔视


23. It will change your life and put you a step ahead of the rest. Study abroad can offer you an

exciting, challenging and valuable opportunity. It will broaden your view of the world and those

around you. It’s a valuable experience and one that you will never forget. 优于他人,开阔眼界

qualities you develop will help to form some of the core competencies looked for by

employers. Employers want graduates who can work well in teams, think independently,

communicate effectively and make informed decisions, all of which you will learn by overseas



is no doubt that your overseas study will change you in some way or another. You will

develop a broader mind, a wider understanding of the world around you, better social skills,

improved self-confidence and you’ll be more adaptable. 思维开阔,更加了解周边的世界,


26. The experiences you have and the people you meet will provide you with many lifelong

memories that you’ll cherish forever. 珍视


1. A brain drain / outflow of talents, because many of them won’t return after graduation. 人才


2. Suffer from psychological problems; loneliness, homesickness, disorientation, depression,

and inferiority complex. 心理问题,孤独,想家,迷惑,消沉,自卑感。

3. A great financial strain; costly tuition fee and higher living expenses. Managing on a limited

budget is challenge for most, but it is especially so for people living in an unfamiliar environment.

Students may have to pay for education and living expenses, find a reasonable place to live and, in

本文标签: 自信种族了解适合学习机