



2. fairly good 相当好(尚好)

3. (of the weather) fine; clear (天气)晴朗的;

4. (having skin or hair that is) light in colour not dark(肤



syn: proper; blond; pleasant ant: unfair

fairly adv. 1. in a manner that is free from dishonesty; injusti

ce, etc. 公正地;

2. for the most part; rather; quite 相当地

syn: rather, quite

faith n. strong belief; trust 信念;信仰

syn: trust ant: doubt

fall v. (fell fallen) 1. to descend through the air 落下;下降

2. to come down from a standing position, esp. suddenly. 倒


3. Am.E autumn (美)秋天

syn: drop; descend; sink ant: rise

fall asleep to go to sleep 入睡

fall ill to be not well in health 患病

fall in love with 爱上 fall off 跌落;下降

fall over 跌倒;倒下 fall to pieces 崩溃;倒塌

false adj. 1. not true or correct 不正确的

2. not real 假的

syn: wrong; incorrect ant: true; correct

familiar adj. having a thorough knowledge(of) 熟悉

ant: unfamiliar

be familiar with 对……熟悉

family n. any group of people related by blood or marriage,

esp. a group of parents and their children 家庭;家族

syn: household

famous adj. very well known 著名的;有名的

syn: remarkable ant: obscure

be famous for 因……而著名

fan n. 1. an instrument meant to make a flow of (cool) air, su

ch as an arrangement of feathers or paper in a half circle waved

by hand, or a set of broad blades turned by a motor 扇子

2. a very keen follower or supporter, esp. of a sport or famo

us person 球迷

far adj. & adv. (farther farthest further furthest) a long way


syn: remote ant: near

far away a long way. 遥远的;远离的

far from farther than; instead of 远离;完全不

so far until now 到目前为止

farm n. an area of land, with its buildings, concerned with th

e growing of crops or the raising of animals 农场;农庄

farmer n. a person who owns or plants the work on a farm


syn: peasant

farther adv. & adj. (far的比较级) more far 较远;更远

syn: further ant: nearer

fast adj. quick; moving quickly 快的 迅速的

adv. quickly快地;迅速地

syn: quick adv. quickly ant: slow adv. slowly

fasten v. to make or become firmly fixed or joined 扎牢;扣

syn: fix ant: unfasten.

fat adj. having (too) much fat 肥胖的;

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