



Comrade Li Dazhao studied very diligently and assiduously since childhood. When

he was young, he was known in the village for his quick wit and good poetry. Some of

his hard-working and studious stories are still being told in his hometown.

At the age of seven, his grandfather sent him to a private teacher Named Shandao

in nearby Jiankou Village. At that time, reading is to prepare for the imperial examination,

reading is a class of four books and five Classics, the beginning of admission, but also

read a period of learning. Comrade Dazhao skipped the primary school stage and began

to read the Four Books with his older children as soon as he entered school. Although

these books propagating the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius were hackneyed, even

the so-called "new learning" of bourgeois democracy had not been transmitted to

comrade Dazhao's hometown at that time, so it was only through these books that we

could learn preliminary cultural knowledge. Comrade Dazhao studied very carefully. He

was the youngest among his classmates, but he worked the hardest and thus learned

the best. After school, the other students all went home, he also a person to stay in his

seat endorsement, often to the teacher urged several times: "old age, go home!" Then I

went back.

He was very fond of this clever and diligent student, and often stood outside the

window, listening to young Comrade Dazhao help his classmates recite and explain,

nodding his head in praise. Dazhao comrade baby han head, when the boy, the elder.

L&c character. The old gentleman gave the old man the scientific name of old age.

Old age. It means longevity. Until later, Sheimao often said to people, "I have taught all

my life, and the most proud student in my life is Li Qinian!"

Love of thinking and asking questions is also a characteristic of Comrade Dazhao's

childhood reading. Even to the daily problems, he is not easy to let go, always want to

break the pot to ask to the end. While reading, HE asked his cousin:

"What are you reading this for?" "

"I can't read."

"Why can't you read?"

"I didn't go to school."

"Why don't you go to school?

"I'm a woman, and not a scholar!" But he still persisted to ask: "female, why don't

you study?"

In this way, the little child began to come into contact with a big social problem.

Comrade Dazhao had the courage to accept correct teachings and correct mistakes

since childhood. At that time, the big black tuo village, gambling quite prosperous.

Behind the old mother temple in the village, there is often a group of people gambling

there. Comrade Dazhao once came home from school, also went to the old mother

temple to see a lively, was found by his grandfather, reprimanded, and punished him for

mucking a number of cars. Comrade Dazhao knew the disadvantages of gambling, and

from then on, he never went to the old mother temple to see gambling. From then on,

he never went to gambling occasions.

Comrade Dazhao made rapid progress in learning. After three years of studying in

The village of Cucumber, Monad Ao proposed to his grandfather: "The old man's

academic performance is good. I can no longer teach him. After that, dazhao comrade

to the small black tuo village with a show Huidou study, and to the well tuo juju Song

home with a teacher called Huang Yutang study, until he was sixteen years old admitted

to the Yongping Mansion middle school.

Comrade Dazhao is studying harder and harder. In the well tuo reading, there are

more than 20 students, to the evening others are asleep, he is still assiduously reading,

every day to read midnight. Huang Yutang's younger sister how many years later still

remember, his brother at that time a home on the chanting: "there is a student, called Li

Qi nian, read a special good!"

Because the family is short of hands. Comrade Dazhao was married by his

grandfather when he was ten years old. Wife Zhao Renlan than Comrade Dazhao six

years old, is a virtuous woman. In the following days, she worked hard to carry out

housework, to help Comrade Dazhao. She believed that Comrade Dazhao did the right

thing, no matter how difficult the family circumstances, always sponsored and supported

his activities.

In 1905, Dazhao was admitted to Yongping Middle School. At this time, in order to

maintain its reactionary rule, the Qing government had to make some superficial

improvements, so called abolishing imperial examinations and running schools.

Comrade Dazhao was enrolled in the rolling examination for the show, but was admitted

to a middle school as a result. At that time, also like the entrance examination of the

scholar, the village as usual iron cannon, post a report, take a boxcar, lively.

In yongping Fu middle school, Dazhao comrade is still diligent unremitting reading,

every exam is among the best, after school time also seldom play. She is famous as a

good student in her class.

本文标签: 名人作文