


British andAmericanLanguage and

Cultural Differences

British and American Language and Cultural Differences

Abstract—Language and culture are interdependent, language to bring

culture, while subject to the impact of cultural background. English as

one of the world language by the world's attention, so studying and

learning the differences and the development of British and American

English has far-reachingSignificance.

Keywords—British language; American language; British culture;

American culture; difference

English is the most widely used in today's world, an international

language. Language is mankind's most important communication tool,

due to the different countries and social, cultural and geographical

environment, the language to produce a variation in pronunciation,

vocabulary and grammar—different variants of the same language. To

understand the English culture knowledge can help unblocked

communication. Instead, lack of understanding of English cultural

background knowledge will inevitably to lead communication barriers,

conflict and misunderstanding.

differencesreflection of national identityinthelanguage

1. In grammar, Englishinformal, American Englishsimple

Americans like simple and fastastheirpace of life, so

inthelanguageofmodernAmerican Englishforthelong-establishedrules of

grammar, if there isneed they willbold reform and ce

structure as simple as possibleandthechoice of wordstoavoid

complicated,andthenoun attributeappeared in large itions,

articles,conjunctionsbe omittedand many other

phenomenamakeAmericaSyntacticmorecompact, concise and


2. On vocabulary, English adhere to the original, the American


British than the United States has a long history, so British people like

to use identity or status of the word, and there was no in American

English. Such as king, queen, prince, duke, knight etc.

The differencesinBritish and Americannational identitybut also

inother aspectsofBritish and American Englishvocabulary:

(1)American English spellingcloser topronunciation rules,as:

Britain:centre, theatre, modernise, realise

America: center, theater, modernize, realize

(2)American English omitsthelettersin Englishspellingrepeat, as:

Britain: programme, travell

America: program, travel

(3)American English is omittedsilentletters, as:

Britain:axe, storey

America: ax, story

(4)American English hasborroweda lot offoreign words, to create

newwords, andenriched theAmerican United

States is acountry composed ofimmigrantsfromvarious countries(the

United Statesis also known asamelting-pot), thedifferent ethnic

groupsofdifferent countrieswithpeaceful coexistence and common

development. It isfullydemonstratedinclusiveness

andopennessoftheAmerican character. In language, to absorb a lot

ofdifferentnational languagevocabulary(loanwords),

sotheseforeignwordshave greatly enriched thevocabularyofAmerican


ional expression, English plain, American Englishoutward

American is extroverted, sothey are verygood

atexpressingtheirfeelings, oftenhaveexaggerated verbal. But British

isintroverted andshy,in express the sameemotions and same experience,

choice of words a sentencefar less example, when

thefaceofa verybeautifulyounggirl, theAmericanscannot help butsay: “a

priceless jewel”“divine” or “precious”; However, the Britishwill be

veryplainto say:“Um, she is all right”.

differences of British-American linguisticintheeveryday


AlthoughBritish and AmericanarespeakingEnglish, American English

and BritishEnglishis notthe same. And thedifferencesofthetwo Englishis

still very large, as everyone knows,Englishpronunciation andAmerican

pronunciation is difference. BritishEnglish, relatively speaking,

pronunciationmore clearlylesstonalpart, the general soundis

relativelyclear pronunciation; But Americans speak English,andinsisted

that if can beomittedto omitted,thetoneis continuous those

persons who Englishas a second language, listen

tothepronunciationoftheBritishcompared tothe Americanwill bemuch

more comfortable.

reasonofthedifferences of British-Americancultural

1. Different geographical

Both in different geographical position,oneisthe continental Europe,

one is theAmericacontinental. Britishlong-termdevelopmenthas beenvery

wealthy. Thebeginningthefirstbatchofimmigrants cametoacomplete

strangeron the mainland, known as thepioneer, so theyneed take risks. If

there is nospirit of adventure, theywill not be abletosurvive, let alone

development. Inaddition, the wholeofEuropean culture

andAmericanculture differencesbring them influence.

2. The differences of human environment

England is a country witha longhistorical heritageof thetraditional

Europeancountries. It has along-term

ore, theBritish people

likenostalgia, conservativeandgentle. These aspects needthe history

ofsedimentationand accumulation, if do not have the sediment of

historyand accumulationis not possible to achieve. However, the United

Statesis preciselyaveryyoung ore, theAmericanshaveto be

creative andemphasisonindividual values. On the other hand,

therenothavealotofbondage,theycan bold and innovative to do what they


English as a kind of the main position cannot be

ignored, sofor us,it is importance to learn Englishlanguage production,

development andBritish-Americancultural differences, in particular, and it

ismorefar-reachingsignificanceforChinatowards the world.

本文标签: 语言英美