


Some methods to disable the AutoComplete feature in Microsoft Outlook 2007

怎样禁用Microsoft Outlook 2007中的自动完成功能

The AutoComplete feature is the option that provides the user with the suggestions for the names that are saved on the

application. The feature is enabled on the Microsoft Outlook 2007 application by default. The user while typing the first

letter of the name on the To or Cc or Bcc address field in the MS Outlook application would receive suggestions for the

particular letter typed on the field. While the user increases the number of letters the suggestions would become closer.

Thus, the auto complete option helps the user in typing the names on the address fields. The MS Outlook 2007 application

is capable of providing the suggestions for all the addresses once used in the program. While the users first use an address

in the options, the names would automatically get stored on the MS Outlook folder for future suggestions.

自动完成功能是为用户提供建议的选项保存在应用程序的名称。 启用该功能在默认情况下,Microsoft Outlook

2007中的应用。用户在键入第一个字母上的名称或抄送和密件抄送地址领域在MS Outlook应用程序将接收

特定字母上键入领域的建议. 同时用户数量增加的信件建议将会更加密切。 因此,自动完成选项可以帮助用户

在键入地址领域上的名字。 MS Outlook 2007中的应用能提供程序中使用的所有地址的建议。 用户第一次使

用选项中的地址时,该名称将自动存储MS Outlook文件夹,以便未来自动提出建议。

Discussed below are some methods to disable the AutoComplete feature in Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Disable using tools option

Disable the option by deleting files

Individual deletion of the AutoComplete suggestions

讨论下面一些方法来禁用Microsoft Outlook 2007中的自动完成功能:

· 禁用使用工具选项

· 禁用该选项通过删除文件

· 独立删除自动完成建议

e using tools option 禁用使用工具选项

Open the MS Outlook 2007 application window and select the tools option. Then choose options from the drop down list of

Menu. In the Options window under the preferences tab, select e-mail options. In the e-mail options select Advanced e-

mail options. Now choose suggest names while completing To, Cc, Bcc fields check box under the option when sending a

message. Click ok and exit the window. MS Outlook will no longer suggest names while typing on the address fields.

打开MS Outlook 2007的应用程序窗口并选择【工具】选项。 然后从下拉列表中选择【选项】菜单。 在【选

项】窗口的【首选参数】下,选择【电子邮件选项】。 在【电子邮件选项】选择【高级电子邮件选项】。 现


MS Outlook将不再在输入邮箱的时候提出建议.

From: /yolanda0025

e the option by deleting files


The MS Outlook 2007 application would save the addresses of the various users while the user types the address

for the first time on the MS Outlook mail box. The saved addresses are found at the .nk2 file in the MS Outlook

folder. The user can delete that file for the purpose of disabling the AutoComplete feature. For that open the MS

Outlook application data folder that includes the .nk2 file and remove it.

当用户在MS OUTLOOK 邮箱中第一次输入地址的时候,MS outlook 2007中的应用程序会自动保存各个用户

的地址。这个自动存储的文件就是:MS Outlook文件夹中的文件【. nk2】。 用户可以删除该文件,以禁用自

动完成功能的目的。 注意用户需要先关闭正在使用的MS Outlook,找到【. nk2】文件并删除它.然后再重启


C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication 2】

From: /yolanda0025

dual deletion of the AutoComplete suggestions


The AutoComplete option for certain names can be disabled by deleting the individual addresses of the

corresponding names. Type the name that the user needs to delete at the address field and while the

AutoComplete suggestions appear, select the name and click on delete key. The particular auto complete

suggestion for that name is thus disabled from the MS Outlook 2007 application

某些名称的自动完成功能,可以通过删除单个地址对应的名称禁止。 当用户需要删除某个联系人的时候,创建

一封新的邮件。输入你需要删除的那个联系人前部分地址,当那个建议名称出现,通过光标↑ ↓选择名称并


议就会从MS outlook 2007应用程序中删除.

Hope it is useful for you! 

From: /yolanda0025

本文标签: 选项自动建议删除