


Apple ID/iCloud


If technology is being used against you, use thiswebsite to secure

your about Tech Abuse.

Note that depending on your device/updates, the stepsbelow may



Remember, depending on whether or not you are livingwith the

person who is harming you, you may choose to takedifferent steps.

Control and coercion make some of these steps impossibleor not

safe. Read these cautions before taking action.

Step 1: Log in to your Apple ID account

in m your browser.

your Apple ID and password.

may need to enter a verification code that wassent to your

trusted device or phone number if Two Factor Authenticationis

set up. Learn more about setting up Two Factor Authentication

either in theiPhone guideorAndroid guide.

You can also log in through your iPhone or iPad settings.

Step 2: Check devices linked to the account

Learn more aboutaccess logs.

to theDevices

a device from the list.

any unwanted or unused devices.

Caution:The person who uses that device will notreceive a

notification, but may notice that they can no longeraccess the

account or see your location

Step 3: Change your password

to theSecuritysection and clickEdit.

hange password.

your old password, and then set a new password.

Learn more about creatingstrong passwords.

4. ClickChange.

Step 4: Check your trusted phone numbers

to theSecuritysection and clickEdit.

remove a trusted phone number, click the “x” nextto the

phone number you want to remove. You can only removea

number if more than one is listed.

Trusted numbers are used for Two Factor Authentication.

Step 5: Check phone numbers & email addresses

to theAccountsection and clickEdit.

2. Go toContactable At.

3. Check the listed phone numbers and email addresses.

4. To remove a phone number or email, click the “x” next to the

address you want to remove.

Step 6: Check location & Family Sharing

Log in to your devices to check Family Sharing andLocation Settings

(see our iPhone guide).

本文标签: 说明书指南