


Name: Kaly

Class: Education 1

Date: July 3


, 2014

The Origin and Essence of Monroe Doctrine

---American’s Development of Expansionism

Nowadays, America has become a superpower in the world, The Declaration of

Independence in 1776 announced a new nation’s birth. However, with a pitiful

history of only about 270 years, America stands firm in the family of nations. We

cannot deny the fact that any new nation, at the beginning of its foundation will be

under great pressure from the whole world. And America is no exception.

Throughout the history of America, the Monroe Doctrine plays an important role

in its progress. From isolationism to the expansionism, there are trace of the

Monroe Doctrine. Even in the 21


century it also has the unique influence on

America foreign policy.

With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have

not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the governments who have declared

their independence and maintained it, and whose independence

Acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing

them, or controlling in any other manner their destine by any European power in

any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the

United States.(Monroe Doctrine)

From the doctrine, we can perceive that it expressed a spirit of solidarity with

the newly independent republics of Latin America. And at that specific time, those

nations ,in turn recognized their political affinity with the United States by basing

their new constitutions, in many instances, on the North American model.

During the opening decades of the 19


century, Central and South America

turned to revolution. And the American people took a deep interest in what

seemed a repetition of their experience in breaking away from European rule. At

the same time, the Latin American independence movements confirmed their own

belief in self- government. And also at just this point, Russia, Prussia and Austria

formed an association called the Holy Alliance to protect themselves against Latin

America revolutions. All of these added to the background of Monroe Doctrine. So,

President Monroe took the occasion of his annual message to Congress to

pronounce what would become known as the Monroe Doctrine --- the refusal to

tolerate any further extension of European domination in the Americans.

Non-colonization, Non-intervention, America for Americans are the three

basic principles of Monroe Doctrine. And the essence of the doctrine was America

for Americans , which later became a cornerstone of the US foreign policy.

However, with the development of the New World , the Monroe Doctrine needed a

broader interpretation to meet the needs of an energetic and ambitious United

States. Non-colonization, to some extent, does not mean anti-colonization. This

principle was announced by America, when she did not have enough power to

compete with the European countries, especially the Holy Alliance. We can draw a

conclusion that the basic spirit of this principle is maintaining the current situation

of the American colonies, not completely denying the colonialism.

Non-intervention , it includes two aspects: Non-intervention and intervention.

Non-intervention indicates non-intervention of America in European affairs and

also European in American colonies. And intervention indicates the America to the

affairs of American colonies. So, when we interpret the Non-intervention like this,

it is not difficult to understand American’s expansionism and power politics in

the American colonies (Luo,rongqu P199).

Also the last one, America for Americans is the foundation of the former two

principles. Well, if we understand it as though the American continent is for all the

people there, maybe that is not exactly true. If we say the American continent is

just for American people, that will be better. So, the claims of the Monroe Doctrine,

to some extent, is the initial theoretical preparation for American’s fighting for

the supremacy in West Hemisphere.

And when America entered the 21


century, the Secretary of State John

Forbes Kerry announced that the era of Monroe Doctrine had ended. Maybe we

should have a deep thinking about it: Can the Monroe Doctrine be truly ended?

With the global system of fission and the spring up of regionalism, both America

and other Latin America are trying to redefine their relationship. However, with the

balance of power not changing, the Monroe Doctrine still plays a very crucial role

in America.

The Monroe Doctrine is a very important and famous foreign policy in the

history of US diplomacy. And it also has a deep impact on the American foreign

policy since published. Because it witnesses the country from a small union to the

today’s superpower nation in the world. And it also witnesses American’s power

and ambition. Although we can not exactly anticipate where it will lead America,

the influence of it has been witnessed by people all around the world.

Works cited

, trans. American A Narrative History 4. By Tindall, George Brown, and

David Emory Shi. 2012.

Luo, RongQo 罗荣渠. Meiguo LIshi Tonglun 美国历史通论(A General survey of

American History). Beijing: Peking UP, 2009.

Liu, Jun, trans. America The Last Best Hope. By William J. Bennett.

Mao, LiQun 毛立群. Meilijian Wenming 美利坚文明(American Civilization).


Xu, LiZhi 许鲁之. Xinbian Yingmei Gaikuang 新编英美概况(Understanding the

US and the UK). 2012

Zhang, Ke 张克. Meiguonexieshier 美国那些事儿(American History).


本文标签: 美国英美概况新编通论