




The Games of the 某某IX Olympiad, also known as the 2022 Beijing Olympic

Games, was held in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, at 8:00

pm on August 8, 2022.

2022 Beijing Olympic Games host city is Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang,

Qinhuangdao, Qingdao co-host city. Hong Kong to undertake equestrian events.

2022 Beijing Olympic Games a total of 204 participating countries and regions,

11438 athletes, 302 (28) campaign, a total of more than 60,000 athletes, coaches

and officials to participate.

2022 Beijing Olympic Games created a total of 43 new world records and 132

new Olympic records, a total of 87 countries and regions in the tournament to

obtain medals, China to 51 gold medal gold medal top, is the first in the history of

the Olympic gold medal Of the Asian countries.


In 1993, Beijing applied for the 27th Olympic Games in 2022, but in the final

round of the vote to 2 votes in the defeat of Sydney.

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In 1998, Beijing proposed to bid for the 29th Olympic Games in 2022.

On November 25, 1998, Beijing submitted an application for hosting the 2022

Olympic Games. April 7, 1999, the International Olympic Committee officially

accepted the Beijing Olympic bid.

February 1, 2022, to determine the Beijing Olympic bid and the Olympic slogan

"New Beijing, the new Olympic Games", the official website of the Olympic Games


June 20, 2022, Beijing Olympic Committee Secretary-General Wang Wei in

Lausanne, Switzerland to the International Olympic Committee formally submitted

an application report. The report answers the 22 questions raised by the

International Olympic Committee (IOC) to the city, and stated the plans and ideas

for Beijing to organize the 2022 Olympic Games.

August 28, 2022 19:39, Beijing, China with Istanbul, Istanbul, Japan, Osaka,

France, Paris, Canada, Toronto, five cities in 2022 to become the 29th Olympic

Games candidate cities.

September 8, 2022, Beijing 2022 Olympic Games bid committee secretary of

the Secretary-General Wang Wei led the Olympic delegation to the delegation of

10 people, starting from Beijing, to Sydney, by the Sydney Olympic Games

propaganda Olympic slogan "New Beijing, the new Olympic Games "

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On September 9, 2022, Chinese President Jiang Zemin sent a letter to the

International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch and

expressed his full support for Beijing's bid to host the 2022 Olympic Games. On

the same day, the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games bid committee with the English

candidate city and the International Olympic Committee logo logo emblem was

approved by the International Olympic Committee.

In December 2022, the Beijing Olympic Committee of the Communist Party of

China for the Olympic ambassador, and then with Yang Lan, Gong Li, Deng Yaping

and Sang Lan four women signed an agreement, they later joined Liu Xuan, Wang

Zhi and other efforts to promote the Beijing Olympic bid, and use their own Of

international relations to help Beijing in the bid to host the 2022 Olympic Games

in the competition to win.

From February 19 to February 24, 2022, 17 members of the International

Olympic Committee (IOC) assessment mission, led by the Dutch Hein Villebrügen

and the Swiss Gilbert Felie, visited the Beijing Olympic bid. Assessment mission

evaluation, Beijing bid for the Olympic Games by the Chinese government and the

Beijing people strong support.

On 13 July 2022, at the 112th plenary session of the International Olympic

Committee (IOC) in Moscow, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) voted to

accept Beijing's right to host the 2022 Olympic Games. Subsequently, the

International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch in Moscow

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announced that Beijing became the host city of the 2022 Olympic Games. On the

same day, the success of the Beijing Olympic bid came, Beijing 400,000 people

flock to Tiananmen carnival.


December 13, 2022, the establishment of the 29th Olympic Games Organizing

Committee (Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee).

July 13, 2022, the Beijing Municipal Government and the Beijing Olympic

Organizing Committee jointly developed and officially announced the

implementation of the "Beijing Olympic Action Plan", put forward the "new Beijing,

the new Olympic Games," the two themes and the "Green Olympics, Science and

Technology Olympics, Humanities Olympics "Three major ideas.

August 3, 2022, the 29th Olympic Games emblem "China India dancing Beijing"

in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing Temple officially released. September 1, the

Beijing Olympic Games market development plan started. December 24, the

national stadium and the national swimming center started foundation, opened

the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games stadium construction prelude.

On August 29, 2022, Wang Qishan, the mayor of Beijing, took the Olympic flag

at the closing ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games at the Olympic Main Stadium

in Athens, marking the official entry of the Olympic Games into Beijing. September

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21, the Beijing Olympic Games countdown to the official museum in Tiananmen

Square before the start.

June 5, 2022, the Beijing Olympic Games volunteer logo release, the volunteer

project was officially launched. June 26, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee

announced the theme of the 29th Olympic Games slogan: "the same world, with a

dream" (One World, One Dream). November 11, the 29th Olympic Games mascot

was released in Beijing.

On April 10, 2022, Beijing issued the first batch of about 70 "Olympic

legislation" needs, the development of targeted relevant laws. August 7, 2022, the

Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee released the 29th Olympic Games sports


March 27, 2022, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee released the 29th

Olympic Games medal style. April 15, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee

officially announced the 29th Olympic Games tickets for the global public pre-sale

tickets. April 26, the 29th Olympic Games torch relay transmission route and the

torch in Beijing China Millennium Monument. June 23, the Beijing Olympic

Organizing Committee announced the "Beijing 2022 Olympic torch relay

torchbearer selection plan", marking the official launch of the torchbearer. August

8, in Tiananmen Square, Beijing Olympic Games countdown to celebrate the first

anniversary of the celebration, hundreds of singers singing "We are ready."

International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge attended the

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celebration and sent invitations to national and regional Olympic committees for

the Beijing Olympic Games.

In the first half of 2022, the Olympic venues were held in succession, including

the Handball International Invitational Tournament, Weightlifting China Open,

Wheelchair Basketball International Invitational Tournament and other events.

March 24, Greece Hera Temple site, the Beijing Olympic torch to take fire success.

March 31, the Olympic torch arrived in Beijing, China capital. Hu Jintao, general

secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, personally

ignited the torch at the ceremony and announced that the Beijing 2022 Olympic

torch relay began. On April 2, the first leg of the Beijing Olympic torch relay was

held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. May 4, the Olympic torch departure from China's Sanya,

began to pass the territory. May 8, the Beijing Olympic torch successfully boarded

the world's highest peak Mount Everest. On July 27th, the Olympic Village in the

Olympic Park opened the village. August 8, ignited the Beijing Olympic Games

main torch, the opening of the Olympic Games.

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本文标签: 北京简介过程筹办