

Characterizing, exploiting, and detecting DMA code injection vulnerabilities in the presence of an IOMMU,Eurosys2021


Direct memory access (DMA) renders a system vulnerable to DMA attacks, in which I/O devices access memory regions not intended for their use. Hardware input–output memory management units (IOMMU) can be used to provide protection. However, an IOMMU cannot prevent all DMA attacks because it only restricts DMA at page-level granularity, leading to sub-page vulnerabilities.


Current DMA attacks rely on simple situations in which write access to a kernel pointer is obtained due to sub-page vulnerabilities and all other attack ingredients are available and reside on the same page. We show that DMA vulnerabilities are a deep-rooted issue and it is often the kernel design that enables complex and multistage DMA attacks. This work presents a structured top-down approach to characterize, exploit, and detect them.


To this end, we first categorize sub-page vulnerabilities into four types, providing insight into the structure of DMA vulnerabilities. We then identify a set of three vulnerability attributes that are sufficient to execute code injection attacks. We built analysis tools that detect these sub-page vulnerabilities and analyze the Linux kernel. We found that 72% of the device drivers expose callback pointers, which may be overwritten by a device to hijack the kernel control flow.


Aided by our tools’ output, we demonstrate novel code injection attacks on the Linux kernel; we refer to these as compound attacks. All previously reported attacks are singlestep, with the vulnerability attributes present in a single page. In compound attacks, the vulnerability attributes are initially incomplete. However, we demonstrate that they can be obtained by carefully exploiting standard OS behavior.


1 Introduction1介绍

Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a technology that allows input-output (I/O) devices to access memory without CPU involvement, thereby improving system performance. DMAcapable devices include internal devices, such as GPUs, Network Interface Cards (NICs), storage devices (e.g., NVMe), and other peripheral devices, including external devices such as FireWire and Thunderbolt.1 However, in its basic form, DMA makes the system vulnerable to DMA attacks. These are cases where malicious DMA-capable devices, such as compromised firmware [7, 25], access sensitive memory regions not intended for their use.


Numerous DMA exploits are known [6, 21, 45], ranging from stealing and manipulating sensitive data to taking over the victim machine. Widespread attacks include: opening a locked computer [42, 64], executing arbitrary code on the victim machine [5, 24, 45, 67], stealing sensitive data items such as passwords [9, 13, 40, 63], and extracting a full memory dump of a victim machine [26, 42, 64, 65]. These threats are supposed to be mitigated by the Input-Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU), which adds a layer of virtual memory to devices. The IOMMU brokers all I/O requests, translating their target I/O virtual addresses (IOVA) to physical addresses. In the process, the IOMMU provides address space isolation, allowing a device to access only permitted pages and rendering all other memory inaccessible.

[45] Thunderclap: Exploring vulnerabilities in operating system iommu protection via dma from untrustworthy peripherals. In NDSS, 2019.


Unlike processes that operate at page granularity, I/O buffers can be significantly smaller than a page. I/O buffers and other kernel buffers can co-reside on the same physical pages, inadvertently exposing these kernel buffers to the device. For this reason, known as the sub-page vulnerability [45, 47], the IOMMU cannot fully protect the kernel from unprivileged access. Consequently, sub-page vulnerabilities were the basis for several recent DMA exploits [7, 8, 38, 45]. Nevertheless, these previously reported vulnerabilities have an ad-hoc nature rather than a structured top-down approach.


[44] Moshe Malka, Nadav Amit, and Dan Tsafrir. Efficient intra-operating system protection against harmful dmas. In 13th {USENIX} Conference on File and Storage Technologies ({FAST} 15), pages 29–44, 2015.
[47] Alex Markuze, Adam Morrison, and Dan Tsafrir. True IOMMU protection from DMA attacks: When copy is faster than zero copy. In
ASPLOS, pages 249–262, 2016.

1Currently, the Linux kernel (version 5.0) has as many as 700 such device drivers, of which one third are network device drivers.

Accordingly, we conducted a systematic study of sub-page vulnerabilities. To provide insight into the structure of DMA vulnerabilities, we first break down sub-page vulnerabilities into four types (Section 3.2):

• Exposed driver metadata • Exposed OS metadata • Mapped by multiple IOVA due to multiple co-located buffers • Randomly co-located

Next, we identify the ingredients that make it possible for a malicious device to exploit these four types of sub-page vulnerabilities and execute a viable DMA attack. Focusing on code injection attacks, we introduce (Section 3.3) a set of three vulnerability attributes that can be used to execute such attacks:


• A kernel virtual address (KVA) of a buffer filled with malicious executable code (i.e., malicious buffer).

• Write access to a function callback pointer, exposed in a data structure via one of the four sub-page vulnerability types.

• Existence of a time window such that the device can modify the callback pointer during that time window; the CPU will subsequently jump to the pointed code before the pointer gets overwritten, if it is ever overwritten.

With the characterization of the different sub-page vulnerabilities and the vulnerability attributes, we were able to build analysis tools that can detect potentially hazardous sub-page vulnerabilities:

• We built a static code analysis tool that performs a SubPage Analysis for DMA Exposure (SPADE). SPADE scans for potentially exposed callback pointers on DMAmapped pages. We used SPADE on Linux kernel 5.0 and found that as many as 72% of device drivers are potentially vulnerable to code injection attacks (Section 4.1).

• Some sub-page vulnerabilities can only manifest dynamically at run-time, potentially exposing callback pointers and/or kernel addresses. Static analysis may not reveal vulnerabilities where a memory buffer is exposed randomly. For example, a random exposure can occur when a memory buffer is co-located on the same page as a mapped I/O buffer. Accordingly, we developed a run-time analysis tool that reports such vulnerabilities and demonstrate its use. Termed DMA-KernelAddress-SANitizer (D-KASAN), this tool reports all cases where a kernel buffer is exposed, inadvertently or otherwise (Section 4.2).

•一些子页面漏洞只能在运行时动态显示,可能会暴露回调指针和/或内核地址。静态分析可能不会揭示随机暴露内存缓冲区的漏洞。例如,当内存缓冲区与映射的I/O缓冲区位于同一页面时,可能会发生随机暴露。因此,我们开发了一个运行时分析工具,报告此类漏洞并演示其使用。这个工具被称为DMA-KernelAddress-SANitizer (D-KASAN),它报告了所有内核缓冲区被意外或其他情况暴露的情况(第4.2节)。

We use our tools to find and demonstrate attacks on the Linux kernel. We focus on compound attacks, cases where a detected sub-page vulnerability alone is insufficient to execute a code injection attack since at least one of the three vulnerability attributes is initially missing, but can be attained via compound steps.


We observe that unlike compound attacks, previous work has explored single-step attacks, i.e., attacks in which the three vulnerability attributes are trivially provided. Namely, a mapped I/O buffer resides on a mapped page which, due to sub-page vulnerability, also exposes a callback pointer and a kernel virtual address, and the timing is such that the CPU will not overwrite the modifications.


Analysis of such single-step attacks, that can typically be blocked with localized fixes, may lead to a dangerous misconception. In particular, one may assume that buggy device drivers or poor but isolated design choices are to blame for DMA vulnerabilities [43, 44]. However, by introducing compound attacks, we demonstrate that it is often the kernel itself that supplements the missing pieces, showing that this is a deep-rooted issue rather than a collection of disjoint incidents. We identify multiple kernel APIs and data structure designs that facilitate the acquisition of the vulnerability attributes by a malicious device.


To summarize, we make the following contributions:

• Provide a categorization of the four sub-page vulnerability types.

• Introduce a set of three vulnerability attributes that are sufficient to execute code injection attacks.

• Develop a static code analysis tool (SPADE) to flag code paths that may expose callback pointers.

• Develop a run-time tool (D-KASAN) to identify subpage vulnerabilities at run-time, including vulnerabilities caused by random exposure.

• Demonstrate novel DMA attacks on the Linux kernel, termed compound attacks.

• Make our tools publicly available [46, 48].

2 Background 背景

In this section, we provide background on DMA-related attacks. First, we describe classic DMA attacks and the IOMMU protection against them. Then, we discuss well-established protection practices to prevent privilege escalation (i.e., code injection) attacks and methods for their circumvention.

2.1 DMA Attacks

2.1 DMA攻击
DMA allows I/O devices direct access to memory [57] without CPU involvement. While DMA is essential for fast I/O, it also provides ample opportunity for unmonitored and malicious activity by DMA-capable devices, resulting in DMA attacks.
An attacker can access sensitive data, overwrite the OS code and data structures, and even gain full control of the victim system. DMA attacks can be carried out using an external or internal DMA-capable device.

Table 1. Linux kernel memory layout

Accessible expansion ports, e.g., FireWire or Thunderbolt, allow external devices to initiate DMA transactions merely by connecting a programmable accessory [21, 42, 45, 65]. Exploiting internal devices is more challenging, but enables persistent and stealthy attacks.


Many options are available to gain control of an internal device. For example, a resourceful attacker can exploit firmware bugs [63]. These can be well-known exploits, since end-users are often slow in deploying firmware updates [22]; they may even be newly discovered zero-day vulnerabilities [8]. Alternatively, certain attackers may be able to replace the device firmware altogether with a malicious one [55, 71]. It is also possible to manufacture devices that appear to be legitimate but are, in fact, malicious at the circuitry level [69].


Once an attacker gains control over a DMA device connected to a victim machine, various attacks are possible. These attacks can range from keyloggers [40, 63] to full control over commodity OS and hypervisor, including Windows [5, 45], Linux, OSX [24, 45], Android [8], and Xen [67]. Several software tools exist for perpetrating DMA attacks, with some of them being open source. Tools such as Volatility [65], Inception [42], GoldFish [26], and FinFireWire [64] can extract target machine memory and unlock victim machines by patching the OS code. These tools are reportedly used by government agencies, such as the NSA.



With the lack of software protection against DMA attacks, the common practice is to restrict DMA accesses through hardware protection. The most common mechanism for this purpose is the I/O memory management unit (IOMMU). The IOMMU adds a level of indirection for DMA addresses [54, 63, 66, 70], effectively providing peripheral devices with I/O virtual addresses (IOVA). This way, the device can access only those pages explicitly allowed by the OS. Inspired by the x86 MMU, the IOMMU uses a page table for address translation and an IOTLB for caching recent accesses. The page tables are managed by the OS, and as with the MMU, have a page granularity. The common page size is 4 KB, although there exist larger page sizes, up to GBs.

由于缺乏防止DMA攻击的软件保护,常见的做法是通过硬件保护来限制DMA访问。为此目的最常见的机制是I/O内存管理单元(IOMMU)。IOMMU为DMA地址增加了一个间接级别[54,63,66,70],有效地为外围设备提供了I/O虚拟地址(IOVA)。这样,设备只能访问OS明确允许的页面。受x86 MMU的启发,IOMMU使用页表进行地址转换,使用IOTLB缓存最近的访问。页面表由操作系统管理,并且与MMU一样,具有页面粒度。公共页面大小为4 KB,但也有更大的页面大小,最大可达gb。

The IOMMU page table also holds page access rights for each IOVA. An access right can be either READ, WRITE, or BIDIRECTIONAL. Note that WRITE access does not grant a DMA device READ access, whereas BIDIRECTIONAL access is needed to both read and write from/to the page. It is also important to note that a single physical page can be mapped by multiple IOVAs, each with possibly different access rights.


IOMMUs were not designed primarily to provide security [19]. Instead, IOMMUs were used to allow devices that did not support vectored I/O, to access contiguous virtual memory that may map non-contiguous physical memory [12, 68]. IOMMUs also enabled legacy devices that only supported a limited address width (32-bit) to access high memory (64-bit). More recently, IOMMUs were used to assign I/O devices directly to virtual machines, while maintaining their isolation properties [1, 32].



Device drivers must use the DMA API to manage the DMA buffers. Drivers a buf

本文标签: detectingDMACharacterizingexploitingvulnerabilities