




When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I cant avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts.


One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career plan, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher.


The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world.



The important thing in life is to have a great aim ,and the determination to attain it.——by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Have a good plan for the future that can remind us which direction and road shoud be towards in the next step.In this second to the end of 2014 six,I have a short-term plan that has appeared in my mind.It is clear and simple.The specific content of planare as follows.

In a short time,I must have accounting certificate.I have to learn the accountingfrom scratch before I don’t learn about accounting anything.Fortunately,I have an elective course that is accounting.It maybe can help me take the accounting certificate.I need to be patient and diligent efforts to complete the plan.

The second program is the English four levels of tests.The June next year is the English four levels of tests’ time.I think it was the only one chance to take the level Four exam in my life,so I must pass the exam!In the short term plan,I must study hard English even if I dont like it.In order to I can passed band six in college English testin the future as well.

Its not easy to finish the work during these days.But I will forget the pain while I am running on the study road.And finishing my plan for my future.


I always dream of becoming a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. nothing is more important than education to a nation. Im honored to devote myself to education.


As far as I know, a teacher can be described as a candle. Hes very kind-hearted and generous; Hes wise and intelligent; Hes diligent and hardworking. He has the willingness to help others, so people always speak highly of teachers.


If I could be a teacher, I would be very honorable. After all, my major is English Education. I must take up this career. now my dream comes true, so I will work harder and harder. I believe I can make it.



Future, a word of passion and honor: a word of unknown and confusion; an exciting word. Imagining the future is the only thing we can do for the future now. If a person is full of confidence in the future, his tomorrow will be better.

Life is like a drama. The protagonist is yourself, and the director is yourself. How to act well in this drama, the key lies in yourself. Grasping every opportunity will make the drama of life more exciting; every bad thing done wrong will give the drama of life flaws. At the time of our youth, the splendor of life has just begun, and we are waiting for us to show our talents. However, many people do not know how important their future is. Therefore, it is very important to think about your future.

What your future is like, only you know. Maybe in the future you will become a master, maybe in the future you will be reduced to the bottom of society. What causes such a big difference in fate. Is it luck? More than that, I am afraid it is my own effort! Think about the future, what opportunities are waiting for us to discover and grasp! Therefore, think about the future more, look at your goals, compare yourself with your present, and discover your own shortcomings more so that you can make progress, advance yourself, and surpass yourself. Only in this way can you make your own future. Better and brighter future.

Imagining the future is not a daydream, nor is it empty years, but a plan for your own future. Come on, let us join hands and imagine the future, making our own tomorrow more beautiful and brighter.


just stepped into the gate of middle school, always a little nervous. However, I believe that I will adapt, because the challenge is difficult, and I strive to make progress. It is my character to be strong.

Six years of elementary school life is just a small site in life, a test. However, it will also become a bright jewel in my memory and a star in my heart. Junior high school campus life is the beginning of another new study life. The three-year middle school study career is also a heavy burden, but without wind and waves, it will not show the power of sails. If you can’t control the boat in the open ocean, you can’t taste the pleasure of bitterness and sweetness. I am willing to ride the wind and waves and climb upwards. Hang the clouds to help the sea. The glorious achievements in elementary schools have also become a thing of the past, and this new page is striving and fighting. Although the road in these three years will be very difficult, I will make myself better and more mature in these three years.

‘Smartness lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation.’ I must learn more, accumulate more, and read more like Lenin in the future.

In the three years of middle school study and life, I will unite my classmates, respect teachers, study modestly, and be a good student who is civilized, polite, and hygienic. Take every days things seriously and carefully. I firmly believe that ‘there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. There are inevitably some difficulties in life, but there are always difficulties to be solved. As long as I use my strength and wisdom to resolve the difficulties and turn the difficulties into motivation, I will surely approach the other side of success step by step and approach the harbor of my dreams. Just as there is a passage in the text ‘Open a Door for You’ that says, ‘There is no door that cannot be opened in the world. As long as you spend time and effort, as long as you have a desire to explore and understand the world in the door, these will definitely open in front of you and show you new and wonderful scenery. I think this is a very good proof of truth to solve difficulties.

In the future, I will speak actively in Chinese class, think hard, ask questions boldly in math class, use formulas and knowledge to do it; precise and accurate; in English class, listen attentively and consolidate after class; in short, that one I have to deal with my homework with my heart, and I have to study hard and ask questions.

I believe that I will do well and become an excellent student.


Mom asked me: "What are you laughing at?" I quickly replied: "I dreamed that I walked into the space-time tunnel and followed the escalator to the future. Mom, let me tell you about it!"

I walked out of another exit of the time-space tunnel door, walked to a huge electronic calendar on a street, and took a closer look, ah! I have reached October 1, 2100! Huh? Where is the bus stop? Why are there no cars and traffic lights on the street? I went there and took a look, ah! All stations circle the earth and moon in a circle. At this moment, a helicopter stopped in front of me, and an uncle asked me to go up. I said to his uncle: "Uncle, I didnt bring money!" I saw the uncle replied: "Its okay, money doesnt exist anymore, now Its about civilization and peace." I thought: Then there will be no beggars, there will be no more wars in the world! At this time, a breeze blew over, and my uncle said to me: "Yes, I forgot to tell you. There are no typhoons and deserts now, because people have built autilization machine to turn the sand in the typhoon into fertilizer. , Suck the desert into the water, condense and then process it into asolar generator. This is the best of both worlds!"

flew to the moon at this time, ah! The moon is as beautiful and developed as the earth, and people no longer have to worry about a large population.

That uncle told me a lot of things, and we laughed happily. "Mom, what you called is really not the time. Do you think this dream can come true?" I saw my mother say: "Child, as long as you study hard and work hard, I believe that after 95 years, this dream will come true, that is to say in the future. Not a dream!"


I guess: the fifth grade should be the happiest moment, because the sixth grade will end the elementary school career, bid farewell to the classmates and teachers who have been together for six years, and welcome the new beginning with new classmates and teachers.

I miss my friends and classmates. My good friend Xiao Wu is my good partner. Sometimes, I would act like a baby to her, she would also scold me, would say that I was so naive and make me sad, but I would not complain. Because there will be slapstick behaviors between good friends, which may be our impulse. I will definitely change my bad habits. If I were in the same school as her, she might be bullied and cry by other girls. I think she would learn a new way of drawing to solve her troubles.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Ma became good friends. Xiao Ma treats her very well. Slowly, Xiao Wu began to be less friendly to me. Every time you mention Xiao Ma, you will be unhappy. Every time you say something to her, you cant listen to it. He always loves pride, always talks about the shortcomings of others, and always envy others.

I guess, in the fifth grade, Xiao Wu will recognize new friends, but our friendship can always be maintained, and we have new secrets together. The fifth grade will give me happy things.

I love my friends. They help me and let me grow. I am grateful to meet them. I hope that in the fifth grade, everyone will cheer together and cherish the happy time of studying and living together.


In the fourth grade, my Chinese performance improved, but mathematics and English continued to decline. Why? Because I have always been addicted to online games and rarely go outdoors to play, which makes my grades decline, so from the fifth grade, I have to break up with video games first.

After summing up my grades one, two, three and four this semester, I found that the grades of grade one, two and three are better than those of grade four. Because at that time, I was not addicted to online games, and often went outdoors to play, which made my grades not drop. But now I play on my mobile phone and watch TV every day, except for going to school, I have never been out for a week, and I have almost become an otaku. So I want to get rid of Internet addiction first, go to outdoor activities more, and review seriously, hoping to get good grades in the fifth grade.

My parents often say in my ear: "Fifth grade is very important." So, I have to take it seriously. After quitting internet addiction, my eyesight must have recovered. I think that in the fifth grade, I will get more than ninety points in every test. How I want to surpass Wang Yaxuan in our class in fifth grade. But what is the use of thinking? I have to take classes and review carefully in the fifth grade before I have a chance to surpass her.

I guess that if I follow this method, my grades in the fifth grade will definitely improve and my eyesight will be protected. At the same time, I hope to get rid of my impulsive bad habits. From now on, I must prove it with actual actions.


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, ending the colorful life of the holiday, and beginning to usher in the fifth grade life. I hope to achieve better results!

Ascending to the fifth grade, I will persevere in reading; I will lead everyone to create technology and make small inventions; I will complete every task with full enthusiasm and a pragmatic work attitude, so that teachers can rest assured! When I enter the fifth grade, I must unite with my classmates, do more good deeds, be a good example for everyone in the class, and live up to the trust and support of my teachers. If I am doing exercises and do not understand, I must ask others politely.

I want to say to the teacher: "After entering the fifth grade, I must get up early and go to bed early to make a good study plan; do more exercises and earnestly complete the tasks given to me by the teacher; do things carefully and quickly; review more after class and observe discipline Don’t chase or fight in the classrooms and corridors. Hand in hand with your classmates to create a brilliant school! Teacher, for your hard work, thank you!" Xi, observe discipline, and don’t chase or fight in the classrooms and corridors. Hand in hand with classmates, create brilliant for the school! Teacher, thank you for your hard work! "

In the fifth grade, I want to say to you: "Under the cultivation of the teacher, I will definitely grow up. I have to study hard and get good grades to be grateful to the teacher!"

Up to fifth grade, I will definitely surpass myself!


The new term will begin again. I worked out a new semester plan with my mom and dad. Lets see how I plan it.

On the Chinese side, I decided to read an hour after class every day and read an extracurricular book one week to increase my extracurricular knowledge and expand my knowledge. I also decided to read a composition class to improve my composition to an ideal level. In the course of Chinese, I have to take an active part in speaking and publish my own understanding and ideas.

In math, I think Im strong in this area, but I still have to work hard. This semester, I will continue to learn the number of the Olympiad class, improve the number of mathematical abilities. I decided to stick to the 5 Olympiad exercises every day and win the two prize for this years competition. We should listen carefully to the math class, do not speak small words, and also take an active part in speaking.

Computer is my favorite aspect. I have the greatest interest in it. So I raised with my dad earlier this semester that I would like to take part in computer class learning and learn webpage making. And try to control the time of playing computer games as far as possible, and do not affect the learning.

English is my weakness, and Im most tired of it. My mother gave me an English class in Cambridge. I should also read more, remember English words more, and strive for some progress in English.

On the sports side, Im going to train the devil and go outdoor every day after dinner, play badminton, play football, and so on. At home in the evening, we should exercise more, do dumb bells, and sit up and so on. I have to get up early in the morning, the best run and do exercises. Its best to report a track and field team.

The plan is done. But Dad asked me skeptical to the right, "can you do this?" I affirmative answer, "yes! Do it! I must finish the plan!"


本文标签: 英语未来职业规划计算机计划