

android 蓝牙键盘

More and more, people are starting to discover that tablets make decent productivity tools. With devices like the Microsoft Surface and iPad Pro becoming more popular, you may be looking to create something similar with your Android device. With a Bluetooth keyboard, it’s simple. Here’s how to connect one, and everything you can do with it.

越来越多的人开始发现平板电脑可以提供不错的生产力工具。 随着诸如Microsoft Surface和iPad Pro之类的设备变得越来越流行,您可能正在寻找与Android设备类似的功能。 使用蓝牙键盘,非常简单。 这是一种连接方式,以及您可以使用它进行的所有操作。

如何配对键盘 (How to Pair Your Keyboard)

Setting up a Bluetooth keyboard with Android is very easy. First, you’ll need a Bluetooth keyboard and, of course, an Android device. For this example, I’m using a Logitech Keys-to-Go keyboard.

使用Android设置蓝牙键盘非常容易。 首先,您需要一个蓝牙键盘,当然也需要一个Android设备。 对于此示例,我使用Logitech Keys-to-Go键盘。

In Android, enable Bluetooth if it isn’t already on. To enable Bluetooth, simply go to Settings > Bluetooth and tap the slider button to “On”. Then, turn on your Bluetooth keyboard and put it into pairing mode. (It will usually go into pairing mode automatically after you turn it on, though some keyboards may require an extra step—check your manual if you aren’t sure.)

在Android中,如果尚未启用蓝牙,请启用它。 要启用蓝牙,只需转到“设置”>“蓝牙”,然后将滑块按钮点击到“开”。 然后,打开您的蓝牙键盘并将其置于配对模式。 (虽然打开某些键盘可能需要额外的步骤,但通常会在打开后自动进入配对模式,如果不确定,请查阅手册。)

On the Bluetooth screen, your Android device should automatically search for and find your keyboard. If you don’t get it right the first time, simply turn the keyboard on again and then tap “Search for Devices” to try again. If it still doesn’t work, make sure you have fresh batteries (or the keyboard is charged) and the keyboard isn’t paired to another device. If it is, you will need to unpair it before it will work with your Android device.

在蓝牙屏幕上,您的Android设备应自动搜索并找到您的键盘。 如果您第一次遇到问题,只需再次打开键盘,然后点击“搜索设备”再试一次。 如果仍然无法正常工作,请确保您有新电池(或键盘已充电)并且键盘未与其他设备配对。 如果是这样,则需要先将其解除配对,然后才能与您的Android设备一起使用。

When Android finds your keyboard, select it under “Available Devices” and you should be prompted to type in a code.


If successful, you will see that device is now “Connected” and you’re ready to go.


If you want to test things out, try pressing Windows+Esc on the keyboard (or Command+Esc if it’s a Mac keyboard), and you will be whisked to your Home screen.

如果要测试,请尝试按键盘上的Windows + Esc键(如果是Mac键盘,则按Command + Esc键),您将被打到主屏幕。

如何使用键盘 (How to Use Your Keyboard)

You probably know you can use your keyboard to type out emails, blog posts, or whatever other longform text you want. But your keyboard can do more than type. Traditional Windows and Mac users know there’s usually a keyboard shortcut for just about everything. So where does Android fall in terms of baked-in keyboard commands?

您可能知道可以使用键盘输入电子邮件,博客文章或所需的其他任何长格式文本。 但是您的键盘不仅仅可以打字。 传统的Windows和Mac用户知道有通常的只是一切的快捷键。 那么Android的内置键盘命令又在哪里呢?

We’d say Android’s keyboard shortcuts are “enough, but not too much”. There are definitely established combos you can use to get around, but they aren’t clear and there doesn’t appear to be any one authority on what they are. Still, there is enough keyboard functionality in Android to make it a viable option, if only for those times when you need to get something done and an on-screen keyboard simply won’t do.

我们可以说Android的键盘快捷键“足够,但不过分”。 您肯定可以使用一些既定的组合来解决问题,但是它们不清楚,而且似乎没有任何权威。 尽管如此,Android仍具有足够的键盘功能,使其成为一个可行的选择,即使仅在您需要完成某些事情而屏幕上的键盘根本无法完成的时候。

It’s important to remember that Android is, and likely always will be, a touch-first interface. That said, it does make some concessions to physical keyboards. In other words, you can get around Android fairly well without having to lift your hands off the keys, but you will still have to tap the screen regularly unless you add a mouse. For example, you can wake your device by tapping a key rather than pressing its power button. If you have a password or PIN, you can type it in with your keyboard, but if your device is slide or pattern-locked, then you’ll have to use the touch screen to unlock it. Other things like widgets and app controls and features will also have to be tapped. You get the idea.

重要的是要记住,Android一直是触摸优先界面,而且很可能永远都是。 也就是说,它确实对物理键盘做出了一些让步。 换句话说,您无需松开按键就可以很好地绕过Android,但是除非您添加鼠标,否则仍然必须定期轻按屏幕。 例如,您可以通过点击一个按键而不是按下其电源按钮来唤醒设备。 如果您有密码或PIN码,则可以使用键盘输入,但如果您的设备是滑盖或图案锁,则必须使用触摸屏将其解锁。 诸如小部件,应用程序控件和功能之类的其他内容也必须被利用。 你明白了。

Keyboard Shortcuts and Navigation


As we said, baked-in keyboard shortcut combos aren’t necessarily abundant nor apparent. The one thing you can always do is search. Any time you want to Google something, start typing from the Home screen and the search screen will automatically open and begin displaying results.

就像我们说的那样,内置的键盘快捷键组合不一定足够丰富也不明显。 您始终可以做的一件事就是搜索。 每当您想使用Google进行搜索时,请从主屏幕开始输入内容,搜索屏幕会自动打开并开始显示结果。

Other than that, here is what we were able to figure out:


  • Esc = Go Back

    Esc =返回
  • Ctrl+Esc = Menu

    Ctrl + Esc =菜单
  • Alt+Space = Search Page (say “OK Google” to voice search)

    Alt +空格键=搜索页(对语音搜索说“ OK Google”)
  • Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab = Switch Tasks

    Alt + Tab和Alt + Shift + Tab =切换任务

Also, if you have designated volume function keys, those will probably work too. There are also some dedicated shortcuts that launch apps like calculator, Gmail, and a few others:

另外,如果您指定了音量功能键,那么这些功能键也可能会起作用。 还有一些专用的快捷方式可以启动应用程序,例如计算器,Gmail和其他一些应用程序:

  • Windows+C = Contacts

    Windows + C =联系人
  • Windows+G = Gmail

    Windows + G = Gmail
  • Windows+L = Calendar

    Windows + L =日历
  • Windows+P = Play Music

    Windows + P =播放音乐
  • Windows+Y = YouTube

    Windows + Y = YouTube

Overall, this is not a comprehensive list, and there are no dedicated keyboard combos for the full array of Google’s products. Granted, it’s hard to imagine getting a lot of mileage out of a keyboard with Maps, but with something like Keep, you could type out long, detailed lists on your tablet and then view them on your smartphone when you go out shopping.

总体而言,这并不是一个完整的列表,并且没有适用于Google所有产品的专用键盘组合。 诚然,很难想象使用Maps可以从键盘上获得很多里程,但是使用Keep这样的东西,您可以在平板电脑上输入冗长而详细的列表,然后在外出购物时在智能手机上查看它们。

You can also use the arrow keys to navigate your Home screen shortcuts and open the app drawer. When something on the screen is selected, it will be highlighted. Press “Enter” to open your selection.

您还可以使用箭头键浏览主屏幕快捷方式并打开应用程序抽屉。 选择屏幕上的某些内容后,它将突出显示。 按“ Enter”打开您的选择。

Additionally, if an app has its own set of shortcuts, like Gmail or Chrome, some—though not many—will work in Android (not YouTube, for instance). Also, many “universal” shortcuts such as Copy (Ctrl+C), Cut (Ctrl+X), Paste (Ctrl+V), and Select All (Ctrl+A) work in lots of apps.

此外,如果某个应用程序具有自己的一组快捷方式(例如Gmail或Chrome) ,则某些(尽管不是很多)将在Android(例如,YouTube)中运行。 此外,许多“通用”快捷方式,例如复制(Ctrl + C),剪切(Ctrl + X),粘贴(Ctrl + V)和全选(Ctrl + A),在许多应用程序中都可以使用。

Creating Custom Application Shortcuts


While custom keyboard shortcuts were actually a part of the system back in the Gingerbread days, that is sadly no longer the case. Fortunately, there’s an app for that (as with everything).

尽管在姜饼时代,自定义键盘快捷键实际上是系统的一部分,但可悲的是,情况不再如此。 幸运的是,有一个用于此目的的应用程序(与其他所有功能一样)。

It is called External Keyboard Helper (EKH), and while there is a free demo version, the pay version is only a few bucks.

它称为外部键盘助手(EKH),虽然有一个免费的演示版 ,但付费版仅售几美元。

To use it, first open the application and you’ll see the main app screen. Don’t worry about choosing a custom layout or anything like that. You want to go straight to the “Advanced Settings”.

要使用它,首先打开该应用程序,您将看到应用程序主屏幕。 不必担心选择自定义布局或类似的东西。 您想直接进入“高级设置”。

From there select “Keyboard Mapping”, then “Application Shortcuts”.


You can have up to 16 custom application shortcuts. For this example, let’s create a custom shortcut to the Facebook app. First, choose “A0”, and from the resulting list, Facebook. You can do this for any number of apps, services, and settings. As you can now see, the Facebook app has now been linked to application-zero (A0):

您最多可以有16个自定义应用程序快捷方式。 对于此示例,让我们为Facebook应用程序创建一个自定义快捷方式。 首先,选择“ A0”,然后从结果列表中选择Facebook。 您可以对任意数量的应用程序,服务和设置执行此操作。 如您现在所见,Facebook应用程序现已链接到应用程序零(A0):

Now, go back to the Advanced Settings page and choose “Customize Keyboard Mappings”. You will be prompted to create a custom keyboard layout—select “Custom 1″.

现在,返回“高级设置”页面,然后选择“自定义键盘映射”。 系统将提示您创建自定义键盘布局-选择“自定义1”。

When you choose to create a custom layout, you can do a great many more things with your keyboard. For example, many keyboards have predefined function (Fn) keys, which you can map to your tablet’s brightness controls, Wi-Fi toggle, and much more.

选择创建自定义布局时,您可以使用键盘做更多的事情。 例如,许多键盘具有预定义功能(Fn)键,您可以将其映射到平板电脑的亮度控件,Wi-Fi切换键等等。

A word of advice: the application automatically remaps certain keys when you create a custom layout. This might mess up some existing keyboard combos. If you simply want to add some functionality to your keyboard, you can go ahead and delete EKH’s default changes and start your custom layout from scratch.

忠告:创建自定义布局时,应用程序会自动重新映射某些键。 这可能会弄乱一些现有的键盘组合。 如果您只是想为键盘添加一些功能,则可以继续删除EKH的默认更改,然后从头开始创建自定义布局。

To create a new combo, select “Add new key mapping”.


For the new shortcut, let’s assign the Facebook app to open when Alt+F is pressed. To do this, tap the “Scancode” field and input the “F” key on your keyboard—it will show up as “33,” as this is the letter F’s keycode. You can also change this later by using the “Change” button.

对于新的快捷方式,让我们指定在按Alt + F时打开Facebook应用程序。 为此,请点击“ Scancode”字段,然后在键盘上输入“ F”键-它会显示为“ 33”,因为这是字母F的键码。 您也可以稍后使用“更改”按钮进行更改。

Now, let’s assign the Alt key to application “A0”, previously designated as the Facebook app. In the “AltGr” field, enter “A0” and then save the custom combo.

现在,让我们将Alt键分配给先前指定为Facebook应用程序的应用程序“ A0”。 在“ AltGr”字段中,输入“ A0”,然后保存自定义组合。

From here on out, as long as you’re using the custom layout you just created, the Facebook app should launch whenever you press Alt+F on your keyboard. Easy peasy.

从现在开始,只要您使用的是刚创建的自定义布局,每当您按键盘上的Alt + F键时,Facebook应用程序都应启动。 十分简单。

External Keyboard Helper extends far beyond simple application shortcuts, and if you’re looking for deeper keyboard customization options, you should definitely check it out. Among other things, EKH also supports dozens of languages, and allows you to quickly switch between layouts using a key or combo, add up to 16 custom text shortcuts, and much more.

外部键盘帮助程序已远远超出了简单的应用程序快捷方式,如果您正在寻找更深入的键盘自定义选项,则一定要检查一下。 除其他外,EKH还支持多种语言,并允许您使用键或组合键在布局之间快速切换,最多可以添加16个自定义文本快捷方式,等等。

You can gran the full version for $1.99 on the Play Store, but you can try the demo version for free. More extensive documentation on how to use the app is also available.

您可以在Play商店中以1.99美元的价格购买完整版,但可以免费试用演示版 。 还提供了有关如何使用该应用程序的更多文档 。

Unlike traditional desktop operating systems, you don’t need a physical keyboard and mouse to use a mobile operating system. You can buy an iPad, Pixel C, or any other Android tablet and never need another accessory or peripheral—they work as intended right out of the box. In theory, you could write an essay, book, or anything else using just the touch-based keyboard on a tablet—but that would be tedious and absurdly time-consuming. Not recommended.

与传统的桌面操作系统不同,您不需要物理键盘和鼠标即可使用移动操作系统。 您可以购买iPad,Pixel C或任何其他Android平板电脑,而无需其他配件或外围设备-它们可以按预期的方式工作。 从理论上讲,您可以仅使用平板电脑上的基于触摸的键盘来撰写文章,书籍或其他任何东西,但这将是乏味且费时的。 不建议。

Using a keyboard with Android makes more sense in that situation. You don’t even need to add customizations (though they are nice), because there are enough existing keyboard shortcuts in Android to make it usable. Plus, when it comes to inputting text such as in an editor or terminal application, we fully advocate big, physical keyboards. Bottom line: if you’re looking for a way to enhance your Android tablet, give a keyboard a chance.

在这种情况下,将键盘与Android搭配使用会更有意义。 您甚至不需要添加自定义项(尽管它们很棒),因为Android中已有足够的键盘快捷键来使其可用。 另外,当涉及到在编辑器或终端应用程序中输入文本时,我们完全提倡大型物理键盘。 底线:如果您正在寻找一种增强Android平板电脑的方法,请给键盘一个机会。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/175267/the-htg-guide-to-using-a-bluetooth-keyboard-with-your-android-device/

android 蓝牙键盘

本文标签: 蓝牙您的键盘设备如何在