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注:范文来自懒人英语 由海轰整理

Does Electronic Equipment Promote Education?

        Lately a number of colleges are spending large quantity of money on electronic equipment,which is supposed to promote education.This event has aroused a heated discussion.
         Some people believe that electronic equipmentis a good supplement to traditional teaching.It enables teachers to demonstrate things in a more vivid way by showing pictures or videos.To some extent, students are more involved in the class.In contrast, others are against electronic equipment,which they think will inevitably distract students from study.In their view,
teaching with the aid of traditional chalk can make students focus more on study.
         As far as I am concerned,electronic equipment is quite beneficial to education.However, we should keep in mind that electronic equipmentis just a means of teaching,which will never overshadow the significance of qualified teachers.



本文标签: 英语电子设备能促进学习笔记十四