


Does Photoshop annoy you by breaking the escape key in other programs?  Here’s an AutoHotkey script that will let you run Photoshop and still use the escape key as usual in other programs.

Photoshop是否通过破坏其他程序中的转义键来使您烦恼? 这是一个AutoHotkey脚本,可让您运行Photoshop并像往常一样在其他程序中使用转义键。

If you’re a keyboard geek and you use Photoshop, you’ve likely been annoyed that the escape key doesn’t work in other applications while Photoshop is running.  It’s one of those tiny things that can drive you insane, so The Geek hacked together a solution for you.  You could always press Shift+esc to get the traditional escape key behavior in other applications, but he decided to make your life simpler through the power of AutoHotkey.

如果您是键盘迷并且使用Photoshop,则可能会感到恼怒,因为在运行Photoshop时,转义键在其他应用程序中不起作用。 这是可能使您发疯的微小事物之一,因此The Geek为您找到了一个解决方案。 您总是可以按Shift + esc键来获得其他应用程序中传统的转义键行为,但是他决定通过AutoHotkey的功能简化您的生活。

Make Photoshop Behave


If you’d like to fix this annoying behavior, download the zip file below and run fix_esc_photoshop.ahk in AutoHotkey.  Or, if you’d rather add the code to your own AutoHotkey script file, here’s the source code you need:

如果您想解决此烦人的行为,请下载以下zip文件并在AutoHotkey中运行fix_esc_photoshop.ahk 。 或者,如果您希望将代码添加到自己的AutoHotkey脚本文件中,则下面是您需要的源代码:

~Esc::{   IfWinExist, ahk_class Photoshop   {     IfWinActive ahk_class Photoshop   {     Send {ESC}   } else {     Send +{ESC}   } }else {   Send {ESC} } return}

〜Esc :: {IfWinExist,ahk_class Photoshop {IfWinActive ahk_class Photoshop {发送{ESC}}其他{发送+ {ESC}}} else {发送{ESC}} return}

Fix Photoshop Elements, Too

修复Photoshop Elements,太

Photoshop Elements breaks the escape key just the same, but despite the similarities in the programs you’ll need a different script to fix it since PS Elements is identified as pseeditor instead of Photoshop.  You can just run fix_esc_photoshop_elements.ahk from the zip file, or insert the code below in your own AutoHotkey script file.  As you might notice, the pseeditor is the only difference between the two scripts:

Photoshop Elements会以相同的方式破解转义键,但是尽管程序中有相似之处,但由于PS Elements被标识为pseeditor而不是Photoshop,您仍需要使用其他脚本来修复它。 您可以仅从zip文件运行fix_esc_photoshop_elements.ahk ,或将以下代码插入自己的AutoHotkey脚本文件中。 您可能会注意到,脚本是两个脚本之间的唯一区别:

~Esc::{   IfWinExist, ahk_class pseeditor   {      IfWinActive ahk_class pseeditor   {     Send {ESC}   } else {     Send +{ESC}   } }else {   Send {ESC} } return

〜Esc :: {IfWinExist,ahk_class pseeditor {IfWinActive ahk_class pseeditor {发送{ESC}}其他{发送+ {ESC}}}}其他{发送{ESC}}返回



Just Run It


But hey, if you’re not an AutoHotkey user, don’t despair.  We’ve made an executable version that you can run on any Windows computer, whether or not you have AutoHotkey installed.  Download the zip file, and run the Photoshop or Photoshop Elements exe, depending on what you use.

但是,如果您不是AutoHotkey用户,请不要绝望。 我们已经制作了一个可执行版本,无论您是否安装了AutoHotkey,它都可以在任何Windows计算机上运行。 下载zip文件,然后运行Photoshop或Photoshop Elements exe,具体取决于您使用的是什么。

There’s no UI for this simple application, so if you want to exit the application you’ll need to open the task manager, find the application you’ve run (fix_esc_photoshop.exe or fix_esc_photoshop_elements.exe) and kill it.

这个简单的应用程序没有UI,因此,如果要退出该应用程序,则需要打开任务管理器,找到已运行的应用程序( fix_esc_photoshop.exefix_esc_photoshop_elements.exe )并杀死它。

Geek trick: In Windows 7 or Vista, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the task manager directly.

怪胎技巧:在Windows 7或Vista中,按Ctrl + Shift + Esc可直接打开任务管理器。

Or, if you’d like to have this program run automatically when you boot your computer, create a shortcut to the file and paste it in your startup folder.  You can quickly open the startup folder by entering the following into the address bar in Explorer:

或者,如果您希望在启动计算机时自动运行该程序,请创建该文件的快捷方式并将其粘贴到启动文件夹中。 您可以通过在资源管理器的地址栏中输入以下内容来快速打开启动文件夹:





AutoHotkey is a handy tool to make your computer work like you want, and this simple script can save you lots of frustration if you keep Photoshop running on your computer often. 




Download the AutoHotkey Files and Exe to keep Photoshop from breaking the escape key


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/20226/how-to-fix-photoshop-breaking-the-escape-key-in-windows/


本文标签: 快捷键photoshopEscapeWindows