

From Android R, especially new QCOM platforms, virtual A/B has been enabled by default, if your devices have not flashed slot B partitions images, when you switch slot to boot up, it will fail. In this situation, if you want to do OTA update, you should build a full OTA package which must includes all slot B partition images. This document will tell you how to build such images into OTA package, and we have verified it based on sm8350 Android R build. It can update successfully and boot up successfully with following steps:

大概意思是在R版本上,尤其是新的高通平台默认开启了虚拟A/B,如果device没有刷入slot B,当切换slot启动时就会fail,如果要做OTA升级,就需要全编译OTA包而且必须包含所有slot B的分区镜像.

1. Change file device/qcom/lahaina/;

--- a/

+++ b/

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x06400000



ifeq ($(ENABLE_AB), true)

-AB_OTA_PARTITIONS ?= boot vendor_boot vendor odm dtbo vbmeta

+AB_OTA_PARTITIONS ?= boot vendor_boot vendor odm dtbo vbmeta xbl xbl_config aop tz hyp modem bluetooth abl dsp keymaster devcfg qupfw vbmeta uefisecapp imagefv shrm core_nhlos vm-bootsys multiimgoem cpucp featenabler



2. Copy all AB_OTA_PARTITIONS images which you added in step 1(doesn't need to copy "boot vendor_boot vendor odm dtbo vbmeta super" etc, just copy which added in step 1) to device/qcom/ lahaina/radio;

3. Rename the images(Requirement from AOSP) as following:

3.1 All images have a .img extension(i.e: Rename xbl.elf to xbl.img, hyp.mbn to hyp.img, etc)

3.2 Image names must match the partition names which added in step 1(i.e: Rename NON-HLOS.mbn to modem.img, rename BTFM.mbn to bluetooth.img)

4. Build full OTA package and verify



本文标签: 版本QualcommslotKBAOTA