

1. 和电脑死机差不多,看上面的说法,也就这样。

It is basically just part of the computers wiring system.

2. 我的电脑总是在晚上死机。

My computer gets halt constantly at night.

3. 我父亲的电脑突然死机了,他让我看看是出了什么问题。

My father's computer suddenly stopped working and he asked me to figure out the problem.

4. 电脑死机了,我做的作业丢失了。

My computer crashed and I lost it.

5. 电脑死机

5. 我的电脑死机了。

My computer won't work.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 我的电脑死机了。

My computer doesn't work.

7. 因为如果电脑死机,我的工作就会白费。

If the computer crashes I don't want to loose my work.

8. 总结:使用超线程CPU的电脑,如果用WinXP集成的IE6浏览网页,常会出现死机现象,解决办法有三种:一是在BIOS里关闭超线程技术;二是使用其它浏览器浏览网页,如MYIE、Netscape和Opera等;三是升级安装WinXP SP2软件包。

Sum up: the use of Hyper-Threading CPU computer, if IE6 with WinXP integrated web page, often there will be the phenomenon of death, there are three solutions: First, turn off Hyper-Threading Technology in BIOS; second is the use of other browser page, such as MYIE, Netscape and Opera, etc.; The third is to install WinXP SP2 upgrade package.

9. 电脑一旦呈现死机后,如何才能准时摈斥呢?

The computer in the event of death, how to order exclusion?

10. 电脑死机也支持监察省电选项,并增加一些有用的功能,如内置在密码保护的屏幕保护程序和网络用户的验证功能,为Windows登录,以增加您的安全。

PC LockUp also supports monitor power save options and has some additional useful features like built-in password protected screen saver and network user validation feature for Windows logon to increase your security.

11. 大约三天后手机死机了,不能充电,开机,或和电脑连接

After about three days woke up day and the phone was dead, would not charge, power on or sync with the pc.

12. 98系统启动画面,并观察着启动画面下的滚动条,大约过了两分钟,电脑始终停留在启动画面状态,按下NumLock指示灯,没反应,机器居然又死机了。

System startup screen, and to observe the start of the scroll bar under the screen, about 2 minutes, the computer always remain in the startup screen, and press the NumLock indicator light, no response, the machine could also crash the.

13. 我想倒出我脑子里的想法但是电脑却死机。

I want to get something out of my head but the computer freezes.

14. 更要命的是,在过去的数周里,我们脆弱的电脑经历了N次让我们焦心的死机。

More importantly, we had been having many family meltdowns in the past few weeks over our fickle computers.

15. 他们的工作即将完成时,电脑死机了。

They were on the homestretch when the computer crashed.

16. 内存是电脑中故障发生比较频繁的配件产品之一,如果出现开机无显示、随机性死机、windows系统运行不稳定经常产生非法错误、windows注册表经常无故损坏提示要求用户恢复、windows经常自动进入安全模式、内存加大后系统资源反而降低、在载入高端内存文件himem.sys时系统提示某些地址有问题、安装windows进行到系统配置时产生一个非法错误、启动windows时系统多次自动重新启动等故障时,一般认为是由内存故障所造成的。

Memory is the computer failure occurred more frequently one of the accessories, if there is no boot display, random crashes, windows system error instability frequently illegal, windows registry requirements often cause damage to prompt the user to restore, windows often automatically enter the security mode after the memory to increase system resources rather than lower, in the loading of high-end memory file when prompted himem. sys address certain issues, the installation of windows into the system configuration when a non-error, start the windows several times when the system automatically re - failure to start, etc., generally considered to be caused by the failure of memory.

17. 对于我们每个经常使用电脑的人恐怕都遇到过死机现象,电脑的死机确实是一件。。。

We are glad to inform you that your order no.124 will be shipped per s/s peace due to leave here at the end of this month.

18. 电脑使用过程中突然死机或蓝屏,按键无反应。

The course of a sudden computer crash or blue screen, no response button.

19. 内存条质量原因引起死机:故障现象:对电脑升级时增加了一条256MB的内存,但使用一段时间后运行应用程序时,提示程序出错并且立即死机。

The quality of memory causes of death: failure phenomenon: an increase of the computer upgrade a 256MB of memory, but after a period of time to run application, error, and that prompted an immediate crash.

20. 电脑死机;科学技术产品也会发生问题。

Computers could crash; technology can backfire.

本文标签: 当机主机计算机电脑