


After discussing the general guidelines to reaching an Intermediate+ level in PHP development in Part 1 and the importance of others around you in Part 2, this article will focus on social aspects of teamwork and initiative, and will serve as an introduction into a more concrete and practical teamwork based article coming soon.


It's important to note that when I say teamwork, I don't only mean teams while working for a larger entity – a corporation or company in which you're a minor sub-group. A team is also a group of freelancers working together on a project – either close by, or remotely. Whenever you work with someone in any capacity whatsoever – that's a team. A loose team, but a team nonetheless.

重要的是要注意,当我说团队合作时,我不仅是指为一个较大的实体工作的团队-一个在您属于次要小组的公司或公司。 一个团队还是一群自由职业者,他们在一个项目中(无论是在附近还是在远程)一起工作。 每当您与任何能力的人一起工作时,那就是团队。 一支松散的队伍,但是一支队伍。

了解你的角色 (Know your role)

It's no secret we developers tend to be bigheaded sometimes – in all areas of life, not just coding – especially when being given (or succeeding in) a task of mid to high level importance. It gives us a sense of false security and we tend to forget that we don't, in fact, know everything.

众所周知,我们的开发人员有时会在生活的各个领域变得big而不舍,而不仅仅是在编码方面,尤其是在被赋予(或成功完成)中高层任务的时候。 它给了我们一种虚假的安全感,我们往往忘记了我们实际上并不了解一切 。

It's only natural, then, that we feel like we're more important than our designated team role lets on. In times like these, it's important to step back, cool down, and look at things from a different perspective. Put yourself into the shoes of other team members and look at yourself from afar. Realize why you're there and what you're supposed to do, and respect the fact that every member of the team has a specific purpose.

因此,很自然地,我们觉得自己比指定的团队角色更重要。 在这样的时代,重要的是退后一步,冷静下来,并从不同的角度看待事情。 把自己放在其他团队成员的鞋子里,远方看着自己。 了解您为什么在那里以及应该做什么,并尊重团队中每个成员都有特定目标的事实。

You might be better at front end engineering than the team member they hired for the position, but if you're there doing PHP, consider the net gain of proclaiming such a fact publicly. While the front end dev might be mediocre, you were mediocre at one point too – without the experience of working on different projects, you never would have outgrown the mediocrity. Furthermore, what can be gained by replacing said member? If the member is actually bad at his job and does harm to the project, by all means, this should be brought to the team lead's attention. But if he's just "ok", replacing him could actually have a negative impact on the progress of the work, causing unnecessary delays.

在前端工程方面,您可能比他们雇用的团队成员更好。但是,如果您在那里使用PHP,请考虑公开宣布这一事实的净收益。 尽管前端开发人员可能很平庸,但您在某一点上也很平庸–如果没有在不同项目上工作的经验,您永远不会超越平庸。 此外,更换该成员可以获得什么? 如果该成员实际上对自己的工作不利,并且确实损害了该项目,则应提请团队负责人注意。 但是,如果他只是“好”,那么替换他实际上可能会对工作进度产生负面影响,从而造成不必要的延误。

Not stating the fact publicly could have even worse implications – it could sow dissent in the ranks, making the other team members take either a defensive stance against you due to your underhandedness, or taking an aggressive stance towards the person you have a problem with which, again, isn't healthy for the team as a whole. The healthiest solution is, by far, approaching the person in a friendly manner, giving advice, and discussing everything openly.

不公开说明这一事实可能会带来更严重的影响-可能会在队伍中造成异议,使其他团队成员要么由于您的不当行为而对您采取防御性立场,要么对您遇到问题的人采取激进的立场再次对整个团队都不健康。 到目前为止,最健康的解决方案是以友好的方式与人接触,提供建议并公开讨论所有内容。

But what if it's the project lead who is so bad he does harm to the project? Well…

但是,如果项目负责人如此糟糕以至于对项目造成伤害怎么办? 好…

尊重上级–在一定程度上 (Respect superiors – to a degree)

Superiors are like elders – they're to be respected, but to a certain degree. Of course I'll listen to what my grandma has to say. She's been around for much longer, she's bound to have at least passively absorbed some wisdom she can impart. But if she starts trying to brainwash me with old habits and attitudes, her close-mindedness will render me non receptive to her words.

上级就像长老一样,虽然一定要受到尊重。 当然,我会听奶奶说的。 她已经存在了更长的时间,她注定至少会被动地吸收一些她可以传授的智慧。 但是,如果她开始尝试用旧的习惯和态度洗脑我,那么她的专心会使我不愿接受自己的话。

It's the same with superiors in a team. Respect their decisions, accept their advice. If someone is higher up on the corporate or team ladder than you are, there's a reason for that – and more often than not it actually is skill and experience, contrary to many people's beliefs. Keep in mind that everyone you ever meet knows something you don't, and be receptive of their opinions, even if you disagree with them – there's often more to be learned from disagreement than agreement. A light difference in opinion can be researched and discussed productively, and someone is guaranteed to come out of the situation with knowledge they didn't have before.

团队中的上司也是如此。 尊重他们的决定,接受他们的建议。 如果有人在公司或团队中的地位比您高,那是有原因的-与很多人的看法相反,实际上往往技能和经验。 请记住,即使您不同意,您遇到的每个人都会知道您不了解的东西,并且会接受他们的意见-从分歧中获得的知识通常多于同意。 可以有效地研究和讨论观点上的细微差异,并且可以保证有人以他们以前没有的知识摆脱困境。

Admittedly, there's a dark side, too. There are times when the only reason someone is superior to you is because they're better connected to the project owner. These circumstances usually aren't obvious at first, but in time, they always become fully transparent. Speaking from experience, the symptoms of incompetence can be anything from refusing to move away from PHP 5.2 in 2012 on a brand new project, to contradicting oneself in tasks just to cover up for previous errors in judgement. It won't be long before their bad calls start to harm the project – soon enough, everything that goes well will mysteriously be attributed to them, and everything that goes wrong will require an in-team scapegoat. This type of person is usually excellent at diverting attention and misdirection in order to keep their position as long as possible, because their high rank usually involves bonuses or other privileges – and if the project falls through eventually, it's just one black spot on their CV, but a thick bank account and lots of influence.

诚然,也有黑暗的一面。 有时候,某人优于您的唯一原因是因为他们与项目所有者的关系更好。 这些情况一开始通常并不明显,但是随着时间的流逝,它们总是变得完全透明。 从经验上来讲,无能的症状可以是拒绝在2012年使用一个全新项目放弃PHP 5.2,或者是为了掩盖以前的判断错误而在工作中自相矛盾。 不久之后,他们的坏话就会开始损害项目–很快,一切顺利的事情就会神秘地归因于他们,而一切出错的事情都需要团队中的替罪羊。 这类人通常善于转移注意力和误导,以保持他们的位置尽可能长的时间,因为他们的高级别通常会涉及奖金或其他特权-如果项目最终失败,那只是他们简历上的一个黑点,但是银行帐户充裕,影响力很大。

When you detect such an environment, there's no rational way to repair it. Going to the project owner usually makes no sense, because they're either too attached to the person (blood relatives, personal friends) or completely fooled – and the latter is usually worse, because the longer the situation lasts, the less willing the CEO or project owner becomes to admit that they've been duped all that time. Projects like that usually crash and burn after a prolonged state of plateau, so…

当您检测到这样的环境时,就没有合理的方法来修复它。 去找项目负责人通常是没有意义的,因为他们要么太爱这个人(亲戚,亲密朋友),要么就完全被骗了–后者通常更糟,因为这种情况持续的时间越长,CEO越不愿意。或项目所有者开始承认他们一直被骗。 像这样的项目通常会在长时间处于高原状态后崩溃并烧毁,所以…

不要害怕离开 (Don't be afraid to leave)

When you realize this might be the case, it's important not to be afraid to leave. The temporary security the job offers at that stage is just that – temporary. Remember, the project will crash and burn, undoubtedly, it's just a matter of time. The situation is unfixable without a change in management, and changes in management don't tend to happen all that often.

当您意识到情况确实如此时,重要的是不要害怕离开。 工作在此阶段提供的临时安全性就是临时的。 请记住,该项目无疑崩溃并燃烧,这只是时间问题。 如果不更改管理,这种情况是无法解决的,而且管理更改也不会经常发生。

You should always be on the lookout for better offers, but when you find yourself in a downhill situation, start actively looking. Go to interviews, apply for projects, just don't be passive about it. It's hard when you have dependents, and risking the loss of a regular paycheck can be very taxing on one's psyche, but trust me when I say that sticking around in such an environment can be even more taxing, not only for you, but those around you as well.

您应该始终在寻找更好的报价,但是当您发现自己处境艰难时,就开始积极寻找。 去面试,申请项目,只是不要对此感到被动。 当您有家属时很难,冒着失去定期薪水的风险可能会给人的心灵带来很大的负担,但是请相信我,当我说在这样的环境中坚持下去不仅会给您带来负担,而且还会给周围的人带来更大的负担你也是。

I write from personal experience. I was forced to leave my job due to these exact conditions, but instead of settling for a similar pay with another IT company, I opted to go freelance. Going freelance allowed me to pick my own projects and clients, to choose technologies I'm comfortable with or interested in, and to learn more than I would ever have learned having remained stuck in the faulty team.

我是根据个人经验写的。 由于这些确切的条件,我被迫离职,但我没有选择与另一家IT公司达成类似的薪酬,而是选择了自由职业者。 成为自由职业者使我能够选择自己的项目和客户,选择自己熟悉或感兴趣的技术,并学到更多的知识,而我仍然会留在有缺陷的团队中。

结论 (Conclusion)

While this article had little to do directly with PHP, it is the opinion and experience of someone specialized in PHP. It's also a precursor to the next article on teamwork which will cover remote work, pair programming, dealing with time zone differences, types of teamwork, and more.

虽然本文与PHP没有直接关系,但这是专门从事PHP的人的见解和经验。 它也是下一篇有关团队合作的文章的前身,该文章将介绍远程工作,结对编程,处理时区差异,团队合作的类型等等。

What I'd like you to take away from this part is – don't be a slave of circumstance. Be courteous, professional and honest, but don't be afraid to leave a poisonous environment – it harms you, the people who love and support you, and finally, the project you're working on. I left and, personally, I have yet to look back with anything but relief.

我希望您从这部分中脱颖而出–不要成为环境的奴隶。 有礼貌,专业和诚实,但不要害怕离开有毒的环境-它伤害了您,爱护和支持您的人,最后伤害了您正在从事的项目。 我离开了,就我个人而言,除了救济之外,我什么都没有回头。

Do you have any team based horror stories? Success stories perhaps? Attitudes differing from those exposed in this article? Let me know in the comments below.

你有基于团队的恐怖故事吗? 也许成功的故事? 与本文中公开的态度有所不同? 在下面的评论中让我知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/becoming-php-professional-social-aspects-teamwork/


本文标签: 专业人员团队合作团队工具社会