

Challenge Overview

Argoverse™ is a dataset of high-definition maps and sensor data from Argo AI. In 2019, we released this collection publicly to aid the research community in making advancements in key perception and forecasting tasks for self-driving technology. See more details in our CVPR paper.

New! CVPR 2021 Competition

We are pleased to announce a new Motion Forecasting competition to conclude June 13th, 2021. Winning methods will be presented at the CVPR 2021 Workshop on Autonomous Driving. This year's competition is similar to last year's, but with a few tweaks: 

  1. Our Motion Forecasting leaderboard will be sorted by “Probabilistic minimum Final Displacement Error概率最小最终位移误差,” which rewards methods that assign higher probabilities to the predicted trajectory closest to the ground truth. First place on the leaderboard will win $2,000.
  2. We are interested in techniques that (a) incorporate social context in interesting ways, (b) are computationally lightweight, (c) make creative use of Argoverse's HD maps, or (d) perform especially well on a subset of challenging scenarios that we’ve identified. To reward such methods we will give two $1000 honorable mention prizes. 
  3. We require one page or longer pdf reports to be emailed to by the June 13th deadline so that we can evaluate methods for prizes and CVPR presentations.

Get started

  1. To get started, download Argoverse datasets and maps on our website: https://www.argoverse/.
  2. Check out the Argoverse API and ask questions (if you have any) on GitHub: https://github/argoai/argoverse-api.
  3. The baseline method on the leaderboard, similar to that described in our CVPR 2019 paper, is released at https://github/jagjeet-singh/argoverse-forecasting. We also provide the pre-computed features used in our paper here.

Previous Competitions: Our first Motion Forecasting competition concluded at the NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving in Vancouver, BC, on December 14, 2019. You can see details about the winning approaches here. Our second Motion Forecasting Competition concluded at the CVPR 2020 Workshop on Autonomous Driving. The winning approaches are highlighted in this talk.


据悉,轻舟智航获胜方案基础算法架构将原始高清地图数据组织为Lane graph,使用拓展的GCN建模复杂的车道拓扑关系









  1. 将轨迹分类损失函数使用高斯混合模型上的negative log likelihood loss

  2. 通过K-means聚合轨迹模式,构筑了模型集成方法

以上两项方法虽对ADE和FDE(轨迹预测误差)的影响不大,但显著改进了轨迹概率预测,所以大大提高了最终 minFDE 的 brier score。

本文标签: 挑战赛ArgoversecompetitionForecastingMotion