

〇 前言


一 什么是格式化代码


二 前置条件

  使用vscode格式化代码较为简单,安装c/c++插件后,使用快捷键Shift + Alt + F,即可格式化代码,这种格式化使用的是默认配置。同时vscode提供了接口来使用自定义格式化代码文件。



三 配置


  配置文件的名称叫做 .clang-formt,可以通过clang命令生成一个默认的该文件。

.\clang-format.exe  -style=llvm -dump-config > .clang-format


  会发现多了一个 .clang-format文件,这个文件就是使用clang格式化代码的配置文件,有非常多的配置项,长这样:







C_Cpp: Clang_format_fallback Style :当设置clang-format且没有.clang-format文件时,会使用这里选择的默认设置来设置格式。保持默认即可,不用修改。
C_Cpp: Clang_format_path:这个是clang-format.exe的绝对路径。不填写的话就会找c/c++扩展中自带的clang-format.exe来用,所以不用填。

四 格式化代码最佳实践



  1. 新建一个.clang-format文件,注意命名不要写错。
  2. 五 .clang-format文件详解 中的配置copy下来,放到你生成的文件中。
  3. 保存在某个位置,记住该位置的路径。
  4. 按照3.2配置路径的方法将路径填进去。
  5. 打开一个c代码文件,使用Shift + Alt + F 体验即可。

五 .clang-format文件详解

文件在我的仓库中 https://github/ananantony/clang-format_file

# Author:tony.meng
# Date: 2024.9.18
# Version: LLVM version 18.1.8
# Reference:https://clang.llvm/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html?spm=5176.28103460.0.0.49e35d277y2AQX

# 语言: None, Cpp, Java, JavaScript, ObjC, Proto, TableGen, TextProto
Language:        Cpp

#BasedOnStyle: LLVM|Google|Chromium|Mozilla|WebKit|Microsoft|GNU
# BasedOnStyle:  LLVM

# 访问说明符(public、private等)的偏移(缩进或者对齐)
AccessModifierOffset: -2

# 开括号(开圆括号、开尖括号、开方括号)后的对齐: Align, DontAlign, AlwaysBreak(总是在开括号后换行)
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
# Align,在开括号之后对齐变量:

# someLongFunction(argument1,
# argument2);
# DontAlign, 不对齐,换行后使用ContinuationIndentWidth:

# someLongFunction(argument1,
# argument2);
# AlwaysBreak,一行放不下时,总是在一个开括号之后换行:

# someLongFunction(
# argument1, argument2);
# BlockIndext,一行放不下时,总是在一个开括号之后换行,且在新行关闭尾括号。 仅限于圆括号:

# someLongFunction(
# argument1, argument2
# )

AlignArrayOfStructures: Left
# Left,左对齐列:
# struct test demo[] =
# {
#     {56, 23,    "hello"},
#     {-1, 93463, "world"},
#     {7,  5,     "!!"   }
# };
# Right,右对齐列:
# struct test demo[] =
# {
#     {56,    23, "hello"},
#     {-1, 93463, "world"},
#     { 7,     5,    "!!"}
# };

#AlignConsecutiveAssignments 对齐连续赋值

#是否启用 true/false
  Enabled:         true

  AcrossEmptyLines: true
# true:
# int a            = 1;
# int somelongname = 2;
# double c         = 3;

# int d            = 3;
# false:
# int a            = 1;
# int somelongname = 2;
# double c         = 3;

# int d = 3;

  AcrossComments:  true
# true:
# int d    = 3;
# /* A comment. */
# double e = 4;
# false:
# int d = 3;
# /* A comment. */
# double e = 4;

  AlignCompound:   true
# true:
# a   &= 2;
# bbb  = 2;
# false:
# a &= 2;
# bbb = 2;

  AlignFunctionPointers: false

  PadOperators:    true
# true:
# a   >>= 2;
# bbb   = 2;

# a     = 2;
# bbb >>= 2;
# false:
# a >>= 2;
# bbb = 2;

# a     = 2;
# bbb >>= 2;

  Enabled:         true
  AcrossEmptyLines: true
  AcrossComments:  true
  AlignCompound:   false
  AlignFunctionPointers: false
  PadOperators:    false
# struct aa {
#   int test : 4;
#   int b    : 5;
#   int c    : 8;
# };

  Enabled:         true
  AcrossEmptyLines: false
  AcrossComments:  false
  AlignCompound:   false
  AlignFunctionPointers: false
  PadOperators:    false
# int         aaaa = 12;
# float       b    = 23;
# std::string ccc;
# const char  hexdigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
# void        Ipv6_deal(const uint16_t *a);

# int main(const uint16_t *a, const uint16_t *k) { ... }  

  Enabled:         true
  AcrossEmptyLines: false
  AcrossComments:  true
  AlignCompound:   false
  AlignFunctionPointers: false
  PadOperators:    false
#define SHORT_NAME       42
#define LONGER_NAME      0x007f
#define EVEN_LONGER_NAME (2)
#define foo(x)           (x * x)
#define bar(y, z)        (y + z)


#switch 语句中连续的简短 case格式化
  Enabled:         true
# switch (level) {
# case log::info:    return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";
# default:           return "";
# }
# false:
# switch (level) {
# case log::info: return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";
# default: return "";
# }

  AcrossEmptyLines: true
# true:
# switch (level) {
# case log::info:    return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";

# default:           return "";
# }
# false:
# switch (level) {
# case log::info:    return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";

# default: return "";
# }

  AcrossComments:  true

  AlignCaseColons: false
# true:
# switch (level) {
# case log::info   : return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";
# default          : return "";
# }
# false:
# switch (level) {
# case log::info:    return "info:";
# case log::warning: return "warning:";
# default:           return "";
# }

#对齐分割语法行的斜杠符\  DontAlign、Left、Right
AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
# #define A \
#   int aaaa; \
#   int b; \
#   int dddddddddd;
# #define A   \
#   int aaaa; \
#   int b;    \
#   int dddddddddd;
# #define A                                                                      \
#   int aaaa;                                                                    \
#   int b;                                                                       \
#   int dddddddddd;


#竖直对齐表达式的操作数 DontAlign,Align,AlignAfterOperator
AlignOperands:   AlignAfterOperator  
# Align:
# int aaa = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb +
#           ccccccccccccccc;
# AlignAfterOperators:
# int aaa = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
#         + ccccccccccccccc;

#注释对齐 Leave Always Never
  Kind:            Always
  #跨越的空行数对齐 (当是1的时候,中间有1个空行,注释依然对齐)
  OverEmptyLines:  1
# Leave:
# int a;    // comment
# int ab;       // comment

# int abc;  // comment
# int abcd;     // comment
# Always:
# int a;  // comment
# int ab; // comment

# int abc;  // comment
# int abcd; // comment
# Never:
# int a; // comment
# int ab; // comment

# int abc; // comment
# int abcd; // comment
AllowAllArgumentsOnNextLine: true
# true:
# callFunction(
#     a, b, c, d);
# false:
# callFunction(a,
#              b,
#              c,
#              d);

AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
# true:
# void myFunction(
#     int a, int b, int c, int d, int e);
# false:
# void myFunction(int a,
#                 int b,
#                 int c,
#                 int d,
#                 int e);

AllowBreakBeforeNoexceptSpecifier: Never
# Never:
# void foo(int arg1,
#          double arg2) noexcept;

# void bar(int arg1, double arg2) noexcept(
#     noexcept(baz(arg1)) &&
#     noexcept(baz(arg2)));
# OnlyWithParen:
# void foo(int arg1,
#          double arg2) noexcept;

# void bar(int arg1, double arg2)
#     noexcept(noexcept(baz(arg1)) &&
#              noexcept(baz(arg2)));
# Always:    
# void foo(int arg1,
#          double arg2) noexcept;

# void bar(int arg1, double arg2)
#     noexcept(noexcept(baz(arg1)) &&
#              noexcept(baz(arg2)));     

AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Never
# Never:
# while (true) {
# }
# while (true) {
#   continue;
# }
# Empty:
# while (true) {}
# while (true) {
#   continue;
# }
# Always:
# while (true) {}
# while (true) { continue; }

AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
# true:                                   false:
# switch (a) {                    vs.     switch (a) {
# case 1: x = 1; break;                   case 1:
# case 2: return;                           x = 1;
# }                                         break;
#                                         case 2:
#                                           return;
#                                         }

AllowShortCompoundRequirementOnASingleLine: true
# true:
# template <typename T>
# concept c = requires(T x) {
#   { x + 1 } -> std::same_as<int>;
# };
# false:
# template <typename T>
# concept c = requires(T x) {
#   {
#     x + 1
#   } -> std::same_as<int>;
# };

AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true
# true:
# enum { A, B } myEnum;
# false:
# enum {
#   A,
#   B
# } myEnum;

#允许将短的函数放在一行上 None InlineOnly Empty Inline All
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: None
# InlineOnly:
# class Foo {
#   void f() { foo(); }
# };
# void f() {
#   foo();
# }
# void f() {
# }
# Empty:
# void f() {}
# void f2() {
#   bar2();
# }
# Inline:
# class Foo {
#   void f() { foo(); }
# };
# void f() {
#   foo();
# }
# void f() {}
# All:
# class Foo {
#   void f() { foo(); }
# };
# void f() { bar(); }

#允许将短的return 放在同一行 Never WithoutElse OnlyFirstIf AllIfsAndElse
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: Never
# Never:
# if (a)
#   return;

# if (b)
#   return;
# else
#   return;

# if (c)
#   return;
# else {
#   return;
# }
# WithoutElse:
# if (a) return;

# if (b)
#   return;
# else
#   return;

# if (c)
#   return;
# else {
#   return;
# }
# OnlyFirstIf:
# if (a) return;

# if (b) return;
# else if (b)
#   return;
# else
#   return;

# if (c) return;
# else {
#   return;
# }
# AllIfsAndElse:
# if (a) return;

# if (b) return;
# else return;

# if (c) return;
# else {
#   return;
# }

#允许将短的lambda语句放在同一行 None  Empty Inline All
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: All 
# Empty:
# auto lambda = [](int a) {};
# auto lambda2 = [](int a) {
#     return a;
# };
# Inline:
# auto lambda = [](int x, int y) {
#     return x < y;
# };
# sort(a.begin(), a.end(), [](int x, int y) { return x < y; });
# All:
# auto lambda = [](int a) {};
# auto lambda2 = [](int a) { return a; };

#允许将 while(true) continue放在同一行  true false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false

AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None

AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None


AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
# true:                                  false:
# aaaa =                         vs.     aaaa = "bbbb"
#     "bbbb"                                    "cccc";
#     "cccc";

AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: MultiLine
# 这可以用于语言扩展或静态分析注解等用途。
# 当 clang-format 格式化代码时,它会对这些宏按照属性的规则进行处理。       
# __capability, __output, __unused

  - __capability

BinPackArguments: true
# true:
# void f() {
#   f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
#     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
# }
# false:
# void f() {
#   f(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
#     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
#     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
# }

#如果为false, 函数声明或函数定义的参数将都在同一行上,或各有一行。
BinPackParameters: true

#位字段冒号间距样式 Both None Before After
BitFieldColonSpacing: Both
# Both: 冒号前后都空一格
# unsigned bf : 2;
# None: 冒号前后都不空格
# unsigned bf:2;
# Before: 冒号前空格
# unsigned bf :2;
# After: 冒号后空格
# unsigned bf: 2;

#花括号 {} 位置
#若 BreakBeforeBraces 选项被设置为 Custom,则使用下列选项来确定花括号位置,否则忽略

#case 语句的花括号
  AfterCaseLabel:  true
#   false:                                true:
# switch (foo) {                vs.     switch (foo) {
#   case 1: {                             case 1:
#     bar();                              {
#     break;                                bar();
#   }                                       break;
#   default: {                            }
#     plop();                             default:
#   }                                     {
# }                                         plop();
#                                         }
#                                       }

  AfterClass:      true
# true:
# class foo
# {};
# false:
# class foo {};

  AfterControlStatement: Always
# Never:
# if (foo()) {
# } else {
# }
# for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
# }
# MultiLine
# if (foo && bar &&
#     baz)
# {
#   quux();
# }
# while (foo || bar) {
# }
# Always
# if (foo())
# {
# } else
# {}
# for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
# {}

  AfterEnum:       true
#   true:
# enum X : int
# {
#   B
# };
# false:
# enum X : int { B };

#extern 后的花括号
  AfterExternBlock: true
# true:
# extern "C"
# {
#   int foo();
# }
# false:
# extern "C" {
# int foo();
# }

  AfterFunction:   true
# true:
# void foo()
# {
#   bar();
#   bar2();
# }
# false:
# void foo() {
#   bar();
#   bar2();
# }

  AfterNamespace:  true
# true:
# namespace
# {
# int foo();
# int bar();
# }
# false:
# namespace {
# int foo();
# int bar();
# }

#ObjC 的花括号
  AfterObjCDeclaration: false

  AfterStruct:     true
# true:
# struct foo
# {
#   int x;
# };
# false:
# struct foo {
#   int x;
# };

  AfterUnion:      true
# true:
# union foo
# {
#   int x;
# }
# false:
# union foo {
#   int x;
# }

#catch 前的花括号
  BeforeCatch:     true
# true:
# try {
#   foo();
# }
# catch () {
# }
# false:
# try {
#   foo();
# } catch () {

  BeforeElse:      true
# true:
# if (foo()) {
# }
# else {
# }
# false:
# if (foo()) {
# } else {
# }

  BeforeLambdaBody: true
# true:
# connect(
#   []()
#   {
#     foo();
#     bar();
#   });
# false:
# connect([]() {
#   foo();
#   bar();
# });

  BeforeWhile:     true
# true:
# do {
#   foo();
# }
# while (1);
# false:
# do {
#   foo();
# } while (1);

  IndentBraces:    false
  SplitEmptyFunction: true
# false:          true:
# int f()   vs.   int f()
# {}              {
#                 }

  SplitEmptyRecord: true
# false:           true:
# class Foo   vs.  class Foo
# {}               {
#                  }

  SplitEmptyNamespace: true
# false:               true:
# namespace Foo   vs.  namespace Foo
# {}                   {
#                      }

BreakAdjacentStringLiterals: true
# true:
# return "Code"
#        "\0\52\26\55\55\0"
#        "x013"
#        "\02\xBA";
# false:
# return "Code" "\0\52\26\55\55\0" "x013" "\02\xBA";
#c++ 中属性是否换行 Always  Leave Never
BreakAfterAttributes: Leave
# Always:
# [[maybe_unused]]
# const int i;
# [[gnu::const]] [[maybe_unused]]
# int j;

# [[nodiscard]]
# inline int f();
# [[gnu::const]] [[nodiscard]]
# int g();

# [[likely]]
# if (a)
#   f();
# else
#   g();

# switch (b) {
# [[unlikely]]
# case 1:
#   ++b;
#   break;
# [[likely]]
# default:
#   return;
# }
# Leave:
# [[maybe_unused]] const int i;
# [[gnu::const]] [[maybe_unused]]
# int j;

# [[nodiscard]] inline int f();
# [[gnu::const]] [[nodiscard]]
# int g();

# [[likely]] if (a)
#   f();
# else
#   g();

# switch (b) {
# [[unlikely]] case 1:
#   ++b;
#   break;
# [[likely]]
# default:
#   return;
# }
# Never:
# [[maybe_unused]] const int i;
# [[gnu::const]] [[maybe_unused]] int j;

# [[nodiscard]] inline int f();
# [[gnu::const]] [[nodiscard]] int g();

# [[likely]] if (a)
#   f();
# else
#   g();

# switch (b) {
# [[unlikely]] case 1:
#   ++b;
#   break;
# [[likely]] default:
#   return;
# }

BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
# true:                                  false:
# @Partial                       vs.     @Partial @Mock DataLoad loader;
# @Mock
# DataLoad loader;

#json 数组换行
BreakArrays:     true
# true:                                  false:
# [                          vs.      [1, 2, 3, 4]
#   1,
#   2,
#   3,
#   4
# ]

BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
# None: 在运算符之前换行
# LooooooooooongType loooooooooooooooooooooongVariable =
#     someLooooooooooooooooongFunction();

# bool value = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +
#                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ==
#                  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&
#              aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >
#                  ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;
# NonAssignment 在非赋值运算符之前换行
# LooooooooooongType loooooooooooooooooooooongVariable =
#     someLooooooooooooooooongFunction();

# bool value = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                      + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                  == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#              && aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                     > ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;
# All 所有运算符之前都换行
# LooooooooooongType loooooooooooooooooooooongVariable
#     = someLooooooooooooooooongFunction();

# bool value = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                      + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                  == aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#              && aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#                     > ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc;

BreakBeforeConceptDeclarations: Always
# Never
# template <typename T> concept C = ...;
# Always
# template <typename T>
# concept C = ...;

#花括号换行方式  Attach Linux Mozilla Stroustrup Allman Whitesmiths GNU WebKit Custom
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom

BreakBeforeInlineASMColon: OnlyMultiline
# Never
# asm volatile("string", : : val);
# OnlyMultiline
# asm volatile("string", : : val);
# asm("cmoveq %1, %2, %[result]"
#     : [result] "=r"(result)
#     : "r"(test), "r"(new), "[result]"(old));
# Always
# asm volatile("string",
#              :
#              : val);
#三元运算符样式 如果为true,则放在换行之后
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
# true:
# veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongDescription
#     ? firstValue
#     : SecondValueVeryVeryVeryVeryLong;
# false:
# veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongDescription ?
#     firstValue :
#     SecondValueVeryVeryVeryVeryLong;

BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
# BeforeColon:
# Constructor()
#     : initializer1(),
#       initializer2()
# BeforeComma:
# Constructor()
#     : initializer1()
#     , initializer2()
# AfterColon:
# Constructor() :
#     initializer1(),
#     initializer2()
BreakInheritanceList: BeforeColon
#  BeforeColon 
# class Foo
#     : Base1,
#       Base2
# {};
# BeforeComma
# class Foo
#     : Base1
#     , Base2
# {};
# class Foo :
#     Base1,
#     Base2
# {};
# class Foo : Base1,
#             Base2
# {};

BreakStringLiterals: true
# true:
# const char* x = "veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVe"
#                 "ryVeryVeryVeryVeryVery"
#                 "VeryLongString";
# false:
# const char* x =
#     "veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongString";

ColumnLimit:     100

CommentPragmas:  '^ IWYU pragma:'

CompactNamespaces: false
# true:
# namespace Foo { namespace Bar {
# }}
# false:
# namespace Foo {
# namespace Bar {
# }
# }

ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
# MyClass::MyClass(int x, int y)
#     : member1(x),
#       member2(y) {
#     // ...
# }

ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
# int i =           //  VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongComment
#     longFunction( // Again a long comment
#         arg);

Cpp11BracedListStyle: true

# true:                                  false:
# vector<int> x{1, 2, 3, 4};     vs.     vector<int> x{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
# vector<T> x{{}, {}, {}, {}};           vector<T> x{ {}, {}, {}, {} };
# f(MyMap[{composite, key}]);            f(MyMap[{ composite, key }]);
# new int[3]{1, 2, 3};                   new int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 };
#指针符号(* &)的调整方式
#true 表示跟随不同的上下文来决定其最佳位置,false表示遵循默认的行为,即紧挨着类型名
DerivePointerAlignment: false

DisableFormat:   false

#控制类或结构体定义中访问修饰符(如 public、protected 和 private)之后是否添加空行。 Never,Always,Leave
EmptyLineAfterAccessModifier: Never
# Never:
# struct foo {
# private:
#   int i;
# protected:
#   int j;
#   /* comment */
# public:
#   foo() {}
# private:
# protected:
# };
# Always:
# struct foo {
# private:

#   int i;
# protected:

#   int j;
#   /* comment */
# public:

#   foo() {}
# private:

# protected:

# };

#控制类或结构体定义中访问修饰符(如 public、protected 和 private)之前是否添加空行。
EmptyLineBeforeAccessModifier: LogicalBlock
# Never:

# struct foo {
# private:
#   int i;
# protected:
#   int j;
#   /* comment */
# public:
#   foo() {}
# private:
# protected:
# };
# Leave:不采取操作
# LogicalBlock:仅当访问修饰符启动新的逻辑块时才添加空行。逻辑块是一组一个或多个成员字段或函数。

# struct foo {
# private:
#   int i;

# protected:
#   int j;
#   /* comment */
# public:
#   foo() {}

# private:
# protected:
# };

# Always:

# struct foo {
# private:
#   int i;

# protected:
#   int j;
#   /* comment */

# public:
#   foo() {}

# private:

# protected:
# };

ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false

FixNamespaceComments: true

# true:                                  false:
# namespace longNamespace {      vs.     namespace longNamespace {
# void foo();                            void foo();
# void bar();                            void bar();
# } // namespace a                       }
# namespace shortNamespace {             namespace shortNamespace {
# void baz();                            void baz();
# }                                      }

#用于控制宏展开时的格式化,特别是与 foreach 宏类似的迭代宏。
  - foreach

#选项用于控制预处理器条件编译指令的格式化。当你在 IfMacros 下列出特定的宏时,.clang-format 

IncludeBlocks:   Preserve
#include "b.h"               into      #include "b.h"

#include <lib/main.h>                  #include "a.h"
#include "a.h"                         #include <lib/main.h>
#include "b.h"               into      #include "a.h"
                                       #include "b.h"
#include <lib/main.h>                  #include <lib/main.h>
#include "a.h"

#include "b.h"               into      #include "a.h"
                                       #include "b.h"
#include <lib/main.h>
#include "a.h"                         #include <lib/main.h>

  - Regex:           '^"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/'
    Priority:        2
    SortPriority:    0
    CaseSensitive:   false
  - Regex:           '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)'
    Priority:        3
    SortPriority:    0
    CaseSensitive:   false
  - Regex:           '.*'
    Priority:        1
    SortPriority:    0
    CaseSensitive:   false

# IncludeIsMainRegex 选项用于控制哪些头文件包含应该被视为“主”头文件。
# 这个选项允许你指定一个正则表达式,用于匹配那些被认为是“主”头文件的包含声明。
# 当一个头文件被视为“主”头文件时,.clang-format 会在格式化时给予特别处理。
IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$'

#  IncludeIsMainSourceRegex 选项用于控制哪些源文件包含应该被视为“主”源文件。
#  这个选项允许你指定一个正则表达式,用于匹配那些被认为是“主”源文件的包含声明。
#  当一个源文件被视为“主”源文件时,.clang-format 会在格式化时给予特别处理,
#  通常是在某些情况下将这些包含放在特定的位置。
IncludeIsMainSourceRegex: ''

#控制类或结构体定义中的访问修饰符(如 public、protected 和 private)的缩进方式。这个选项决定了类成员声明前的访问修饰符是否应该缩进。
IndentAccessModifiers: false

# false:                                 true:
# class C {                      vs.     class C {
#   class D {                                class D {
#     void bar();                                void bar();
#   protected:                                 protected:
#     D();                                       D();
#   };                                       };
# public:                                  public:
#   C();                                     C();
# };                                     };
# void foo() {                           void foo() {
#   return 1;                              return 1;
# }                                      }

IndentCaseBlocks: false
# false:                                 true:
# switch (fool) {                vs.     switch (fool) {
# case 1: {                              case 1:
#   bar();                                 {
# } break;                                   bar();
# default: {                               }
#   plop();                                break;
# }                                      default:
# }                                        {
#                                            plop();
#                                          }
#                                        }

IndentCaseLabels: true
#是否将case 缩进
# false:                                 true:
# switch (fool) {                vs.     switch (fool) {
# case 1:                                  case 1:
#   bar();                                   bar();
#   break;                                   break;
# default:                                 default:
#   plop();                                  plop();
# }                                      }

IndentExternBlock: AfterExternBlock
#extern 块的样式
# IndentExternBlock: AfterExternBlock
# BraceWrapping.AfterExternBlock: true
# extern "C"
# {
#     void foo();
# }
# IndentExternBlock: AfterExternBlock
# BraceWrapping.AfterExternBlock: false
# extern "C" {
# void foo();
# }
# NoIndent:
# extern "C" {
# void foo();
# }
# Indent
# extern "C" {
#   void foo();
# }

IndentGotoLabels: true
# true:                                  false:
# int f() {                      vs.     int f() {
#   if (foo()) {                           if (foo()) {
#   label1:                              label1:
#     bar();                                 bar();
#   }                                      }
# label2:                                label2:
#   return 1;                              return 1;
# }                                      }

IndentPPDirectives: None
# None
# #if FOO
# #if BAR
# #include <foo>
# #endif
# #endif
# AfterHash
# #if FOO
# #  if BAR
# #    include <foo>
# #  endif
# #endif
# BeforeHash
# #if FOO
#   #if BAR
#     #include <foo>
#   #endif
# #endif

IndentRequiresClause: true
# true:
# template <typename It>
#   requires Iterator<It>
# void sort(It begin, It end) {
#   //....
# }
# false:
# template <typename It>
# requires Iterator<It>
# void sort(It begin, It end) {
#   //....
# }

IndentWidth:     4

IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
# true:
# LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongReturnType
#     LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionDeclaration();

# false:
# LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongReturnType
# LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunctionDeclaration();

InsertBraces:    false

# false:                                    true:

# if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D))        vs.      if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
#   handleFunctionDecl(D);                    handleFunctionDecl(D);
# else if (isa<VarDecl>(D))                 } else if (isa<VarDecl>(D)) {
#   handleVarDecl(D);                         handleVarDecl(D);
# else                                      } else {
#   return;                                   return;
#                                           }

# while (i--)                      vs.      while (i--) {
#   for (auto *A : D.attrs())                 for (auto *A : D.attrs()) {
#     handleAttr(A);                            handleAttr(A);
#                                             }
#                                           }

# do                               vs.      do {
#   --i;                                      --i;
# while (i);                                } while (i);

InsertNewlineAtEOF: true

InsertTrailingCommas: None

  Binary:          0
  BinaryMinDigits: 0
  Decimal:         0
  DecimalMinDigits: 0
  Hex:             0
  HexMinDigits:    0

JavaScriptQuotes: Leave

JavaScriptWrapImports: true

KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true

KeepEmptyLinesAtEOF: false

LambdaBodyIndentation: Signature
# Signature:
# someMethod(
#     [](SomeReallyLongLambdaSignatureArgument foo) {
#       return;
#     });
# OuterScope:
# someMethod(
#     [](SomeReallyLongLambdaSignatureArgument foo) {
#   return;
# });

# someMethod(someOtherMethod(
#     [](SomeReallyLongLambdaSignatureArgument foo) {
#   return;
# }));
# 行尾结束符
LineEnding:      DeriveLF
# LF:使用 \n.
# CRLF:使用 \r\n.
# DeriveLF :使用\n ,除非输入有更多以\r\n结尾的行
# DeriveCRLF:使用\r\n,除非输入有更多以\r\n结尾的行

MacroBlockBegin: ''

MacroBlockEnd:   ''

MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
# MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1         vs.     MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 0
# int f() {                              int f() {
#   int = 1;                                 int i = 1;
#                                            i = foo();
#   i = foo();                               return i;
#                                        }
#   return i;
# }

NamespaceIndentation: None
# None:
# namespace out {
# int i;
# namespace in {
# int i;
# }
# }
# Inner
# namespace out {
# int i;
# namespace in {
#   int i;
# }
# }
# All
# namespace out {
#   int i;
#   namespace in {
#     int i;
#   }
# }

ObjCBinPackProtocolList: Auto
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
ObjCBreakBeforeNestedBlockParam: true
ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true

PackConstructorInitializers: BinPack
# Never:
# Constructor()
#     : a(),
#       b()
# BinPack      
# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(), bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(),
#       cccccccccccccccccccc()
# CurrentLine:      
# Constructor() : a(), b()

# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(),
#       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(),
#       ddddddddddddd()
# NextLine:
# Constructor() : a(), b()

# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(), bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(), ddddddddddddd()

# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(),
#       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(),
#       cccccccccccccccccccc()   
# NextLineOnly:
# Constructor()
#     : a(), b()

# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(), bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(), ddddddddddddd()

# Constructor()
#     : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(),
#       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(),
#       cccccccccccccccccccc()    

PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2
PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
PenaltyBreakComment: 300
PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
PenaltyBreakOpenParenthesis: 0
PenaltyBreakScopeResolution: 500
PenaltyBreakString: 1000
PenaltyBreakTemplateDeclaration: 10
PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
PenaltyIndentedWhitespace: 0
PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60

PointerAlignment: Right
# Left
# int* a;
# Right
# int *a;
# Middle
# int * a;

PPIndentWidth:   -1

# PPIndentWidth: 1

# #ifdef __linux__
# # define FOO
# #else
# # define BAR
# #endif

QualifierAlignment: Leave

ReferenceAlignment: Pointer
# Left:
# int& a;
# Right:
# int &a;
# Middle:
# int & a;

ReflowComments:  true
# false:
# // veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongComment with plenty of information
# /* second veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongComment with plenty of information */
# true:
# // veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongComment with plenty of
# // information
# /* second veryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongComment with plenty of
#  * information */

RemoveBracesLLVM: false

#删除多余的括号 Leave MultipleParentheses ReturnStatement
RemoveParentheses: Leave

RemoveSemicolon: false

#requires 的位置
RequiresClausePosition: OwnLine
# OwnLine:
# template <typename T>
#   requires C<T>
# struct Foo {...

# template <typename T>
# void bar(T t)
#   requires C<T>;

# template <typename T>
#   requires C<T>
# void bar(T t) {...

# template <typename T>
# void baz(T t)
#   requires C<T>
# {...
# OwnLineWithBrace:
# void bar(T t)
#   requires C<T> {
#   return;
# }

# void bar(T t)
#   requires C<T> {}

# template <typename T>
#   requires C<T>
# void baz(T t) {
#   ...

# WithPreceding
# template <typename T> requires C<T>
# struct Foo {...

# template <typename T> requires C<T>
# void bar(T t) {...

# template <typename T>
# void baz(T t) requires C<T>
# {...

# WithFollowing
# template <typename T>
# requires C<T> struct Foo {...

# template <typename T>
# requires C<T> void bar(T t) {...

# template <typename T>
# void baz(T t)
# requires C<T> {...
# SingleLine:
# // Fitting:
# template <typename T> requires C<T> struct Foo {...

# template <typename T> requires C<T> void bar(T t) {...

# template <typename T> void bar(T t) requires C<T> {...

# // Not fitting, one possible example:
# template <typename LongName>
# requires C<LongName>
# struct Foo {...

# template <typename LongName>
# requires C<LongName>
# void bar(LongName ln) {

# template <typename LongName>
# void bar(LongName ln)
#     requires C<LongName> {

RequiresExpressionIndentation: OuterScope
# OuterScope
# template <typename T>
# concept C = requires(T t) {
#   ...
# }

# Keyword
# template <typename T>
# concept C = requires(T t) {
#               ...
#             }

SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Leave
#Never                  v.s.     Always
#include <cstring>              #include <cstring>
# struct Foo {
#   int a, b, c;                  struct Foo {
# };                                int a, b, c;
# namespace Ns {                  };
# class Bar {
# public:                         namespace Ns {
#   struct Foobar {               class Bar {
#     int a;                      public:
#     int b;                        struct Foobar {
#   };                                int a;
# private:                            int b;
#   int t;                          };
#   int method1() {
#     // ...                      private:
#   }                               int t;
#   enum List {
#     ITEM1,                        int method1() {
#     ITEM2                           // ...
#   };                              }
#   template<typename T>
#   int method2(T x) {              enum List {
#     // ...                          ITEM1,
#   }                                 ITEM2
#   int i, j, k;                    };
#   int method3(int par) {
#     // ...                        template<typename T>
#   }                               int method2(T x) {
# };                                  // ...
# class C {};                       }
# }
#                                   int i, j, k;

#                                   int method3(int par) {
#                                     // ...
#                                   }
#                                 };

#                                 class C {};
#                                 }

ShortNamespaceLines: 1
# ShortNamespaceLines: 1     vs.     ShortNamespaceLines: 0
# namespace a {                      namespace a {
#   int foo;                           int foo;
# }                                  } // namespace a

# ShortNamespaceLines: 1     vs.     ShortNamespaceLines: 0
# namespace b {                      namespace b {
#   int foo;                           int foo;
#   int bar;                           int bar;
# } // namespace b                   } // namespace b

SkipMacroDefinitionBody: false

SortIncludes:    CaseSensitive
# Never:
# #include "B/A.h"
# #include "A/B.h"
# #include "a/b.h"
# #include "A/b.h"
# #include "B/a.h"
# CaseSensitive:
# #include "A/B.h"
# #include "A/b.h"
# #include "B/A.h"
# #include "B/a.h"
# #include "a/b.h"
# CaseInsensitive:
# #include "A/B.h"
# #include "A/b.h"
# #include "a/b.h"
# #include "B/A.h"
# #include "B/a.h"

#对 Java 导入进行排序时
SortJavaStaticImport: Before

SortUsingDeclarations: LexicographicNumeric
# Never
# using std::chrono::duration_cast;
# using std::move;
# using boost::regex;
# using boost::regex_constants::icase;
# using std::string;
# Lexicographic
# using boost::regex;
# using boost::regex_constants::icase;
# using std::chrono::duration_cast;
# using std::move;
# using std::string;
# LexicographicNumeric
# using boost::regex;
# using boost::regex_constants::icase;
# using std::move;
# using std::string;
# using std::chrono::duration_cast;

SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
# true:                                  false:
# (int) i;                       vs.     (int)i;

SpaceAfterLogicalNot: false
# true:                                  false:
# ! someExpression();            vs.     !someExpression();

#template 后是否加空格
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true

SpaceAroundPointerQualifiers: Default
# Default:
# PointerAlignment: Left                 PointerAlignment: Right
# void* const* x = NULL;         vs.     void *const *x = NULL;
# Before:
# PointerAlignment: Left                 PointerAlignment: Right
# void* const* x = NULL;         vs.     void * const *x = NULL;
# After:
# PointerAlignment: Left                 PointerAlignment: Right
# void* const * x = NULL;         vs.     void *const *x = NULL;
# Both:
# PointerAlignment: Left                 PointerAlignment: Right
# void* const * x = NULL;         vs.     void * const *x = NULL;

SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
# true:                                  false:
# int a = 5;                     vs.     int a= 5;
# a += 42;                               a+= 42;

SpaceBeforeCaseColon: false
# true:                                   false
# switch (x) {                    vs.     switch (x) {
#   case 1 : break;                         case 1: break;
# }                                       }


#是否在用于初始化对象的 C++11 大括号列表之前插入一个空格(在前面的标识符或类型之后)。
SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: false
# true:                                  false:
# Foo foo { bar };               vs.     Foo foo{ bar };
# Foo {};                                Foo{};
# vector<int> { 1, 2, 3 };               vector<int>{ 1, 2, 3 };
# new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 };                new int[3]{ 1, 2, 3 };

SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: true
# true:                                  false:
# Foo::Foo() : a(a) {}                   Foo::Foo(): a(a) {}

SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: true

# true:                                  false:
# class Foo : Bar {}             vs.     class Foo: Bar {}

#是否在json 的冒号前增加空格
SpaceBeforeJsonColon: false
# true:                                  false:
# {                                      {
#   "key" : "value"              vs.       "key": "value"
# }                                      }

SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
# Never:

# ControlStatements
# void f() {
#   if (true) {
#     f();
#   }
# }
# ControlStatementsExceptControlMacros:
# void f() {
#   Q_FOREACH(...) {
#     f();
#   }
# }
# NonEmptyParentheses:
# void() {
#   if (true) {
#     f();
#     g (x, y, z);
#   }
# }
# Always:
# void f () {
#   if (true) {
#     f ();
#   }
# }
# Custom:在SpaceBeforeParensOptions设置

  AfterControlStatements: true
  AfterForeachMacros: true
  AfterFunctionDefinitionName: false
  AfterFunctionDeclarationName: false
  AfterIfMacros:   true
  AfterOverloadedOperator: false
  AfterPlacementOperator: true
  AfterRequiresInClause: false
  AfterRequiresInExpression: false
  BeforeNonEmptyParentheses: false

#是否不删除 for循环冒汗之前的空格
SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: true
# true:                                  false:
# for (auto v : values) {}       vs.     for(auto v: values) {}

SpaceBeforeSquareBrackets: false
# true:                                  false:
# int a [5];                    vs.      int a[5];
# int a [5][5];                 vs.      int a[5][5];

SpaceInEmptyBlock: false
# true:                                false:
# void f() { }                   vs.   void f() {}
# while (true) { }                     while (true) {}

SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
# SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 3
# void f() {
#   if (true) {   // foo1
#     f();        // bar
#   }             // foo
# }

SpacesInAngles:  Never
# Never:

# static_cast<int>(arg);
# std::function<void(int)> fct;
# Always:

# static_cast< int >(arg);
# std::function< void(int) > fct;

SpacesInContainerLiterals: true
# true:                                  false:
# var arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];         vs.     var arr = [1, 2, 3];
# f({a : 1, b : 2, c : 3});              f({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});

  Minimum:         1
  Maximum:         -1

SpacesInParens:  Never

  InCStyleCasts:   false
  InConditionalStatements: false
  InEmptyParentheses: false
  Other:           false

SpacesInSquareBrackets: false

# true:                                  false:
# int a[ 5 ];                    vs.     int a[5];
# std::unique_ptr<int[]> foo() {} // Won't be affected

Standard:        Latest
# c++03:                                 latest:
# vector<set<int> > x;           vs.     vector<set<int>> x;

#在语句前面被忽略的宏,就像它们是属性一样。这样它们就不会被解析为标识符,例如 Qts 发出的标识符。
  - Q_EMIT

#应被解释为完整语句的宏向量。 典型的宏是表达式,需要加分号;有时情况并非如此,这使得 clang-format 能够意识到这种情况。  

TabWidth:        4

UseTab:          Never

VerilogBreakBetweenInstancePorts: true



本文标签: 代码文件ClangVSCodeFormat