

在前面的文章中,我经常提到bufferbloat,关于这个词的解释,我几乎都是明嘲暗讽地把锅甩到Reno/CUBIC这类基于AIMD的算法身上,声称它们是 buffer友好的必须填充buffer的 , 随之而来的就有设备厂商的推波助澜,用越来越大的buffer赢得用户的普遍认可,反过来促进buffer进一步被Reno/CUBIC填满,如此一个类似Windows-Intel的循环…








  • 网络链路 b u f f e r 1 buffer_1 buffer1:带有时间延展性的第一类缓存。
  • 队列缓存 b u f f e r 2 buffer_2 buffer2:带有时间墙的第二类缓存。


B D P m a x = b u f f e r 1 + b u f f e r 2 BDP_{max}=buffer_1+buffer_2 BDPmax=buffer1+buffer2
B D P m i n = b u f f e r 1 BDP_{min}=buffer_1 BDPmin=buffer1
B D P m i n = ( 1 − β ) B D P m a x BDP_{min}=(1-\beta)BDP_{max} BDPmin=(1β)BDPmax

因此,很容易导出 b u f f e r 1 buffer_1 buffer1 b u f f e r 2 buffer_2 buffer2的关系:

b u f f e r 2 = 1 − β β b u f f e r 1 buffer_2=\dfrac{1-\beta}{\beta}buffer_1 buffer2=β1βbuffer1

对于Reno算法, β = 0.5 \beta=0.5 β=0.5,队列buffer需要至少等于一个带宽和传播时延乘积。

我们看看 b u f f e r 1 buffer_1 buffer1,它显然是 B l t B W × R T p r o p BltBW\times RTprop BltBW×RTprop,即带宽和物理传播时延的乘积。把传播速度假设成光速的话,确定的两个地点之间的 R T p r o p RTprop RTprop是固定的值,那么 b u f f e r 2 buffer_2 buffer2的值将由 B l t B W BltBW BltBW决定。那么请看下面的图示:

随着网卡和链路带宽的不断提高,若要AIMD算法在不损BltBW的前提下继续起作用,显然buffer 必须 同步增加,也就是说,带宽扩大100倍,buffer也要扩大100倍,这是不可想象的!这个事实背后的摩尔定律让路由器最终不堪重负。

在一篇名为Deprecating The TCP Macroscopic Model的论文中,有下列陈述:

The key parameter of a network queue is drain time: how long does it take for a full queue to completely drain through the bottleneck if no additional packets arrive? If the drain time is slightly larger than the path round trip time it turns out to be fairly easy for Jacobson88 style congestion control to maintain a queue at the bottleneck and attain 100% utilization across a wide range of conditions.

However, Moore’s law dooms large buffers deep in the interior of the Internet. The problem is that maintaining constant drain time in the presence of ever increasing interface (link) speeds requires that the pace of progress for the queue buffer memory exceeds Moore’s law. Colloquially Moore’s law states that the product of speed (clock rate) and complexity (device count) doubles every 18 months. Consider the following thought experiment: Internet data rates have been doubling roughly every 2 years (slightly slower than Moore’s law). To maintain constant drain time the queue buffer memory has to double in size every 2 years. It also has to double in speed every 2 years. With data rates doubling every 2 years, the speed-complexity product for buffer memory has to double every year to maintain constant drain time. There is no cost effective way to do this, and as a consequence over a span of decades the available drain times have been dropping for the fastest devices on the network.

At the same time the Internet edge has developed the opposite problem: in home networks where data rates are relatively low (typically 1 Gb/s and below), it is easy to build large buffers with plenty of bandwidth. These devices can have queue drain times in the seconds or tens of seconds range, a problem known as BufferBloat[20].




事实上,CCA是可以按照 “如何看待网络” 的方式进行分类的:

  • 黑盒CCA:网络就是一个黑盒子,基于一个数学模型进行收敛,比如AIMD系列的Reno/CUBIC。
  • 灰盒CCA:网络稍微可知,动态测量网络度量值,比如吞吐,RTT用于决定发送策略,比如BBR,copa。
  • 白盒CCA:网络完全可知,虽然这对于CCA最好,但违背了互联网 Intelligence Edge & Dummy Core 的原则。


t = c p − 1 d t=cp^{-\frac{1}{d}} t=cpd1

其中 p p p为丢包率, c c c d d d为AIMD的参数。

这个公式里可以看出,对于一个特定的CCA,只有 p p p决定了吞吐率,而 p p p则是排除了随机噪声丢包后的buffer overflow导致的丢包,对于特定的buffer大小, p p p是一定的。我们可以很清楚看出buffer对于AIMD起作用的决定性因素,如果需要得到更大的吞吐 t t t,显然需要更小的丢包率 p p p,更小的丢包率 p p p意味着更大的buffer。

然而如果我们拥有了更多的网络表征值,那就意味着buffer的作用减小了,buffer最终会回归到它本来的作用。buffer的作用是 用来平滑柏松到达的。



本文标签: 根源管道TCPBufferbloatJacobson