


by Vivian Cromwell

通过维维安·克伦威尔(Vivian Cromwell)

电线之间:数据可视化科学家艾琳·罗斯(Irene Ros)的访谈 (Between the Wires: An interview with data visualization scientist Irene Ros)

I interviewed Irene Ros, who is the founding Director of Data Visualization at Bocoup where she has led visualization projects with partners like Google, The Guardian, The World Economic Forum, and Harvard Medical School (HMS) LINCS Center. Irene is also the Founder and Program Co-Chair of OpenVis Conf, a 2-day single-track conference about data visualization on the Open Web, entering its 5th year.

我采访了Bocoup数据可视化的创始总监Irene Ros,她与Google,《卫报》,世界经济论坛和哈佛医学院(HMS)LINCS中心等合作伙伴领导了可视化项目。 Irene还是OpenVis Conf的创始人兼程序主席, OpenVis Conf是为期2天的单轨会议,涉及开放Web上的数据可视化,已进入第5年。

This article was originally posted on Between the Wires, an interview series featuring those who are building developer products.

本文最初发布在“电线之间” ,这是一个采访系列,主要介绍那些正在开发开发人员产品的人。

告诉我们一些关于您的童年以及您成长的地方。 (Tell us a little bit about your childhood and where you grew up.)
“I was the kind of kid who enjoyed building dollhouses but not really playing with the dolls.”

I was actually born in Kiev, Ukraine. When I was six, my parents moved to Israel where I then lived for the next ten years. It was a bit of an accidental move, but then I came to the States when I was 16. Both my parents always worked so I was very much on my own most of the time.

我实际上出生于乌克兰基辅。 当我六岁的时候,我的父母搬到了以色列,在那之后我住了十年。 这是一个偶然的举动,但是后来我在16岁的时候来到美国。我的父母一直在工作,所以我大部分时间都靠自己工作。

I loved math and science from a very young age and did little science experiments when I was home alone. It’s amazing I didn’t burn the house down. I was the kind of kid who enjoyed building dollhouses but not really playing with the dolls.

我很小的时候就喜欢数学和科学,而我独自在家时很少做科学实验。 我没有烧掉房子真是太神奇了。 我是那种喜欢建造玩具屋但并不真正玩洋娃娃的孩子。

告诉我们您的初次编程经验。 (Tell us a little bit about your first programming experience.)

My first programming experience was when I was nine. I had a cousin who was really into computers and I’d always hover around him whenever we visited. My parents, bless their hearts for recognizing that computers were going to be something big, spent an awful lot of money they barely had buying me one. This was before Windows even existed. All I had was Norton Commander. My cousin gave me this “BASIC Programming” book, and that’s how it all started.

我的第一次编程经验是九岁的时候。 我有一个堂兄,他真的很喜欢计算机,每当我们访问时,我总是在他周围徘徊。 我的父母为认识到计算机将要变得很大而祝福自己的心,花了很多钱,几乎没有钱给我买一台。 这甚至还没有Windows出现。 我只有诺顿指挥官 。 我的堂兄给了我这本“ BASIC编程”书,这就是一切的开始。

I remember one of the first programs I wrote in BASIC. It could output the words of the Happy Birthday song. I was really excited.

我记得我用BASIC编写的第一个程序。 它可以输出“生日快乐”歌曲的歌词。 我真的很兴奋。

That was the first memorable project I can think of. My high school in Israel had a really wonderful science and technology program, so I started taking computer science classes as early as ninth grade. As a consequence of starting so early, programming became a way of thought, a way of problem-solving for me. It was just a tool. I was very happy to be exposed to that early on. I think it’s still why I really love certain aspects of programming such as code refactoring, architecture and organization.

那是我想到的第一个值得纪念的项目。 我在以色列的高中有一个非常出色的科学和技术计划,所以我从九年级开始上计算机课。 这么早开始的结果是,编程成为一种思考方式,对我来说是一种解决问题的方式。 这只是一个工具。 我很高兴能早日接触到这一点。 我认为这仍然是我真正喜欢编程的某些方面(例如代码重构,体系结构和组织)的原因。

您是如何开始数据可视化工作的? (How did you start data visualization work?)

My interest in data visualization started before Bocoup.


I studied Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and afterwards joined IBM as an engineer. I really loved my college experience, but it was very heavy on theory and algorithms, and it didn’t occur to me that making something beautiful and engaging was part of being a computer scientist.

我在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校学习计算机科学,之后加入IBM,担任工程师。 我真的很喜欢我的大学经历,但是对理论和算法的研究非常繁重,而且在我看来,做一件漂亮而引人入胜的事情并没有成为计算机科学家的一部分。

Then one day in 2007 I just happened to go and see a talk at IBM, by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas, who ran the Visual Communication Lab at IBM Research’s Collaborative User Experience group. During the talk, they showed this project called Many Eyes, which was really ahead of its time. It was like YouTube for data visualization. You could just upload your data and pick a visualization method, then you could share it with people by sending them a link. It had everything we expect of a modern system like that — commenting, remixing, saving and sharing a particular state — 10 years ago.

然后在2007年的一天,我偶然去了IBM的一个演讲,该演讲由Martin Wattenberg和Fernanda Viegas主持 ,他们是IBM Research协作用户体验小组的视觉传达实验室的负责人。 在谈话中,他们展示了这个名为Many Eyes的项目,它确实超前了。 就像YouTube可以进行数据可视化一样。 您可以只上传数据并选择一种可视化方法,然后可以通过向他们发送链接来与他人共享数据。 它具有我们对这样的现代系统的期望,包括十年前的评论,重新混合,保存和共享特定状态。

I was blown away because it was something I had never seen before. I ended up working with Martin and Fernanda for three years at IBM research and that was my gateway to data visualization. I am self taught in this field, but with their support and the support of other colleagues, I’ve learned a lot and appreciate the time they’ve invested in me.

我被震撼了,因为那是我从未见过的东西。 我最终在Martin和Fernanda的IBM研究部门工作了三年,这是我通往数据可视化的门户。 我在这个领域是自学的,但是在他们的支持和其他同事的支持下,我学到了很多东西,并感谢他们为我投入的时间。

From the get-go, we were creating things for the web, but it was challenging to navigate open-source licensing process at IBM at that time (IBM has come a long way since). I became comfortable enough looking through open source libraries, fixing issues locally or writing extensions, but I wasn’t quite ready to make PRs yet (Github barely existed then). It seemed like a distant world that was reserved for experts. I wanted to become that expert and really fell in love with the importance of open source — it allowed me to bring my ideas to life and I wanted to be more involved.

从一开始,我们就在为Web创建东西,但是当时在IBM导航开放源代码许可过程是一个挑战(从那以后,IBM已经走了很长一段路)。 通过浏览开源库,在本地解决问题或编写扩展程序,我已经足够自在了,但是我还没有做好制作PR的准备(那时Github几乎不存在)。 这似乎是一个遥远的世界,只供专家使用。 我想成为那个专家,并且真的爱上了开源的重要性-它使我能够将想法付诸实践,并且我想更加参与其中。

One day I Googled ‘Open Source Boston’ and Bocoup came up. I applied and here I am.

有一天,我用Google搜索“波士顿开源”,然后Bocoup出现了。 我申请了,我在这里。

(Fun fact: http://boazsender/2012-10-30-how-bocoup-got-its-name.html)

(有趣的事实: http : //boazsender/2012-10-30-how-bocoup-got-its-name.html )

五年前的数据可视化是什么样的? (What was data visualization like five years ago?)
“Even though ‘data science’ is often used as a buzzword, it’s been great for raising awareness about the importance of thinking more critically of our data through applying techniques such as statistical analysis, predictive modeling and machine learning to name a few.”

When I started at Bocoup, the D3.js library didn’t exist. It was before every news publication was trying to make interactive content, except New York Times, who really led the charge on this front.

当我开始使用Bocoup时, D3.js库并不存在。 除《纽约时报》(New York Times)真正负责这方面的报道外,所有新闻出版物都试图制作交互式内容。

D3.js is based on a seminal book in our field called the Grammar of Graphics, which provides a fundamental way of breaking down and assembling data visualization through primitive “components”. It’s been an underlying principle that many successful visualization libraries are built upon, such as ggplot in R. D3.js changed the field in a very fundamental way — it has enabled visualization creators to be incredibly creative in their work and make interactive content quickly.

D3.js基于我们领域内的一本开创性书籍,即“图形语法” ,它提供了一种通过原始“组件”分解和组装数据可视化的基本方法。 这是许多成功的可视化库所基于的基本原理,例如R中的ggplot。D3.js从根本上改变了这一领域-它使可视化创建者在工作中极富创造力,并能快速制作交互式内容。

When I started working with data visualization, the term “Data Science” didn’t exist either. That resulted in a lot of visualizations showing really basic aspects of the data: counts, averages etc. Even though “data science” is often used as a buzzword, it’s been great for raising awareness about the importance of thinking more critically of our data through applying techniques such as statistical analysis, predictive modeling and machine learning to name a few. Data Visualization has been an important part in this shift, both because it enables data exploration and improves the communication of final results — the more we understand our data, the better questions we can ask of it. The more interesting the questions, the more interesting the answers, and the more interesting our visualizations can be. I would say that no one should be creating data visualization without having some basic understanding of statistics at this point.

当我开始使用数据可视化时,“数据科学”一词也不存在。 这导致大量可视化显示了数据的真正基本方面:计数,平均值等。尽管“数据科学”经常被用作流行语,但对于通过以下方式提高人们对更严格地思考数据的重要性的认识,这还是很棒的运用统计分析,预测建模和机器学习等技术。 数据可视化一直是这一转变的重要组成部分,因为它可以进行数据探索并改善最终结果的交流-我们越了解数据,就可以提出的问题越好。 问题越有趣,答案越有趣,我们的可视化效果就越有趣。 我要说的是,在这一点上,如果没有对统计数据有一些基本的了解,就没有人可以创建数据可视化。

您在Bocoup工作的最激动人心的数据可视化项目之一是什么? (What is one of the most exciting data visualization projects you worked at Bocoup?)

There are so many!


One of my favorites is a recent collaboration with Measurement Lab and Google Open Source Research team. Measurement Lab Visualizationsprovide a way to explore the largest collection of open Internet performance data on the planet. The data is open, free of charge, and comprises the largest open Internet performance dataset on the planet. Measurement Lab also offers visualization tools, so people can make sense of Internet performance across time and space. We partnered with them to build the next generation of their visualization tools.

我最喜欢的一项是最近与Measurement Lab和Google Open Source Research团队合作。 Measurement Lab可视化提供了一种探索地球上开放的Internet性能数据的最大集合的方法。 数据是免费的开放数据,包括地球上最大的开放Internet性能数据集。 Measurement Lab还提供可视化工具,因此人们可以了解跨时空的Internet性能。 我们与他们合作建立了下一代的可视化工具。

I love their mission and their amazing dataset, which goes all the way back to 2009 and offers incredible international coverage. The way it works is that anybody can run a test through their website. If you are in the United States and a few other countries, if you search for “speed test”, you will actually get an interface that will let you run a Measurement Lab test right away. Their methodology is much more effective and accurate than most other speed tests at this point.

我喜欢他们的使命和令人惊叹的数据集,这些数据集可以追溯到2009年,并提供令人难以置信的国际报道。 它的工作方式是任何人都可以通过其网站进行测试。 如果您在美国和其他几个国家/地区,如果您搜索“速度测试”,则实际上将获得一个界面,该界面可让您立即运行Measurement Lab测试。 在这一点上,他们的方法比大多数其他速度测试更加有效和准确。

We were really excited because they came to us and said, “We have this huge dataset and we want people to explore it in a pretty dynamic way, they want to be able to look at different time spans, locations or service providers.” It is a really interesting design problem because there were so many different types of stakeholders — Measurement Lab’s data has been used by political advocates and internet researchers alike, with very different goals. Because it is so large, it’s really hard for people to work with the raw data — they need infrastructure to process it and a lot of technical knowledge. We were grateful to Google who sponsored the project, and gave us unlimited access to their infrastructure to take these hundreds of millions of tests, and turn them into something useful and consumable on the web.

我们非常激动,因为他们来到我们面前说:“我们拥有如此庞大的数据集,我们希望人们以一种非常动态的方式对其进行探索,他们希望能够查看不同的时间跨度,位置或服务提供商。” 这是一个非常有趣的设计问题,因为有许多不同类型的利益相关者— Measurement Lab的数据已被政治倡导者和互联网研究人员使用,但目标却截然不同。 因为它是如此之大,所以人们使用原始数据确实非常困难-他们需要基础结构来处理原始数据和大量技术知识。 我们感谢赞助该项目的Google,并为我们提供了无限制访问其基础架构的权限,以进行这亿万次测试,并将其转变为可用于网络的有用和可使用的测试。

“I think it really captured a lot about our media culture, how we perceive gender and the way that we choose to represent it.”

The other project I have to mention is called Stereotropes. It was a team passion project that we did a few years ago. We were (and still are) really interested in text analysis and visualization. We came across a community called TV Tropes that catalogued and defined tropes in TV and film. Most interestingly, they had two list of tropes that were primarily associated with Male and Female characters, which we then used to try and gain a better understanding of how our culture defines male and female roles through adjective use in those tropes’ descriptions.

我必须提到的另一个项目称为Stereotropes 。 这是我们几年前所做的团队热情项目。 我们曾经(现在仍然)对文本分析和可视化非常感兴趣。 我们遇到了一个名为TV Tropes的社区,该社区对电视和电影中的对白进行了分类和定义。 最有趣的是,他们有两个主要与男性和女性角色相关的比喻表,然后我们尝试通过对这些比喻的描述进行形容词使用来更好地理解我们的文化如何定义男性和女性角色。

We built a really fun exploratory tool called Stereotropes that lets you explore those tropes. For example, people use words like ‘pretty’ to describe a lot of female characters or ‘strong’ to describe a lot of male characters. I think it really captured a lot about our media culture, how we perceive gender and the way that we choose to represent it.

我们构建了一个非常有趣的探索工具,称为“立体定向”,可让您探索这些定向。 例如,人们使用“漂亮”来描述许多女性角色,或者使用“强”来描述许多男性角色。 我认为这确实吸引了很多关于我们的媒体文化,我们如何看待性别以及我们选择代表性别的方式。

I really love this project. We tried to encourage objective conversation on gender representation. I care a lot about the subject being a woman in engineering. We really wanted to provide our audience with a tool they could explore themselves to see some of these differences, and similarities!

我真的很喜欢这个项目。 我们试图鼓励就性别代表性进行客观的对话。 我非常关心这个主题是工程领域的女性。 我们真的很想为我们的观众提供一种工具,让他们可以自我探索,以了解其中的一些差异和相似之处!

We managed to engage a lot of people who were not related to engineering or data visualization. It’s something I always strive for — to get somebody who really does not understand technology, to care about what I’ve made.

我们设法吸引了许多与工程或数据可视化无关的人员。 我一直在努力—让真正不了解技术的人关心我所做的事情。

您是5年前启动OpenVis Conf的,您能告诉我们吗? (You started OpenVis Conf 5 years ago, can you tell us about it?)

OpenVis Conf was very much a response to my personal experience getting into this field. Because I was self-taught, I went through some struggles that I felt were unnecessary for other people to experience. For example, I saw a lot of beautiful work made by people I admired, but had no idea how to make it. I was inspired, but also unsure how to create similarly good work. I started OpenVis Conf with the goal of creating a community space that embodied a teaching spirit — every talk our speakers give is intended to teach our audience something. We want people to leave that conference with 100 ideas that they know how to pursue further. Our speakers have really embodied this value over the years and I’m really proud of the programs we’ve put together.

OpenVis Conf非常符合我进入该领域的个人经验。 因为我是自学成才的,所以经历了一些我认为其他人没有必要经历的挣扎。 例如,我看到许多我敬佩的人所做的精美作品,却不知道如何制作。 我受到启发,但也不确定如何创建类似的出色作品。 我创建OpenVis Conf的初衷是创建一个体现教学精神的社区空间-演讲者的每次演讲都旨在向听众讲授一些东西。 我们希望人们在会议上留下100个他们知道如何进一步追求的想法。 多年来,我们的发言人确实体现了这种价值,我为我们制定的计划感到自豪。

I’m also really proud of our diversity efforts every year. Myself, my program co-chair Lynn Cherny, and our Programming Committee spend dozens of hours soliciting and reviewing talks from our community. We try very hard to create a diverse cast across many definitions of diversity: age, gender, race and sexual orientation. It’s a challenging task, but five years in I can definitively say it has only made our programs stronger every year. When I see an all white & male line up at other conferences, I cringe because I know they just aren’t doing the work.

我也为我们每年的多元化努力感到自豪。 我本人,我的计划联合主席Lynn Cherny和我们的编程委员会花费了数十个小时来征询和审查来自社区的演讲。 我们非常努力地创建一个多元化的演员表,涵盖多种多样的多样性定义:年龄,性别,种族和性取向。 这是一项艰巨的任务,但是我可以肯定地说,这五年仅使我们的计划每年变得更加强大。 当我在其他会议上看到全是白人和男性的阵容时,我会感到畏缩,因为我知道他们只是没有做这项工作。

This year is our 5th anniversary and we’re putting together a huge celebration. We just released our program, and we really can’t wait for the incredible lineup.

今年是我们成立5周年,我们将举行一次盛大的庆祝活动。 我们刚刚发布了程序,我们真的迫不及待想要拥有令人难以置信的阵容。

OpenVisConf 2017A two-day single track conference about the practice of visualizing data on the webopenvisconf

OpenVisConf 2017 为期两天的单轨会议,涉及在Web上可视化数据的做法 openvisconf

您能谈谈您必须经历的困难时期,以及如何克服它吗? (Can you talk about a difficult period you’ve had to go through, and how you overcame it?)
“Overtime, especially now, I realize what a privilege that was — to be able to throw your work away. I realize that sometimes building something is just another step towards making something else.”
“加班,尤其是现在,我意识到这是一种特权,能够将您的工作扔掉。 我意识到有时候建造一些东西只是迈向其他东西的又一步。”

One of the biggest struggles I’ve had as a young developer, is that I was very attached to my code. I felt like my code and the things I made were a reflection of me. I wasn’t able to evaluate objectively: “Is this thing good or is this thing bad?”

作为一个年轻的开发人员,我最大的挣扎之一就是我对代码非常执着。 我觉得我的代码和所做的事情反映了我。 我无法客观地评估:“这是好事还是坏事?”

My team leads at the time did an amazing job of helping me navigate that question. I’d build some kind of prototype and I’d spend weeks doing it, and then they would say: “I don’t think this is working, let’s just try something else.” And I’d just be so hurt, I’d take it personally, and it felt like failure.

当时我的团队负责人在帮助我解决这个问题方面做得非常出色。 我会构建某种原型,然后花数周的时间来做,然后他们会说:“我认为这没有用,让我们尝试其他方法。” 而且我会受到如此巨大的伤害,我个人认为,这就像失败。

Overtime, especially now, I realize what a privilege that was — to be able to throw your work away. I realize that sometimes building something is just another step towards making something else. There is nothing I love more than just prototyping something and having someone call out that it’s bad because they see something that I don’t. As a result, I get to go and improve it and make something better. As a developer, it’s hard to step out of your bubble and not treat your code as something precious, but code is just a tool to get somewhere — to build something useful or solve a problem. In and of itself, it’s nothing.

加班,尤其是现在,我意识到可以将您的工作扔掉是一种特权。 我意识到有时构建某些东西只是迈向其他东西的又一步。 我最爱的不过是对某样机进行原型制作,并让某人称其为不好,因为他们看到了我没有的东西。 结果,我开始去改进它并做得更好。 作为开发人员,很难走出泡沫,不将代码视为珍贵的东西,但是代码只是到达某个地方的工具-建立有用的东西或解决问题。 就其本身而言,什么都不是。

I really enjoy doing design activities as part of the projects we work on at Bocoup, because it’s really important to generate lots of ideas and then throw lots of them out. I constantly throw code away. I’ve developed a certain lack of attachment to the code that I produce. If someone comes to me and says, “There is a better way to do this.” I’ll just say, “Thank you,” and be very happy to start anew or refactor my code.

作为Bocoup正在进行的项目的一部分,我非常喜欢进行设计活动,因为产生大量想法然后将其中很多想法抛弃非常重要。 我不断扔掉代码。 我对所产生的代码缺乏某种依附感。 如果有人来找我说:“有更好的方法可以做到这一点。” 我只是说“谢谢”,很高兴重新开始或重构我的代码。

It was a painful lesson to learn but it really frees me from being locked into a set of tools and a set of practices. The moment I could let that go, I really grew as a developer, especially combined with asking for help and feedback.

这是一堂痛苦的课,但确实使我摆脱了被一套工具和一套实践所束缚。 我放手的那一刻,我真的成长为一名开发人员,尤其是在寻求帮助和反馈的同时。

It’s funny because I often find that folks who are newer to engineering ask a lot less questions than those who have been in the field much longer. Now I can ask five questions a day of my teammates as I’m working on something and it’ll take them two seconds to give me an answer and I can move on with my life. Newer engineers tend to take much longer to really work through something, often on their own. While it’s admirable, it’s not a good use of their time. It’s something I really watch out for during our interview process, for example.

这很有趣,因为我经常发现与工程学新手相比,对工程学较新的人所问的问题要少得多。 现在,当我在做某事时,我每天可以向队友问五个问题,他们需要两秒钟才能给我一个答案,我可以继续我的生活。 较新的工程师往往需要更长的时间才能真正完成某些工作,通常是自己完成。 虽然令人钦佩,但这并不是对他们时间的很好利用。 例如,这是我在面试过程中真正提防的问题。

I think that was a pretty big eureka moment for me. It wasn’t a moment, it was a long, long process.

我认为这对我来说是一个非常重要的时刻。 这不是片刻,而是一个漫长而漫长的过程。

您如何帮助初级开发人员克服这一问题? (How do you help junior developers overcome this?)
“I’ve had a lot of failures just like everyone else, but we’ve built a company where failure is an important part of our culture.”

First, I think it’s really important to set up the team and our clients to understand that failure is an expectation. We strive to fail fast, but it’s really important that we iterate on an idea and find the right answer. To do that, we designate time specifically for design, brainstorming and prototyping. We meet often as a team to offer critiques of our work to each other, and we spend a lot of time discussing the work of others to learn what works and what doesn’t.

首先,我认为组建团队和客户以了解失败是一种期望是非常重要的。 我们努力快速失败,但是重要的是我们反复研究一个想法并找到正确的答案。 为此,我们指定时间专门用于设计,集思广益和原型设计。 我们经常以团队的形式开会,互相批评我们的工作,我们花费大量时间讨论其他人的工作,以了解什么是有效的,什么是无效的。

I think working as a team in this way has allowed us to create a safe space for failure. I don’t even think we notice it anymore. We might generate 30 ideas for a project and it’s obvious not all of them are going to make it, and there’s always some contention around refining a design, but the goal is always shared. We want to make something great and we’re in this together.

我认为以这种方式进行团队合作使我们能够为失败创造安全的空间。 我什至认为我们不再注意到它了。 我们可能会为一个项目产生30个构想,但显然并非所有构想都可以实现,并且围绕改进设计总是存在一些争执,但是目标始终是共同的。 我们想做点很棒的事情,我们在一起。

Establishing a culture of feedback is something we take very seriously at Bocoup. I’ve had a lot of failures just like everyone else, but we’ve built a company where failure is an important part of our culture. We work together to Identify it, move through it, and support each other in that process.

在Bocoup,我们非常重视建立反馈文化。 我和其他所有人一样都经历过很多失败,但是我们建立了一家公司,其中失败是我们文化的重要组成部分。 在此过程中,我们将共同努力来确定它,进行遍历并相互支持。

您如何在Bocoup的数据可视化项目的开源和获利之间取得平衡? (How do you balance between open-source and monetization for your data visualization projects at Bocoup?)

Bocoup is primarily a consulting company. People come to us to help them solve their problems using open technology and practices. We build tools, websites, and applications. The same is true for my team, people come to us either because they need help understanding their data or they need help with designing and building the right visualizations to communicate something or enable and engage their audience.

Bocoup主要是一家咨询公司。 人们来找我们来帮助他们使用开放技术和实践来解决他们的问题。 我们构建工具,网站和应用程序。 对于我的团队而言,情况也是如此,人们之所以来到我们这里,要么是因为他们需要帮助来理解他们的数据,要么是他们需要设计和构建正确的可视化来传达信息或帮助并吸引他们的受众。

I would say modern software engineering requires the use of open source tools. There are rarely commercial equivalents of equal quality. Most of our clients understand this, and their engineering teams certainly do. To us, using an open source stack enables our clients to build systems that can be maintainable and extendable, that can have a community and allow their engineers to feel supported.

我会说现代软件工程需要使用开源工具。 几乎没有同等质量的商业等同物。 我们的大多数客户都知道这一点,他们的工程团队当然也知道。 对我们来说,使用开源堆栈使我们的客户可以构建可维护和可扩展的系统,该系统可以具有社区并允许其工程师感到支持。

“I think open source isn’t just about open code. It also comes down to using more open practices around the way your team works.”
“我认为开放源代码不仅仅涉及开放代码。 这还归结为在团队工作方式上采用更多开放式实践。”

In terms of our own contributions, as an engineer you always have the drive to modularize your code and to be able to make reusable components. That naturally leads to being able to release some part of your work as separate open source components, or contribute some patches back to an open source project. My team has worked with D3 extensively in our visualization projects, contributed integral community tools, the current D3 logo, and have created a framework for organizing visualization code made in D3 with our d3.chartto demonstrate the importance of modularity.

就我们自己的贡献而言,作为工程师,您始终具有将代码模块化并能够制造可重用组件的动力。 这自然导致能够将您的部分工作作为单独的开源组件发布,或将一些补丁发布回开源项目。 我的团队在我们的可视化项目中与D3进行了广泛的合作 ,提供了集成的社区工具 ,当前的D3徽标,并使用d3.chart创建了一个框架来组织D3中的可视化代码,以展示模块化的重要性 。

I think open source isn’t just about open code. It also comes down to using more open practices around the way your team works. Many of us have worked on big open source or client projects at Bocoup. When you work in such a distributed way, with a lot of people across the world in different time zones, you have to become really good at planning, documentation, coordination and communication. We bring a lot of those practices to existing teams to try and help them be more effective.

我认为开放源代码不仅仅涉及开放代码。 还可以归结为在团队工作方式上采用更多开放式实践。 我们许多人都在Bocoup从事大型开源项目或客户项目。 当您以这种分散的方式工作时,世界各地的许多人都处在不同的时区,因此您必须真正擅长计划,文档编制,协调和沟通。 我们将许多此类做法带给现有团队,以尝试帮助他们提高效率。

从技术角度以及从社区的角度来看,数据可视化领域今天面临的挑战是什么? (What are the challenges today in data visualization field, both from the technology point of view as well as the community?)

This isn’t a new problem, but a challenge we will always face: there is a tension between aesthetics and usability, and how to incorporate both is a challenging question. We have seen lots of examples of things being built that go too far one way or the other, but we have lots of conversations as a community about that. It’s a balance we will continue to navigate.

这不是一个新问题,而是我们将永远面临的挑战:美观性和可用性之间存在紧张关系,如何将两者结合起来是一个具有挑战性的问题。 我们已经看到了许多正在构建的事物的示例,这些示例以一种或多种方式走得太远,但是作为一个社区,我们对此进行了很多对话。 我们将继续保持平衡。

There is also a data literacy question. Everybody wants to make a new visualization style that’s never been used before, and it kind of blows everybody’s minds. That’s really cool, but you are probably going to impress 200 people in the field and then confuse everyone else who, as a consequence, won’t engage with what you’ve made. Are the things that we are creating working? Are people understanding what we are making? Are they actually engaged with what we are trying to say? Is what we’re making helpful to anyone?

还有一个数据素养问题。 每个人都想创建一种前所未有的新可视化样式,这真是令人震惊。 那真的很酷,但是您可能会给该领域的200人留下深刻的印象,然后使其他所有人困惑,因为这些人不会参与您所做的工作。 我们正在创造的东西在起作用吗? 人们了解我们在做什么吗? 他们实际上是否在参与我们要说的话? 我们对所有人有帮助吗?

We don’t have a great way of evaluating what’s working on a system level. We have lots of ideas on how to study small components (such as specific visualization styles etc.,) but not larger systems. I think that’s an interesting problem for us to solve as a community. We also don’t have a great way of determining when something we’ve made has failed. I think about that often and would love to see that debate.

我们没有很好的方法来评估系统级别上的工作。 对于如何研究小型组件(例如特定的可视化样式等),但对于大型系统,我们有很多想法。 我认为这对于我们作为一个社区来说是一个有趣的问题。 我们也没有很好的方法来确定我们所做的事情何时失败。 我经常考虑这一点,很希望看到这场辩论。

编程后还有哪些其他爱好或兴趣? (what other hobbies or interests do you have after programming?)

Actually I’m a singer; I’ve been singing for my whole life and I really enjoy it. I also paint some. I enjoy creative pursuits that may or may not have to do with computers. It’s good to recharge.

其实我是歌手 我一生都在唱歌,我非常喜欢。 我也画一些。 我喜欢可能与计算机无关的创造性追求。 充电很好。

Learn more about Irene:


website: http://ireneros

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twitter: https://twitter/ireneros

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Github: https://github/iros

GitHub: https : //github/iros

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/between-the-wires-an-interview-with-data-visualization-scientist-irene-ros-a0f7d0fcf085/


本文标签: 罗斯电线科学家换脸数据