

This is a new series of Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant certification exam preparation series - Industry Knowledge. Industry Knowledge section consists of 7% of total score in the exam, covering topics such as sales metrics, KPIs, marketing and sales processes and etc. Without further ado, let's get into it!

这是 Salesforce 销售云顾问新系列认证考试准备系列——行业知识。行业知识部分占考试总分的7% ,涵盖销售指标、关键绩效指标、市场营销和销售流程等主题。闲话少说,让我们开始吧!

NOTE: This post is written in April 2020 and content might be changed/updated overtime. The content is inspired by focusonforce.

注意: 这篇文章写于2020年4月,内容可能会随着时间的推移而改变或更新,其灵感来自 focusonforce。

Guideline for Industry Knowledge


  • Explain the factors that influence 解释影响因素sales metrics, KPIs, and business challenges销售指标、关键绩效指标和业务挑战.
  • Explain 解释一下common sales processes 一般销售程序 and key considerations. 以及主要考虑因素
  • Describe the 描述common marketing processes 共同市场营销过程 and key implementation considerations. 以及关键的实施考虑因素

Sales Metrics, KPIs, and Business Challenges


Sales Metrics


Number of Leads converted 转换的引线数目 Number of prospects converted into sales opportunities转化为销售机会的潜在客户数量
Lead qualification score 领先的资格分数 Calculate score by formula based on several factors, such as accuracy of contact info, product interest and etc.根据联系人信息的准确性、产品兴趣等因素,用公式计算得分。
Lead source 潜在客户源 Determine which channels are used to generate lead确定哪些通道用于生成潜在客户
Number of Opportunities closed 关闭的机会数量 Analyze number of deals are closed over period of time分析一段时间内完成的交易数量
Sales pipeline 销售渠道 Identify which stage the opportunities are at确定机会在哪个阶段

本文标签: 中文入门教程知识行业Sales