

Ubuntu Linux runs the the desktop as a regular user account, and so all programs launched are launched in the context of a normal user account.

Ubuntu Linux以常规用户帐户运行桌面,因此所有启动的程序都是在常规用户帐户的上下文中启动的。

To run a command-line program with superuser(root) priviledges, you normally will preceed the command with “sudo”, as shown in this example:

要运行具有超级用户(root)特权的命令行程序,通常在命令前加上“ sudo”,如以下示例所示:

sudo gedit filename.txt

须藤gedit filename.txt

Ubuntu provides a graphical alternative to the sudo command that you have probably seen if you try to run any administrative tool:


You can easily and quickly run any program as root by preceeding the command with the “gksu” command. For instance, let’s launch xterm as root by hitting Alt+F2 to bring up the quick run dialog:

通过在命令前加上“ gksu”命令,您可以轻松快捷地以root用户身份运行任何程序。 例如,让我们通过按Alt + F2以启动root用户启动xterm,以打开快速运行对话框:

We’ll first see the password dialog shown above, enter your password… and there we go – we now have a terminal running as root:


Easy stuff! 


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/ubuntu/start-an-ubuntu-gnome-application-as-root-user/

本文标签: 应用程序身份用户rootUbuntu