

6.16. Handling of Rejected Papers. (approved 11 November 2009)

Authors of rejected manuscripts are allowed to resubmit their manuscripts afresh only once. At the time of submission, authors will be asked whether they consider their manuscript to be a new submission or a resubmission of an earlier rejected manuscript. If the authors indicate that their manuscript is a new submission, then the review process will follow the regular procedure.

If authors indicate instead that their manuscript is a resubmission, then they are required to upload a supporting document detailing how the new submission has addressed the concerns raised during the previous review. Authors may also request that the resubmission be handled by the same Associate Editor, if the Associate Editor has not retired from the board. The Editor-in-Chief will do his/her best effort to accommodate the author’s request while taking into consideration the balancing of the workload among the Associate Editors of the editorial board of the journal. A new Associate Editor may also be assigned to the manuscript by the Editor-in-Chief.

Even when the manuscript is flagged by the authors to be a resubmission of an earlier rejected paper, the manuscript will be treated as a new submission with a new submission date; it is not treated as an RQ version.

The assigned Associate Editor can use the previous reviewers or a new set of reviewers, or a mix of old and new reviewers. It is preferable that the Associate Editors use some of the previous reviewers to help ascertain that the revision has addressed the concerns of the earlier review cycle. The selection of the reviewers is left to the discretion of the Associate Editor.

If the authors indicated during the submission process that their manuscript is a new submission and it is found during the review process that the manuscript is very similar to an earlier rejected paper, then the manuscript may be immediately rejected. Authors can still resubmit their manuscript and indicate correctly that it is a resubmission of an earlier rejected manuscript, including uploading of the required supporting document detailing how the new submission has addressed the concerns raised during the previous review.

6.16. 废纸处理(2009年11月11日批准)






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