

1.Google play爬虫

1.1 AndroZoo

1.2 Google Play protobuf API

Google play python API. https://github/NoMore201/googleplay-api (visited on 09/22/2020).
参考:【USENIX Security 21】Why Eve and Mallory Still Love Android

1.3 Oltrogge et. al’s Android app crawler

OLTROGGE, M., DERR, E., STRANSKY, C., ACAR, Y., FAHL, S., ROSSOW, C., PELLEGRINO, G., BUGIEL, S., AND BACKES, M. The rise of the citizen developer: Assessing the security impact of online app generators. In 2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), vol. 00, pp. 102–115.
【USENIX Security 21】Why Eve and Mallory Still Love Android



WERMKE, D., HUAMAN, N., ACAR, Y., REAVES, B., TRAYNOR, P., AND FAHL, S. A Large Scale Investigation of Obfuscation Use in Google Play. In Proc. 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC’18) (2018), ACM.

We used the OBFUSCAN tool [87] to detect obfuscation and excluded 2,812 (2,83%) obfuscated apps to improve our analysis quality.
参考:【USENIX Security 21】Why Eve and Mallory Still Love Android

本文标签: 爬虫检测工具工具androidapp