

Word Preparation

  1. specific nights for certain meals:固定星期几吃什么
    We really don't need to have specific nights for certain meals. Let's just eat whatever we want!

    My grandpa used to have specific nights for certain meals.
  2. posh:adj. 高大上的
    He took her to a posh restaurant on their first date. 

    We only go to posh restaurant at our anniversaries. 
  3. a restaurant nearby:附近的一个饭店
    I went to a restaurant nearby for dinner with my roommate.

    Why don't you just find a restaurant nearby for lunch? We have lots of things to do this afternoon.
  4. Tuesday night is curry night. 周二晚上吃咖喱。
    Tuesday night is curry night for us, because we have a day off on Tuesday so we have time to make curry.

    I don't want to eat pasta. It's Tuesday, and Tuesday night is curry night for me.
  5. It's easier this way to organize. 这样安排起来更容易。
    I use notebooks with different covers for different courses. It's easier this way to organize. 

    Why don't we use the same logo on every product? It's easier this way to organize. 
  6. Surely it must get boring. 这样肯定会觉得无聊吧。
    Surely it must get boring if you watch the same movie over and over again.

    - How do you feel about sitting with a person without talking to each other? 如果让你跟一个人坐一起但是不想不交流,你感觉咋样?
    - Surely it must get boring. 我肯定会觉得无聊。


Talking about your diet 谈论饮食

除了Tuesday night is curry night,还可以说

  • I'll have ... for ...
  • ... is the one I'm gonna eat. 
  • I choose ... for ...
  • I think I'm gonna have ...


  • I'll have soup noodle (汤面条) for dinner today. 
  • Fried rice (炒米饭) is the one that I'm gonna eat.
  • I chose some vegetables and a piece of chicken for lunch today.
  • I think I'm gonna have just a piece of bread for breakfast. I'm not hungry. 

本文标签: 英语学习EnglishRoutineDailyTuesday