

论文网址:Predicting cognitive scores with graph neural networks through sample selection learning | Brain Imaging and Behavior (springer)


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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得

1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Methods

2.3.1. Preliminaries

2.3.2. RegGNN

2.3.3. Learning-based sample selection

2.3.4. Training process

2.3.5. Data and methodology

2.4. Results and Discussion

2.4.1. Explainability and biomarker discovery

2.5. Conclusion

3. 知识补充

3.1. Matrix cone

3.2. Few-shot learning

4. Reference List

1. 省流版

1.1. 心得



1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①⭐They think the relationship between intellegence and neural activity is useful for understanding the pathology of brain diseases(他这里的描述是人脑在健康和疾病下的工作机制,我认为更契合pathology而不是etiology,不过我对一来就是这个说法持保留意见...智力为什么会和脑疾病有关系?

        ②Flattening the brain network might ignore its topological features

        ③Thus, they proposed a regression GNN model (RegGNN) to predict IQ from brain connectome








2.2. Introduction

        ①⭐Cognitive scores reflect the intellegence, education level, health and mortality(牛). Thus, many researchers focus on how brain structure influences the IQ. Then they find there is a positive relationship between cerebral volumn and cognitive ability, and the lateral prefrontal cortex is related to IQ

        ②The other researchers try to find the relationship between functional connectivities and cognitive scores

        ③Some traditional machine learning achieve success but do not consider the graph structure. And a lot of GNNs do good in disease classification as well. However, there is no deep learning graph neural network model specifically designed for predicting cognitive scores through brain regression

        ④They independently put forward a learning-based sample selection approach to identify those samples with the highest predictive power. It increases the predicted probability and decreases the running time





        ⑥Their contributions: propose a) sample selection method, b) new method of brain connectome similarity measurement, c) pipeline

 mortality  n. 死亡人数,死亡率;必死性,终有一死;死亡

2.3. Methods

        Notations in this paper: 

2.3.1. Preliminaries

        ①All the  form a cone manifold space. Every point  has a tangent space .

        ②They can calculate the angles between (and norms of) tangent matrices(鼠鼠不懂数学

        ③The geodesics  of  can be represented as the unique tanget matrix (继续不懂

        ④The SPD space in Riemannian maninfold:

where the dashed lines are geodesics, arrows are tangent matrices;

different from in Euclidean domain, tangent matrices of  can not directly be compared, but mapping them in the same point  by parallel translation

        ⑤They choose the Log-Euclidean metric for the  in that it does not rely on path to  and exist only one minimum length geodesic line between two points

geodesic  adj. 测地线的;测量的(等于 geodetic);[测]大地测量学的  n. [测]测地线

2.3.2. RegGNN

        ①RegGNN combined with 2 convolutional layers and a down stream fully connected layer

        ②The overall framework of RegGNN:

where  denotes the number of ROIs;

  denotes the correlation matrices(作者在这里又说关联矩阵可以有为0的特征值但是不能有为负的。这个关联矩阵是邻接矩阵吗?还是FC呢?但是感觉都没有不能为负吧?);

然后作者意思似乎B-i最右上试train-in set自己pairwise的切矩阵,下面那个是train-in到holdout set (validation set)的切矩阵

        ③Through multiplying a multipled identity matrix, the correlation matrix can be regularized to symmetric positive definite:

        ④For some small (?只针对这些咩?其他情况就不?), they change all the negative eigenvalue to 0(我不是很能理解他之前说压根没有负特征值啊)because the positive correlations are probably more important than negative

        ⑤The propagation rule is:

with  and ;

where ,  is the diagonal degree matrix of ,

 is a learnable weight matrix with 

        ⑥Applying dropout layer after the first graph convolutional layer as regularization

        ⑦The final vectors contain  features each ()

2.3.3. Learning-based sample selection

        ①They divide the subjects in  groups and then choose  samples which are closest to the center (nearest to the mean value)

        ②The authors hope the similar input, brain connectome, could obtain a series similar output, i.e. cognitive scores

        ③⭐Their goal is learning the difference between cognitive scores through connectome。 Then they can find "representatives". Through few representatives, they can predict scores as accurately as possible

        ④Adopting N fold cross-validation in sample selection

        ⑤The number of samples in train-in set is  and in holdout set is 

        ⑥The tangent matrix calculated by Riemannian:

        ⑦The number of pairwise train-in matrices  are . Its feature vector is 

        ⑧Then get matrices  between train-in sample  and holdout sample . The number of them are . Its feature vector is 

        ⑨To reduce the dimension of tangent matrices, they apply topological features such as degree, closeness, and eigenvector centrality

        ⑩The model learns a linear mapping  by training  to . Then mapping  to 

reductionist  adj. 简化(法)的;分解成简单部分的    epigenetics  n. [胚] 实验胚胎学,表观遗传学

2.3.4. Training process

        ①They split data into training set and test set

        ②Selecting the top  representative samples

        ③Only train the model with the  samples by cross-validation

2.3.5. Data and methodology

        ①The aim of this experiment is to predict the full scale intelligence quotient (FIQ) and verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ) from HC and ASD


        ①Dataset: Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE)

        ②To alleviate the differences between different sites, they randomly select samples from HC group and ASD group. Finally, the choose 226 HC (they call it NT there, neurotypical) and 202 ASD

        ③Number of ROIs: 116

        ④FC: Pearson correlation(好了,为什么皮尔逊相关系数没有负特征值?为什么一定是半正定矩阵?

(2)Parameter settings

        ①Optimizer: Adam

        ②Epochs: 100

        ③Learning rate: 0.001

        ④Weight decay: 0.0005

        ⑤Dropout rate: 0.1 after the first graph convolutional layer


(3)Evaluation and comparison methods

        ①Cross-validation: 3-fold

        ②Measurements: mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE)

        ③They also apply grid search 

        ④They choose CPM and PNA as baselines

(4)Evaluation of the sample selection

        ①They adopt vectorized upper triangular of tangent matrix (tm) in encoding and apply degree centrality (dc), eigenvector centrality (ec), and closeness centrality (cc) respectively

        ②Moreover, they test the unscaled concatenation (cnu) and scaled concatenation (cns) with the min-max scaling method: 

        ③The report the p value of each methods

attenuation  n.衰减;稀释;变薄

2.4. Results and Discussion

        ①Prediction on NT

        ②Prediction on ASD

2.4.1. Explainability and biomarker discovery

        ①They visualize the highest learnable weights (average of all the ):

        ②They drew a conclusion that IQ mostly influenced by the left hemisphere of brain

2.5. Conclusion

        Through few selected samples, they can achieve good results in RegGNN

3. 知识补充

3.1. Matrix cone



"Matrix cone" 是一个数学概念,通常在优化理论和线性代数中出现。它通常表示一个特定的集合或矩阵集合,具有某种特定的性质或约束条件。

在优化理论中,一个“cone”是一个凸集,它关于原点是闭集和凸集,并且对于任何正标量k,都有k倍的集合元素仍在集合中。例如,一个典型的cone是所有非负实数的集合,即所有满足x ≥ 0的实数x的集合。

"Matrix cone" 可能是指一个由特定类型的矩阵构成的集合,这些矩阵满足某些约束条件或性质,例如非负性、半正定性等。

在某些情况下,"matrix cone" 可能指的是一个特定的矩阵集合,这些矩阵具有某种特定的结构或性质,例如特定的秩、特定的特征值等。

因此,"matrix cone" 的具体含义取决于上下文和所讨论的数学领域。如果您能提供更多的上下文或背景信息,我可能能够给出更具体的解释。


3.2. Few-shot learning

Few-shot Learning(少样本学习)是一种机器学习方法,旨在使用较少的训练数据来构建准确的机器学习模型。这种方法在计算机视觉领域尤其重要,因为它使机器能够处理物体识别、手势识别和对象跟踪等任务。






4. Reference List

Hanik M. et al. (2022) 'Predicting cognitive scores with graph neural networks through
sample selection learning', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16 doi: Predicting cognitive scores with graph neural networks through sample selection learning | Brain Imaging and Behavior

本文标签: 论文CognitivescoresGraphpredicting