

adb shell wm命令获取屏幕相关信息

Tags: adb_shell


wm [subcommand] [options]

获取屏幕大小:wm size

获取屏幕密度:wm density


# 当前分辨率 width x height

wm size

> Physical size: 720x1280

# 当前屏幕密度

wm density

> Physical density: 320

# 改变屏幕的分辨率

wm size 1080x1920

# 重置分辨率

wm size reset

# 截屏命令

wm screen-capture


shell@htc_himauhl:/ $ wm

usage: wm [subcommand] [options]

wm size [reset|WxH|WdpxHdp]

wm density [reset|DENSITY]

wm overscan [reset|LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM]

wm scaling [off|auto]

wm screen-capture [userId] [true|false]

wm size: return or override display size.

width and height in pixels unless suffixed with 'dp'.

wm density: override display density.

wm overscan: set overscan area for display.

wm scaling: set display scaling mode.

wm screen-capture: enable/disable screen capture.

wm dismiss-keyguard: dismiss the keyguard, prompting the user for auth if necessary.

本文标签: 屏幕相关信息命令大小ADB