

Dear Colleagues,
As the president of XXX and Ms. 10013's advisor, I deem it a great pleasure to writethis letter of recommendation for such an excellent student in support ofher applicationfor your esteemed university.

Since I got to know Ms. 10013 in my class of Intellectual Property Rights in 2008, shehas stood out among her peers and left a positive impression on me. Besides her goodacademic performance, she really possesses the ability to become a first-class lawyerin the future. Compared with the other students, she harbors a particularly strongpassion for law and has her own understanding of legal problems.

Intellectual Property Rights is a relatively emerging sub-discipline of law in China.In my class, I require that my students should participate in some debates of whichthe assumption is that they are presenting their clients in the court. Ms. 10013especially made a splendid performance in this practice by her sharp mind andflexible application ofprofessional knowledge. Actively taking part in the discussion,she always showed her talent in analyzing certain cases and finding out the loopholesin her opponents’ arguments. The experience I have got as a professor for these yearstells me that her good performance should be attributed to her breadth of generalknowledge and the capability for abstract reasoning and analytical thinking. Besides.I am quite interested in the professional strategy which she used in the debates.because it is rarely used by undergraduates. Later, I found that she was the winner ofthe debate competition for new students in law school and she was also a member ofthe debate team. I have to confess that this special young lady has the potentialabilities which are required by law career and also could distinguish her from the rest.

Furthermore, Ms. 10013 always keeps good communication with me after class. Sheoften visits my office to ask me some sharp and insightful questions among which many controversial ones deserve me to think carefully before answering them and Iwould discuss or even argue with her because what she asks is just in my researchdirection. It is obvious that she must have made full preparation and conductedpractical investigation in the spare time. Her inquisitive spirit, the indispensablequality for becoming a lawyer, is really commendable.

Upon fiuther acquaintance, I find that apart from excellent academic performance.Ms. 10013 also takes an active part in extracurricular activities. Furthermore, as asincere and passionate student with loving care and high responsibility, she zealouslyjoined a volunteer team since 2008, patiently communicating and helping a juvenilerobber. Till now, she has kept providing one-to-one assistance to this boy for nearlyone year, during which period she would also turn to me for advice, when meetingsome legal issues. She demonstrates the professional attainments which should bepossessed by a legal professional of new generation. Also, by handling theseproblems, she utilized her knowledge which was acquired from books in the dailylife and such kind of problems also stimulated her interest in extending herknowledge, which has built a solid foundation for her future development.

When learning that Ms. 10013 is aiming at a more advanced training to bring herintellectual capabilities into full play, which she hopes to receive in your famousuniversity, I highly support her determination in the belief that her professional qualityand outstanding overall performance are beneficial to her future study and researchShe has proved her distinction in my university, therefore I consider Ms. 10013 a verypromising applicant to your esteemed LLM program. I have the least reservation on herpotential to succeed in her future educational as well as professional pursuit. In case ofany other information about Ms. 10013, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

本文标签: 推荐信盒子知识产权IntellectualRights