

Wakeups are a mechanism in the AlarmManager API that lets developers set an alarm to wake up a device at a specified time. Your app sets a wakeup alarm by calling one of the set() methods in AlarmManager with either theRTC_WAKEUP or ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP flag. When a wakeup alarm is triggered, the device comes out of low-power mode and holds a partial wake lock while executing the alarm's onReceive() or onAlarm() method. If wakeup alarms are triggered excessively, they can drain a device's battery.

Wakeups 是AlarmManage里面的一个唤醒机制。可以再指定时间唤醒设备。

唤醒后,设备退出低电量模式并且在调用onReceive()或者onAlarm()的时候持有一个partial wake lock。



To help you improve app quality, Android automatically monitors apps for excessive wakeup alarms and displays the information in Android vitals. For information on how the data is collected, see Play Console docs.

安卓自动收集了这些信息并且展现在Android vitals里面。


If your app is waking up the device excessively, you can use the guidance in this page to diagnose and fix the problem.



Fix the problem


The AlarmManager was introduced in early versions of the Android platform, but over time, many use cases that previously required AlarmManager are now better served by newer features like WorkManager. This section contains tips for reducing wake up alarms, but in the long term, consider migrating your app to follow the recommendations in the best practices section.

AlarmManager 是在Android 平台的早期版本引入的,随着时间推移,现在用新的api例如WorkManger也能很好的完成任务。

这个部分知识建议。长期来看,follow bestpractices


Identify the places in your app where you schedule wakeup alarms and reduce the frequency that those alarms are triggered. Here are some tips:

确定使用的位置,减少alarms 触发的频次。下面是一些建议


Look for calls to the various set() methods in AlarmManager that include either the RTC_WAKEUP orELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP flag.



We recommend including your package, class, or method name in your alarm's tag name so that you can easily identify the location in your source where the alarm was set. Here are some additional tips:



  • Leave out any personally identifying information (PII) in the name, such as an email address. Otherwise, the device logs _UNKNOWN instead of the alarm name.


  • Don't get the class or method name programmatically, for example by calling getName(), because it could get obfuscated by Proguard. Instead use a hard-coded string.


  • Don't add a counter or unique identifiers to alarm tags. The system will not be able to aggregate alarms that are set that way because they all have unique identifiers.

不要用counter或者 唯一定义符


After fixing the problem, verify that your wakeup alarms are working as expected by running the following ADB command:

用下面的adb命令来确认你的wakeup alarms 工作正常

adb shell dumpsys alarm

This command provides information about the status of the alarm system service on the device. For more information, see dumpsys.




Use wakeup alarms only if your app needs to perform an user facing operation (such as posting a notification or alerting the user). For a list of AlarmManager best practices, see Scheduling Repeating Alarms.



Don't use AlarmManager to schedule background tasks, especially repeating or network background tasks. UseWorkManager to schedule background tasks because it offers the following benefits

不要用AlarmManager来做后台任务,而是要用WorkManager ,因为WorkManager有以下好处

  • batching - jobs are combined so that battery consumption is reduced



  • persistence - jobs that are marked persistent will continue to run even after the device is rebooted



  • criteria - jobs can run based on conditions, such as whether or not the device is charging or WiFi is available



For more information, see Guide to background processing.

详情查看Guide to background processing.


Don't use AlarmManager to schedule timing operations that are valid only while the app is running (in other words, the timing operation should be canceled when the user exits the app). In those situations, use the Handler class because it is easier to use and much more efficient.

不要用AlarmManager来做调度任务。 可以使用handler,这样既简单又有效。

本文标签: excessivewakeups