


Just the other day I was trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my laptop in the living room to the desktop downstairs, when I realized that I couldn’t do it because the desktop was running Windows Home Premium—that’s when I realized we’d never covered how to upgrade Windows, so here you are.

就在前一天,当我意识到由于台式机运行的是Windows Home Premium而无法执行此操作时,我正尝试使用远程桌面从客厅的笔记本电脑连接至楼下的台式机。 d从未介绍过如何升级Windows,因此您来了。

You can upgrade from any version of Windows to the next version up, but it’s obviously going to cost a bit of money, and there’s a very good chance that you’ll have no reason to upgrade. Keep reading for the differences between the versions, whether you should bother upgrading, and how to actually do it.

您可以从任何版本的Windows升级到下一个版本,但是显然要花些钱,而且很有可能没有理由升级。 继续阅读各版本之间的差异,是否应该进行升级以及如何实际进行升级。

家庭高级版和旗舰版之间的区别 (Differences Between Home Premium and Ultimate)

Microsoft has a comparison page where you can see the very detailed list of features that differentiate each version of Windows from another, but it’s a lot of information to take in. Here’s the real differences that might matter to you, the home user:


  • Backup to Network Drive – if you’re using the built-in backup software, it supports backing up to network drives in the Pro and Ultimate editions. Of course, if this is the only feature in Ultimate you want, you can find freeware or cheap backup applications for much cheaper than the upgrade fee.

    备份到网络驱动器–如果您使用内置的备份软件,它支持备份到Pro版和Ultimate版的网络驱动器。 当然,如果这是您想要的Ultimate中唯一的功能,则可以找到比升级费用便宜得多的免费软件或廉价备份应用程序。

  • BitLocker – Ultimate edition includes support for BitLocker, which lets you completely encrypt your hard drive or your thumb drives, though you can do this for free with TrueCrypt in any version of Windows.

    BitLocker –终极版包括对BitLocker的支持,尽管您可以在任何Windows版本中使用TrueCrypt来免费进行加密,但它可以完全加密硬盘或拇指驱动器。

  • XP Mode – Pro and Ultimate versions of Windows let you run older applications in a virtualized environment alongside your normal apps. It’s basically the same as using VirtualBox, except XP Mode doesn’t require an extra XP license.

    XP模式– Windows Pro和Ultimate版本可让您在虚拟环境中与常规应用程序一起运行较早的应用程序。 它与使用VirtualBox基本相同,除了XP Mode不需要额外的XP许可证。

  • Remote Desktop – you can use the Remote Desktop client in the Home edition, but you can’t connect to that machine unless you are running Pro or Ultimate. Here’s how to enable Remote Desktop in Windows 7.

    远程桌面–您可以使用家庭版的远程桌面客户端,但是除非运行Pro或Ultimate,否则您无法连接到该计算机。 这是在Windows 7中启用远程桌面的方法。

  • Switch Between Languages Easily – Windows 7 Ultimate has support for loads of languages, and lets you switch between them.

    轻松切换语言– Windows 7 Ultimate支持多种语言,并且可以在多种语言之间进行切换。

When it comes right down to it, Home Premium is going to be just fine for most people, or you can find freeware to do most of the same tasks—there’s just one feature that you really need to upgrade for: Remote Desktop. It’s so much better than any of the freeware alternatives that I’ve tried, and it even supports Aero effects for a really great remote desktop session.

说到它,对于大多数人来说Home Premium就可以了,或者您可以找到可以完成大多数相同任务的免费软件-您真正需要升级的一项功能:远程桌面。 它比我尝试过的任何免费软件都好得多,它甚至还支持Aero特效,可进行非常出色的远程桌面会话。

Starter和Home Premium之间的区别 (Differences Between Starter and Home Premium)

Windows 7 Starter edition is pretty awful—you’re missing out on Aero effects, Homegroups, 64-bit, multiple monitors, Media Center, Sticky Notes, Mobility Center, Snipping Tool… wallpaper… it’s well worth the upgrade to Home Premium.

Windows 7简化版非常糟糕-您错过了Aero特效,家庭组,64位,多显示器,Media Center,Sticky Notes,Mobility Center,Snipping Tool…壁纸……值得升级到Home Premium。

If the only thing that bugs you about Starter edition is the wallpaper, you can still customize the wallpaper using a freeware application.


从一个Windows版本升级到另一个 (Upgrading from One Windows Version to Another)

It’s extremely simple to upgrade, especially if you’ve already purchased an upgrade key from Microsoft. Either way, right-click on Computer, select Properties…

升级非常简单,尤其是如果您已经从Microsoft购买了升级密钥。 无论哪种方式,请右键单击“计算机”,选择“属性”。

And then click the link that says “Get more features with a new edition of Windows 7”.

然后单击显示“使用新版本的Windows 7获取更多功能”的链接。

Once you’ve done that, the Windows Anytime Upgrade dialog will show up, where you can direct purchase a new edition of Windows 7, or you can enter the upgrade key. Since we’ve already got the key, we’ll click the second one—but they work the same.

完成此操作后,将出现“ Windows随时升级”对话框,您可以在其中直接购买Windows 7的新版本,也可以输入升级密钥。 既然已经有了密钥,我们将单击第二个密钥,但是它们的作用相同。

If you bought the key separately, you’ll add in the key…


Windows will check the key, ask you to agree to something you’ll probably never read, and then start the upgrade.


Your computer will reboot a couple of times, and that’s pretty much all there is to that.


All done.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/40498/how-to-upgrade-windows-7-easily-and-understand-whether-you-should/


本文标签: 轻松Windows