

netsh winsock

Windows operating system uses Winsock technology in order to maintain network and internet communication and connection. During the usage of the Winsock especially in heavy usage, it may create network and internet connection problems because of the crash. In this tutorial, we will learn how to reset the network adaptor and TCP/IP network stack via Winsock.

Windows操作系统使用Winsock技术来维护网络和Internet的通讯和连接。 在使用Winsock的过程中,尤其是在频繁使用的情况下,由于崩溃,可能会造成网络和Internet连接问题。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何通过Winsock重置网络适配器和TCP / IP网络堆栈。

什么是Winsock? (What Is Winsock?)

Winsock is a DLL or library used to run network and internet communication. Winsock DLL is named wsock32 and provides all function related Winsock. Winsock is a simple socket which will operate on OSI reference mode 7 in order to create network sockets.

Winsock是用于运行网络和Internet通信的DLL或库。 Winsock DLL的名称为wsock32并提供与Winsock相关的所有功能。 Winsock是一个简单的套接字,它将在OSI参考模式7上运行以创建网络套接字。

重置Winsock (Reset Winsock)

Winsock is an operating system level mechanism that operates at a low level. In order to reset the Winsock, we need the Administrator privileges. As we will use the command line to reset Winsock the command line interface like MS-DOS, PowerShell should be opened with Administrator privileges. The following steps can be executed in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Server versions. The following steps will work on Windows XP with Service Pack versions 2 and 3. For Windows 8 and Windows 10, we can simply type msdos which will list MS-DOS command prompt with some menu list. We will click to the Run As Administrator like below which will open the MS-DOS command prompt with Administrative rights.

Winsock是一种在较低级别上运行的操作系统级别的机制。 为了重置Winsock,我们需要管理员权限。 由于我们将使用命令行将Winsock重置为MS-DOS之类的命令行界面,因此应使用管理员权限打开PowerShell。 可以在Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10和Windows Server版本中执行以下步骤。 以下步骤将在带有Service Pack版本2和3的Windows XP上运行。对于Windows 8和Windows 10,我们只需键入msdos ,它将列出MS-DOS命令提示符和一些菜单列表。 我们将单击下面的Run As Administrator身份Run As Administrator ,它将以“管理”权限打开MS-DOS命令提示符。

Open Command Line For Windows 10 and 8
Windows 10和8的开放式命令行

For Windows 7 and previous Windows versions, we will type cmd to the Start Menu which will list the cmd like below. Then we will right-click to the cmd and click to the Run As Administrator which will open the MS-DOS command line with Administrator privileges.

对于Windows 7和以前的Windows版本,我们将在开始菜单中键入cmd ,该菜单将如下所示列出cmd。 然后,我们将右键单击该cmd,然后单击“ Run As Administrator ,它将以管理员权限打开MS-DOS命令行。

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Open Command Line For Windows 7
Windows 7的打开命令行

In some cases, the following screen will appear to ask User Account Control. Simply click to Yes.

在某些情况下,将出现以下屏幕询问用户帐户控制。 只需单击“ Yes

Now we can type the netsh command with winsock reset parameters which will reset the Winsock.

现在,我们可以使用winsock reset参数键入netsh命令,这将重置Winsock。

> netsh winsock reset
Reset Winsock with “netsh winsock reset” Command
使用“ netsh winsock reset”命令重置Winsock

If the command is completed successfully we will be informed that Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog. In order to complete the reset we should restart the computer.

如果命令成功完成,我们将被告知Successfully reset the Winsock Catalog 。 为了完成重置,我们应该重新启动计算机。

列出Winsock目录条目 (List Winsock Catalog Entries)

We can also list the Winsock catalog before or after the reset with the netsh winsock show catalog. This will list information about different socket types with information like Description, Version, Protocol, Address Family, etc.

我们还可以使用netsh winsock show catalog重置之前或之后的netsh winsock show catalog 。 这将列出有关不同套接字类型的信息以及诸如描述,版本,协议,地址族等信息。

> netsh winsock show catalog
List Winsock Catalog Entries

重置网络适配器或Winsock重置或Comms重新安装(Reset Network Adaptor or Winsock Reset or Comms Reinstall)

Well, we can hear the “Reset Network Adaptor” or “Winsock Reset”  or “Comms Reinstall”  terms. Actually all of them describe the same thing which is resetting Winsock.

好吧,我们可以听到“重置网络适配器”或“ Winsock重置”或“ Comms重新安装”字样。 实际上,它们都描述了重置Winsock的同一件事。

或者,使用“ netsh int ip reset”重置TCP / UDP (Alternatively, Reset TCP/UDP with “netsh int ip reset”)

If the resetting Winsock does not work as you expect and the problem is not solved we can try to reset the TCP/UDP stack which can also solve network-related problems.

如果重置Winsock不能如您预期的那样工作并且问题没有解决,我们可以尝试重置TCP / UDP堆栈,这也可以解决与网络相关的问题。

> netsh int ip reset

为什么要使用“ netsh winsock重置”? (Why use “netsh winsock reset”?)

netsh winsock reset command mainly used to reset the Winsock catalog back to default settings in a clean state. Resetting the Winsock catalog is generally the last solution about the network and internet related problems. Below are some specific reasons in order to reset Winsock.

netsh winsock reset命令主要用于在干净状态下将Winsock目录重置回默认设置。 重置Winsock目录通常是有关网络和Internet相关问题的最后解决方案。 以下是一些重置Winsock的特定原因。

  • Internet and Network related problems after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, trojan horse,  backdoor, etc.

  • Access problems to web sites and web pages.

  • DNS lookup and related problems.

  • DHCP or IP assignment problems.

  • IP renewing problem.

  • DHCP errors.

  • Network and internet speed problems

  • When the “Limited or no connectivity” error occurs

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翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-netsh-winsock-reset-to-fix-windows-network-problems/

netsh winsock

本文标签: 网络netshWindowswinsock