

pwa 问题

为什么需要PWA并不成问题。 让我们看看为什么您可能不需要它 (Why you need a PWA is not in question. Let’s see why you may NOT need it)

My inbox has been filled with questions regarding PWAs after my last two articles.


My “Practical Tips on Progressive Web App Development” shared the actual advantages of the PWA technology, and my “Progressive Web Apps vs Native” further strengthened many people's belief that a progressive web app is exactly what they need.

我的“ 渐进式Web应用程序开发实用技巧 ”分享了PWA技术的实际优势,而我的“ 渐进式Web应用程序与本机 ”进一步加强了许多人的信念,即渐进式Web应用程序正是他们所需要的。

I am exceptionally happy that I managed to convince them that PWAs are the future of web apps. I support the PWA technology as a path that the software development industry should take in the future. But progressive web apps are not a panacea, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

我非常高兴能够说服他们PWA是Web应用程序的未来。 我支持PWA技术,这是软件开发行业将来应该采用的方法。 但是,渐进式Web应用程序不是万能药,不是万能的解决方案。

Since I have already explained what PWA means and why you need a PWA, today, I am going to finish the job and show why you may NOT need a PWA.

既然我已经解释了PWA的含义以及为什么需要 PWA ,那么今天,我将完成工作并说明为什么您可能不需要 PWA

Making the choice between using and not using PWA is easier than you assume. Just answer four simple questions and you will see the right path yourself.

在使用和不使用PWA之间进行选择比您想像的要容易。 只需回答四个简单的问题,您就会自己看到正确的道路。

1.您有现成的发展吗? (1. Do you have any ready-made developments?)

The speed and simplicity of the progressive web app development have been mentioned among the major benefits of PWAs. However, this advantage can be negated by the fact that you already have some ready-made developments for a mobile app.

在PWA的主要好处中,提到了渐进式Web应用程序开发的速度和简便性。 但是,您已经为移动应用程序进行了一些现成的开发,因此可以抵消这一优势。

Converting a ready-made mobile app to a progressive web app cannot be done with a few simple clicks. Instead, a progressive web app has to be developed from scratch. If you had already gone through the lengthy and complicated process of native app development, why would you throw it out and start everything from the beginning?

只需单击几下鼠标,便无法将现成的移动应用程序转换为渐进式Web应用程序。 相反,必须从头开始开发渐进式Web应用程序。 如果您已经经历了漫长而复杂的本机应用程序开发过程,那么为什么要扔掉它并从头开始一切呢?

Surely, your mobile app can be outdated or inefficient. In this case, you have to choose whether to revive it with the help of a mobile app development company or to build an entirely new application using the PWA technology.

当然,您的移动应用可能会过时或效率低下。 在这种情况下,您必须选择在移动应用程序开发公司的帮助下恢复它还是使用PWA技术构建一个全新的应用程序。

For instance, Pinterest – one of the brightest examples of companies that implemented PWA – decided to choose both options. They have developed a progressive web app but did not forget about the traditional mobile application either.

例如, Pinterest是实施PWA的公司中最杰出的例子之一,因此决定选择这两种选择。 他们开发了一个渐进式Web应用程序,但也没有忘记传统的移动应用程序。

Key idea: The PWA approach is a great solution if you have no ready-made developments. If you already have a native or cross-platform mobile version of your app, it will be easier and more productive to finish those rather than build a new application from scratch.

关键思想 :如果您没有现成的开发,则PWA方法是一个很好的解决方案。 如果您已经拥有应用程序的本机或跨平台移动版本,则完成这些操作将比从头开始构建新的应用程序更容易和更有效率。

2.您打算只专注于移动设备吗? (2. Do you plan to focus on mobile devices only?)

The idea of PWA features is to improve the experience of a user accessing a web page from a mobile device. Until the PWA technology was introduced, the businesses willing to target both web and mobile had two options:

PWA功能的想法是改善用户从移动设备访问网页的体验。 在引入PWA技术之前,愿意同时针对Web和移动设备的企业有两种选择:

  • to adapt a web page to mobile devices

  • to develop a mobile app from scratch


The first option is clumsy and inconvenient from the perspective of a user. The second option is resource-consuming from the perspective of a business.

从用户的角度来看,第一种选择是笨拙且不便的。 从企业的角度来看,第二种选择是消耗资源。

The advancement of PWAs brought the Golden Mean: convenience for the user and efficiency for the business. If you do not plan to enter the web or desktop niche but choose to focus solely on mobile apps, there is no need to build a PWA.

PWA的进步带来了黄金分割:给用户带来便利,为企业带来效率。 如果您不打算进入网络或台式机市场,而是选择只专注于移动应用程序,则无需构建PWA。

Surely, when developing progressive web apps, you win because you're developing one application for both Android and iOS. However, this is exactly what you can achieve with cross-platform development with Ionic, Cordova, or React Native.  

当然,在开发渐进式Web应用程序时,您会成功,因为您正在为Android和iOS开发一个应用程序。 但是,这正是使用Ionic,Cordova或React Native进行跨平台开发所能实现的。

Meanwhile, Pinterest has developed a progressive web app to augment their already existent web platform and mobile app.


Key idea: PWAs work best for the businesses targeting both web and mobile platforms. If you choose to focus on only one of those, there is no reason to choose progressive web app development.

关键思想 :PWA最适合同时针对Web和移动平台的企业。 如果您只选择其中之一,则没有理由选择渐进式Web应用程序开发。

3.您是否不愿意让您的用户通过Web浏览器访问该应用程序? (3. Are you reluctant to let your users access the app via a web browser?)

Another essential difference between mobile apps and progressive web apps rests in the fact that the former are downloaded from the store, while the latter – via a shared link or directly from a website as it is illustrated below.


Tastes differ. If you think that working with App Store or Google Play is easier than fighting the SEO competition on Google or inspiring users to share your links, you should feel free to choose mobile app development.

口味不同。 如果您认为与App Store或Google Play合作比比在Google上进行SEO竞争或激励用户共享链接要容易得多,那么您应该随时选择移动应用开发。

If you think that it is more difficult to be featured in top search results in Stores comparing to Google search results, go with PWA. Besides, if your website already has a sufficiently large target audience of devoted users, progressive web apps would work best for you.

如果您认为与Google搜索结果相比,要在商店的热门搜索结果中更难成为特色,请使用PWA。 此外,如果您的网站已经拥有足够大的忠实用户目标受众,那么渐进式Web应用程序将最适合您。

Key idea: If you want your users to access the application via the App Store or Google Play rather than through a browser, or if app store optimization (ASO) sounds simpler than search engine optimization (SEO), you should go with a mobile app.

关键思想 :如果您希望用户通过App Store或Google Play而不是通过浏览器访问应用程序,或者如果App Store优化(ASO)听起来比搜索引擎优化(SEO)简单,则应使用移动应用程序。

4.您是否需要高级移动设备功能? (4. Do you need advanced mobile device features?)

While PWAs can work with geolocation, a lot of advanced mobile device features remain beyond their reach. Progressive web apps do not work with proximity sensors, advanced camera controls, audio or video recording, fingerprint scanning, NFC, or even Bluetooth.

虽然PWA可以与地理位置一起使用,但是许多高级移动设备功能仍然无法实现。 渐进式Web应用程序不能与接近传感器,高级相机控件,音频或视频记录,指纹扫描,NFC甚至蓝牙一起使用。

Ask your development team for the PWA checklist of features that they will not be able to implement. If you cannot do without at least one of these features, you should opt in favor of mobile development.

向您的开发团队索取他们将无法实现的功能的PWA清单。 如果您不能没有这些功能中的至少一项,则应该选择移动开发。

For instance, the progressive web app of Pinterest does not feature the function of taking photos, which is present in their mobile app.


Key idea: Incompatibility with native device features can hinder you from developing a PWA. While this issue may be solved in the future, for now, you should go with mobile apps instead.

关键思想 :与本机设备功能不兼容会阻碍您开发PWA。 虽然将来可能会解决此问题,但现在,您应该使用移动应用程序。

总结 (To Wrap Up)

Before asking for a PWA, you need to decide whether you really need the PWA approach. Start by answering four simple questions:

在请求PWA之前,您需要确定是否确实需要PWA方法。 首先回答四个简单的问题:

  1. Do you have any ready-made developments, such as a native mobile app?

  2. Do you want to focus on mobile devices only? No desktop or web platforms?

    您是否只想专注于移动设备? 没有台式机或网络平台?
  3. Are you reluctant to let your users access the app via a web browser?

  4. Do you need advanced mobile device features? Are you going to use fingerprint scanning, NFC, or Bluetooth?

    您是否需要高级移动设备功能? 您要使用指纹扫描,NFC还是蓝牙?

If you answer "yes" to the majority of these questions about progressive web apps, then, probably, you do not need a progressive web app. A mobile app will fully cover all your needs.

如果您对这些有关渐进式Web应用程序的大多数问题回答“是”,那么可能就不需要渐进式Web应用程序。 移动应用程序将完全满足您的所有需求。

您对PWA有想法吗? (Do you have an idea for a PWA?)

My company KeenEthics is an experienced progressive web app development company. In case you need the following services, feel free to get in touch.

我的公司KeenEthics是一家经验丰富的渐进式Web应用程序开发公司 。 如果您需要以下服务,请随时与我们联系

You can read more of my articles on the KeenEthics blog: Four Questions to Understand If You Need PWA.

您可以在KeenEthics博客上阅读我的更多文章: 如果需要PWA,则需要了解四个问题 。

聚苯乙烯 (P.S.)

Also, I would like to say "thank you" to Tetiana Matviiok for helping me edit this article.

另外,我想对Tetiana Matviiok表示感谢,感谢他帮助我编辑本文。

The original article posted on KeenEthics blog can be found here: Progressive Web Apps vs Native: Which to Choose and When?.

可以在以下位置找到发布在KeenEthics博客上的原始文章: 渐进式Web应用程序与本机:选择哪个以及何时选择? 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/four-questions-to-understand-if-you-need-pwa/

pwa 问题

本文标签: 可以帮助您真PWA