


Windows 8 has been with us for a good few months now. From consumer previews to the released products, there has been much venting of spleen over the changes made by Microsoft. But after initially hating Windows 8, I started to love it. Genuinely.

Windows 8与我们在一起已经有好几个月了。 从消费者预览到发布的产品,对于Microsoft所做的更改,脾气已经很多了。 但是最初讨厌Windows 8之后,我开始喜欢它。 真的。

I, like many people, was initially rather underwhelmed with Windows 8. This was perhaps not entirely unexpected – after all, we were about due another duff version of Windows. After Windows 3.1, Windows 95 was an innovative breath of fresh air.

我和许多人一样,最初对Windows 8感到不知所措。这也许并不完全出乎人们的意料–毕竟,我们要使用Windows的Duff版本。 在Windows 3.1之后,Windows 95带来了新鲜空气。

Windows 8之路 (The Road to Windows 8)

This was followed by the generally solid Windows 98 which picked up nicely from where its predecessor left off. But then things took a turn for the worse with Windows Me, a release that was almost universally derided.

随后是总体稳定的Windows 98,可以很好地从其前身停下来的地方进行安装。 但是后来,Windows Me的情况变得更糟了,该版本几乎被普遍嘲笑。

Outside of the consumer branch of the operating system, Windows 2000 was picking up a steady following as users noticed the benefits of working with an NT-based version of Windows. There were advantages noticed by Microsoft as well and the follow-up to Me, Windows XP, quickly became the most popular version of Windows ever; so much so that it is still widely used more than a decade after its release.

在操作系统的使用者分支之外,由于用户注意到使用基于NT的Windows的好处,Windows 2000吸引了一批稳定的追随者。 微软也注意到了许多优势,对我的后续产品Windows XPSwift成为有史以来最流行的Windows版本。 如此之多,以至于它发布十多年来仍被广泛使用。

Next up was Vista, regarded by many as little more than another Service Pack for XP, but there wasn’t too long a wait before Windows 7 saw the light of day. While nothing Earth-shattering was to be found here, there were a number of interesting changes to the interface, better networking and improved performance.

接下来是Vista,其功能远不止是XP的另一个Service Pack,但在Windows 7出现之前,等待的时间并不长。 虽然这里没有发现任何惊天动地的事情,但是界面上发生了许多有趣的变化,更好的网络连接和更高的性能。

So history was suggesting that Windows 8 was going to be a disappointment. I was prepared to be proved wrong, but testing out the early builds and technical previews confirmed my fears… Windows 8 was a disaster that was going to flop. Or so I thought at first.

因此历史证明Windows 8将会令人失望。 我准备证明自己是错误的,但是测试早期版本和技术预览证实了我的担心……Windows 8灾难将要失败。 大概我起初以为。

勉强升级 (Reluctant Upgrade)

Writing for magazines and websites requires me to keep up to date with software and this was largely why I persevered with the preview releases. It was a begrudging step to upgrade to the RTM build, but the low upgrade price helped to soften the blow somewhat.

为杂志和网站撰写文章时,我需要了解最新的软件,这很大程度上就是我坚持使用预览版的原因。 升级到RTM版本是一个艰巨的步骤,但是低廉的升级价格在一定程度上减轻了打击。

But in the months I have been using Windows 8 – initially in a virtual machine, then as the sole OS on one of my desktop PCs, and ultimately on my laptop as well – I have learned to stop hating and start, well, perhaps not, loving, but at least appreciating, the changes that have been made.

但是在过去的几个月中,我一直在使用Windows 8(最初是在虚拟机中使用,后来又作为一台台式PC的唯一操作系统,最后也是在笔记本电脑上使用),我学会了停止仇恨并开始,好吧,也许不是,热爱,但至少赞赏已做出的更改。

It is very easy to understand why there is so much vitriol leveled at Windows 8 – it appears massively different from anything that came before it. We’ve become used to there being at least versions of Windows to choose between, but even splitting into desktop and RT releases, Windows 8 felt as though it was designed with touchscreen devices in mind.

很容易理解,为什么Windows 8上的硫酸含量如此之高–它看起来与之前的任何产品都大相径庭。 我们已经习惯了至少有Windows版本可供选择,但即使拆分为台式机版本和RT版本,Windows 8仍感觉到它是为考虑触摸屏设备而设计的。

The popularity of iPads and Android tablets just goes to show that there is not any real opposition to touchscreen operating systems, but it is something most readily associated with mobile devices – and perhaps self-checkout terminals. How many people want to interact with their desktop computer by tapping the monitor?

iPad和Android平板电脑的流行只是表明,触摸屏操作系统没有任何真正的反对,但这是最容易与移动设备(也许还有自助结账终端)相关联的东西。 有多少人想通过点击显示器与台式计算机进行交互?

键盘友好 (Keyboard Friendly)

When you’re using a regular keyboard to type, lifting a hand to tap the screen slows down the flow of work. Conversely, when using a dedicated touchscreen device where tapping is the normal way to launch apps and access options, there is a horrible on-screen keyboard to contend with. I have both an iPad and an Android tablet. Both are used extensively, but neither are ever used for typing of any length – or importance, due to the appalling typing skills touchscreen keyboards seem to bring out in me.

当您使用常规键盘键入文字时,抬起手来敲击屏幕会减慢工作流程。 相反,当使用专用触摸屏设备(其中轻按是启动应用程序和访问选项的常规方法)时,会遇到可怕的屏幕键盘。 我既有iPad,也有Android平板电脑。 两者都被广泛使用,但由于触摸屏键盘似乎带给我无穷的打字技巧,因此它们都不曾用于任何长度或重要性的打字。

But I started to realize that Windows 8 had not been designed solely, or even primarily, for touchscreen use – it was just demanding that users looked at how they interact with their computers slightly differently. Splitting Windows into the Desktop and Modern interface is initially disconcerting, there’s no getting around that. Having spent the best part of two decades with things working in a particular way, change can be difficult to swallow. But change is also a good thing.

但是我开始意识到Windows 8并不是专门为触摸屏设计的,甚至不是主要为触摸屏设计的–它只是要求用户以稍微不同的方式看待他们与计算机的交互方式。 将Windows分为“桌面和现代”界面最初令人不安,没有解决之道。 在过去二十年中的大部分时间里,事情都以一种特殊的方式运作着,改变很难被吞噬。 但是改变也是一件好事。

Yes, the Start menu is gone, but is that really a problem? How many times do you really need to visit it each day? Sure, there are numerous programs I use throughout the day and I need to be able to access them whenever I need then, but this is where desktop and taskbar shortcuts come into play.

是的,“开始”菜单消失了,但这真的是一个问题吗? 您每天真的需要访问几次? 当然,我一整天都在使用许多程序,并且我需要能够在需要时访问它们,但这是桌面和任务栏快捷方式起作用的地方。

I don’t like to have a cluttered desktop, so I rely solely on pinning apps to the Taskbar. This does not mean I am limited to using only these apps, but I use this area of my desktop to house shortcuts to the tools I use most.

我不喜欢桌面凌乱,因此我仅依靠将应用程序固定到任务栏。 这并不意味着我仅限于使用这些应用程序,而是使用桌面的此区域来存放最常用工具的快捷方式。

When the time comes that I need to use an app that does not have a shortcut here, I still find that I don’t need to really make use of the Start screen. Hit the Windows key and start typing – in a second I’ve found the app I was looking for.

当需要使用这里没有快捷方式的应用程序时,我仍然发现我并不需要真正使用“开始”屏幕。 按下Windows键并开始输入-一秒钟后,我找到了我想要的应用程序。

But the real clincher with learning to love Windows 8 is understanding just how much time keyboard shortcuts will save you. Many people switching to Windows 8 have complained about the fact that it is awkward to navigate the mouse cursor to the hotspots at the corner of the screen to access the Start screen, Charms bar and app switcher.

但是,学会爱用Windows 8的真正诀窍在于了解键盘快捷键可以为您节省多少时间。 切换到Windows 8的许多人抱怨,将鼠标光标导航到屏幕角上的热点以访问“开始”屏幕,“超级按钮”栏和应用程序切换器很尴尬。

But in reality, there is no need to use them – there are keyboard shortcuts that can be used to access all of these areas of Windows more easily. Learn to keep your fingers on the keyboard rather than reaching for the mouse and you’ll probably find that things are just as quick and easy – if not quicker and easier – to achieve as they were in Windows 7 and earlier.

但实际上,没有必要使用它们-键盘快捷键可用于更轻松地访问Windows的所有这些区域。 学习将手指放在键盘上而不是伸手去拿鼠标,您可能会发现事情实现起来和Windows 7以及更早版本中一样容易,甚至更快。

需要调整 (The Need to Tweak)

Like pretty much everyone else who has worked with Windows 8, I turned to one of the countless tweaking tools that can be used to customize the Start screen, get the Start button back and replace other features of the operating system. But without exception, none of the tools have lasted long on my computer.

与使用Windows 8的几乎所有其他人一样,我转向了无数种可用于自定义“开始”屏幕,返回“开始”按钮并替换操作系统其他功能的调整工具之一。 但无一例外,这些工具都无法在我的计算机上使用很长时间。

I have learned that I can still use Windows 8 in pretty much the same way as I used to use Windows. Desktop applications function in exactly the same way. There are very few Modern apps that appeal at the moment, so it is something of a rarity for me to drop out of desktop mode.

我了解到,我仍然可以以与以前使用Windows几乎相同的方式使用Windows 8。 桌面应用程序的功能完全相同。 目前,很少有现代应用程序具有吸引力,因此,我退出桌面模式对我来说是很少见的。

Microsoft, it appears, is trying to create a uniform experience between devices. Working with a desktop computer should be virtually the same as using a laptop or a tablet. This in turn is incredibly similar to using a mobile phone, and it’s fair to assume that the UI for Xbox 720 will not be a million miles away from the look of Windows 8.

看来,微软正在尝试在设备之间创建统一的体验。 使用台式计算机的工作实际上应与使用便携式计算机或平板电脑相同。 这反过来与使用手机非常相似,可以公平地假设Xbox 720的UI与Windows 8的外观相距一百万英里。

It may seem as though I’m obsessed with the look of Windows 8. To some extent that’s true, but probably only because the aesthetics are the most immediately apparent change in the OS.

似乎我迷恋Windows 8的外观。在某种程度上说是正确的,但可能仅是因为美观是操作系统中最直接的变化。

小问题 (Niggling Issues)

There are some things that are still taking a little more getting used to. When the time comes to restart or shut down Windows, I still find that my cursor automatically creeps over to the bottom left of the desktop – that memory muscle is going to take a long time to retrain.

有些事情仍然需要更多的时间来适应。 重新启动或关闭Windows的时间到了,我仍然发现我的光标会自动爬到桌面的左下角–记忆力将需要很长时间才能重新训练。

Windows 8 is not perfect, not by any means. Some areas of the operating system are more awkward to get to, but most of the problems I have run into stem from the fact that it just takes a while to adjust to doing things in a different way. Explorer is largely the same as in Windows 7, but the ribbon is something that I have found counter-intuitive in both Office and Windows.

Windows 8并非完美无缺。 操作系统的某些领域很难实现,但是我遇到的大多数问题都源于这样的事实,即以一种不同的方式适应工作需要花费一段时间。 资源管理器与Windows 7基本相同,但是功能区是我发现Office和Windows中都违反直觉的。

Quick Access buttons are handy, but they do not provide access to all of the options I might need in the way that regular toolbar buttons or menus do. The ribbon provides access to almost everything I might want to do, but it is big and ugly, and not necessarily organized in a way that makes sense to me.

快速访问按钮很方便,但是它们不能像常规工具栏按钮或菜单一样提供对我可能需要的所有选项的访问。 功能区提供了我可能想要做的几乎所有事情的访问权限,但是它又大又丑,并且不一定以对我有意义的方式进行组织。

What is particularly pleasing about Windows 8 is that is represents a change in the way we look at hardware. It is no longer important that you have the latest and greatest computer comprising the most expensive and powerful hardware to get a decent experience from Windows. The system requirements for Windows 8 are very low – and this does not mean that if you run bare minimum you’ll have a great experience, but it won’t be a terrible one either.

Windows 8特别令人高兴的是,它代表了我们对硬件的看法的变化。 您拥有拥有最昂贵,功能最强大的硬件的最新最好的计算机,从Windows获得体面的体验不再重要。 Windows 8的系统要求非常低-这并不意味着如果您最低限度地运行,您将拥有很好的经验,但这也不是一个糟糕的经验。

The laptop I have as my ‘working on the move’ machine is old. It’s an aging Samsung NC10 with a piddling 1.6GHz processor, integrated graphic and somewhat feeble 2GB of RAM. But Windows 8 runs just fine.

我在“移动中”工作时拥有的笔记本电脑已经旧了。 这是一台老化的三星NC10,具有1.6GHz处理器,集成显卡和略微不足的2GB RAM。 但是Windows 8可以正常运行。

There has been so much talk of Windows 8 over the past couple of years that to continue the debate seems almost like flogging a dead horse. It took me a while, but I finally realized that Windows 8 is probably my favorite version of Windows yet. There’s still room for improvement and I’ll still complain bitterly, loudly and swearily when I try to do something in the way I used to in Windows 7. But for all of the complaints, Windows 8 is a great operating system. This feels like a confessional, or an introduction at an AA meeting. My name is Mark W, and I love Windows 8.

在过去的两年中,关于Windows 8的讨论太多了,以至于继续进行辩论似乎就像是在鞭策一头死马。 我花了一段时间,但最终我意识到Windows 8可能是我最喜欢的Windows版本。 仍有改进的空间,当我尝试以以前在Windows 7中的方式进行操作时,我仍然会痛苦,大声地抱怨。但是对于所有抱怨,Windows 8是一个很棒的操作系统。 感觉就像是自白,或在机管局会议上的介绍。 我的名字叫Mark W,我喜欢Windows 8。

Of course, you might disagree; that’s all part of the fun of Windows. Share your thoughts, your grievances, your opinions in the comments below. Love Windows 8 but need that one special tool to iron out a particular annoyance? Share it here.

当然,您可能会不同意。 这就是Windows的全部乐趣。 在下面的评论中分享您的想法,不满和意见。 喜欢Windows 8,但需要使用一种特殊的工具来消除特定的烦恼吗? 在这里分享。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/141376/how-i-learned-to-stop-hating-and-start-loving-windows-8/


本文标签: 喜欢UIWindows