

Are you preparing for an upcoming job interview? Read up on these super helpful interview tips to make sure you’re ready for it! Because, why not …?

您正在准备即将面试的工作吗? 阅读这些超级有用的面试技巧,以确保您已做好准备! 因为,为什么不……?

Most employers in recent times face quite an onus in the recruitment process. In the cut-throat competitive world of today, the stakes to crack an interview soar high in the sky. Even though you’ve appeared on more interviews than you can count on your fingers, every interview is a new learning experience.

最近,大多数雇主在招聘过程中都承担着很大的责任。 在当今竞争激烈的竞争世界中,打破面试的赌注高高在上。 即使您参加的面试次数超出了您的指望,每次面试都是一种新的学习体验。

It never seems to get any easier, does it?


With each job interview, you meet new people, you brand yourself and sell yourself. To survive through the process, you need to display your skills and stay upbeat and enthusiastic through it all, no matter how long it takes! This can be a challenge, especially when you’re interviewing for a job you would love to get hired for.

每次面试时,您都会结识新朋友,塑造自己的品牌并推销自己。 为了在此过程中生存,无论需要多长时间,您都需要展示自己的技能并保持乐观和热情! 这可能是一个挑战,尤其是在面试您希望被录用的工作时。

Here are some tips on how to get through almost any interview and make the process look sublime. Let’s get through the high hammer prices now!

这里有一些技巧,指导您如何完成几乎所有面试,并使流程看起来更加精彩。 现在让我们来经历一下高昂的锤子价格!

面试前 (Before the interview)

Interviews can be overwhelming sometimes, especially when it is your dream job or a position you highly admire. You must rise to present yourself unapologetically personally in the interview to pocket that career advancement. Below is the checklist you must care about before appearing in an interview.

有时面试可能会令人不知所措,尤其是当这是您梦dream以求的工作或您非常欣赏的职位时。 您必须在面试中毫不含糊地亲自介绍自己,以实现职业发展。 以下是出现在面试之前您必须关心的清单。

Preparation is the vanguard of a wave of performance!

1.首先研究公司和职位要求: (1. Start by researching the company and the job requirements: )

Do significant research about the company you are planning to interview for before even applying. Knowing the company and the job requirements can also help you frame your career objective. Studying the company not only means visiting their site and cramming up a thing or two for the interview. KNOW THEM.

在申请之前,对您打算面试的公司进行重大研究。 了解公司和职位要求也可以帮助您制定职业目标。 研究公司不仅意味着要访问他们的网站,并且要花一两个东西进行面试。 认识他们。

Before the interview, knowing about the foundation of the company, their work over the years, economy, perks, average salaries and the achievements surely adds to your prep for the interview.  


To know about the desired job opening, read the What we are looking for, What do we need, Who are we, Job Qualifications, and Job Requirements meticulously.

要了解所需的职位空缺,请仔细阅读“ 我们正在寻找什么,我们需要什么,我们是谁”,“ 工作资格 ”和“ 工作要求”

Here are a few specific things you can do:


  1. Go through the company website (not just for the sake of a checklist)

  2. Research their social media accounts

  3. Checkout their cool work

  4. Research their competitors

  5. Search for employees on LinkedIn

  6. Review and be ready!


2.了解您的面试官/招聘人员 (2. Know your interviewers/ recruiters )

In many cases, you might not know your interviewers but you definitely have a point of contact. Try to know your interviewer/recruiter beforehand. A little familiarity helps a ton!

在许多情况下,您可能不认识您的面试官,但您肯定有联系点。 尝试事先了解您的面试官/招聘人员。 有点熟悉可以帮助很多!

Look them up on LinkedIn. This is the best way to get acquainted. You might find something you have in common with them. And if not, you’ll still know more about them than most candidates going in for the interview. So it is definitely going to be easier for you to bond and build a rapport.

在LinkedIn上查找它们。 这是结识的最佳方法。 您可能会发现与他们有共同点。 如果不是这样,与大多数参加面试的候选人相比,您对他们的了解仍然更多。 因此,绑定和建立融洽的关系肯定会更容易。

3.找到常见的面试问题并练习答案 (3. Find the common interview questions and practice your answers)

How about getting the question paper a night before the exam?


Or your professor is generous enough to give you important questions for the exam!!


You are definitely killin' this exam.


Every time I have an interview scheduled, I search for common interview questions either for the position I've applied or what questions the company has asked earlier. Preparing yourself for these questions makes you more confident while answering them in real time.

每次安排面试时,我都会搜索常见的面试问题,包括我所申请的职位或公司较早前提出的问题。 为这些问题做好准备可以使您在实时回答这些问题时更加自信。

Glassdoor, Monster, Indeed, The Muse can help a lot while looking for sample interview questions.

Glassdoor , Monster , 的确是 , The Muse在寻找样本面试问题时可以提供很多帮助。

4.准备参考清单 (4. Prepare a list of references)

ALWAYS keep a list of at least 3 active references handy. I say active as these people must reply when required, and reply well enough to improve your chances of getting hired.

始终随身携带至少3个有效参考资料的列表。 我说积极,因为这些人必须在需要时答复,并且答复得足够好,以增加您被录用的机会。

Emphasize getting more professional references. Even academic references might work wonders in some scenarios. Include personal reference only if you have limited work experience, or if you are worried that your former employer will give you a negative review.

强调获得更多专业参考。 在某些情况下,甚至学术参考也可能会产生奇迹。 仅当您的工作经验有限,或者担心您的前任雇主会给您负面评价时,才提供个人推荐。

There's no need to include your references on your resume. Instead, prepare a separate list of your references. Be sure to include their names, email addresses, phone numbers and all necessary information required.

无需在简历中包括您的参考资料。 而是准备一个单独的参考列表。 确保包括他们的姓名,电子邮件地址,电话号码和所有必需的必要信息。

5.携带您所需的资源 (5. Carry your required resources)

Being resourceful is never bad!


Carry your laptop or a tablet ALWAYS. You do not want to show your exemplary work on a 6 inch screen with the recruiter's glasses on their nose and show your unpreparedness.

始终随身携带笔记本电脑或平板电脑。 您不希望在6英寸的屏幕上展示自己的模范工作,而将招聘人员的眼镜放在鼻子上却显示出您的准备不足。

Every candidate has something to show but you make the cut by keeping the required tabs open. Do not overdo it. Quick access is the key. And all this time, DO NOT show-off your receptivity. One thing at a time.

每个候选人都有要显示的内容,但是您可以通过打开所需的选项卡来进行削减。 不要做过头了。 快速访问是关键。 在所有这些时间里,请勿炫耀您的接受能力。 一心一意。

6.准备好文件 (6. Be prepared with your file)

The night before the interview, (even if the interview is at 8 PM over some fancy dinner and you have appeared in 576 interviews before) the night before, keep all your work ready: resume, cover letter, a notepad, a pen/pencil, the list of references. There is nothing worse than searching for papers or asking to borrow a pen, during the interview, so make sure to bring your own. All these things packed in a nice, neat bag.

面试的前一天晚上(即使面试是在晚上8点过的精美晚宴上,并且您之前参加过576次面试),也要做好所有准备工作:简历,求职信,记事本,钢笔/铅笔,引用列表。 在面试过程中,没有比搜索论文或要求借笔更糟糕的事情了,因此请务必自备。 所有这些东西都装在一个干净利落的袋子里。

7.准备问题清单,最后询问您的面试官 (7. Prepare a list of questions to ask your interviewer at the end)

Every interview is bound to end with "Do you want to ask us something?" and you HAVE to ask them!

每次面试必定会以“您想问我们一些问题”结尾 而你不得不问他们!

Don't be shy when asking the interviewer a questions. If you moving out to a new location, ask them simply How's the weather here in winter? There is no harm in asking questions. It in fact shows your interest and eagerness to know more about the position or the company.

向面试官提问时不要害羞。 如果您要搬到新地点,只需简单地问他们冬天的天气如何? Ť这里是在问问题没有坏处。 实际上,这表明您有兴趣并渴望了解有关职位或公司的更多信息。

You should not usually ask about the pay here.


I mostly ask 3 of these questions according to the position I'm being considered for.


  1. What do the day to day responsibilities of the role look like?

  2. What are the company's values?

  3. What's your favorite part about working here?

  4. What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

  5. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

  6. What activities can I expect myself engaged in outside work?


8.自我介绍 (8. Present yourself well)

Dress "appropriately", and for the job for which you're applying. Too formal, as well as too casual, can be off-putting.

穿着“适当”的衣服,并适合您要申请的工作。 太正式,太随意可能会令人反感。

Avoid wearing strong perfumes.


And for goodness sake - brush your teeth before you go!


面试中 (During the interview)

Now you're all set to enter that room. This is your time! The time you are in front of the interviewer, no one can steal that opportunity from you. It’s all up to you to present and prove yourself to meet and exceed their expectations.

现在您已经准备好进入那个房间。 这是你的时间! 当您在面试官面前时,没有人可以从您那里窃取这一机会。 展示和证明自己可以达到并超越他们的期望完全取决于您。

Confidence is a testament to your true self!

1.在面试时间之前出席 (1. Be present well before your interview time)

You do not want to be late for the interview you've been preparing for over the last however many days. If you are new to the interview place, carry a map to your location. If you are taking a public transport, keep a margin of 30 minutes to secure yourself from getting late. Arrive at least 15 mins before the reporting time. A little waiting isn't gonna cost you millions. But being late can!

您不想为最近(无论多长时间)一直在准备的面试迟到。 如果您不熟悉面试场所,请随身携带一张地图。 如果您乘坐公共交通工具,请保持30分钟的余量,以免自己迟到。 在报告时间之前至少15分钟到达。 稍等一会不会使您损失数百万。 但是迟到可以!

2.做出杰出而令人印象深刻的开幕词 (2. Make an outstanding and impressive opening remark)

A firm handshake, a cheerful greeting, a perfect salutation for the appetizers.


For the starters, at least make one statement out of your "interview context"

对于初学者 ,至少要在“面试上下文”中做出一个陈述

  1. 'It's a pleasure to meet you. How does your week look?'

    '很高兴见到你。 您的一周看起来如何?”

  2. 'I am already loving this place. It's beautiful!'

    ``我已经爱上了这个地方。 真漂亮!'

  3. 'Oh, what an interesting piece of art I saw out there'


  4. 'The coffee here is so good'


Ice-breaking surely is traditional but it always works!


3.对自己的肢体语言充满信心 (3. Be confident in your body language)

Win them over with your authenticity and positivity. A confident candidate is always preferred even if the other candidate had a better looking resume. Respond truthfully to all the questions asked. And do not be ashamed if you do not know an answer. Tell them you will surely look into it, learn more, and a have a good conversation on that topic over coffee at your desk. Sometimes, even going a little extra may help. You never know.

用您的真实性和积极性来赢得他们。 即使另一个候选人的简历看起来更好,也总是会选择一个自信的候选人。 如实回答所有提出的问题。 如果您不知道答案,也不要感到羞耻。 告诉他们您一定会研究,了解更多信息,并在办公桌旁喝咖啡就该主题进行很好的对话。 有时,即使多花一点钱也会有所帮助。 你永远不会知道。

Just keep observing. Try to assess the nature and mood of the interview room. If you just keep on being 'light and humorous', hey! you are in an interview, remember?

只是继续观察。 尝试评估采访室的性质和气氛。 如果您只是继续保持“轻松幽默”,嘿! 您正在接受采访,还记得吗?

Add a tint of humour only if it works for you.


4.结合您对技能和成就的回答 (4. Tie your answers to your skills and accomplishments)

There will be a tennis match of questions served and you will be playing the answers back.


When I am answering my interview questions, I make sure that every answer of mine exhibits a skill or a quality which is tailored perfectly for the job requirements. I add my accomplishments or my previous work experience, and what I learned from those. Amidst all this, make sure to keep your answers concise and focused. Do not speak negatively about your previous employers or peers.

当我回答我的面试问题时,请确保我的每一个答案都具有完全适合工作要求的技能或素质。 我添加自己的成就或以前的工作经验,以及从中学到的东西。 在所有这些之中,请确保您的答案简明扼要。 不要对您以前的雇主或同事发表负面评论。

The goal is that every answer must reflect one unique quality of yours.


Just keep these four bullets in your mind all the time, and you'll be fine.


面试后 (After The Interview)

It’s not over yet. The closing of the battle is now. Whether it is a win or bloodshed, you take it all. Interviews are not only over when your conversations end; it ends with the sheer effort of looking upon the process with careful detail.

还没结束。 现在战斗已经结束。 无论是胜利还是流血冲突,您都承担了一切。 访谈不仅在对话结束时结束,而且还可以进行。 最后,我们将全神贯注地仔细研究该过程。

It all begins when you feel you’re done!

1.面试后确认您的经历 (1. Acknowledge your experience after the interview)

Feedback is the best assertion.


The next day or a day later, ask about next steps in the employment process. Thank them for the invitation to interview. Appreciate the opportunity, share your experience, acknowledge that you look forward to meeting them again.

第二天或第二天后,询问就业过程中的后续步骤。 感谢他们的采访邀请。 赞赏机会,分享您的经验,并确认您期待与他们再次见面。

2.面试后发送个性化的感谢信 (2. Send a personalized thank you letter after the interview)

You just walked out of a job interview—nailed it!


But you’re not done yet. In fact, most hiring managers pay very close attention to how well and how rapidly you write a thank you email or note after the interview. Thank them for the interview and for the pleasure of meeting them.

但是您还没有完成。 实际上,大多数招聘经理都非常注意面试后您写一封感谢信或笔记的方式和速度。 感谢他们的采访和与他们见面的愉快。

With the thank you mail, you can refer them to a piece of content of your interest or something that you talked about. You can also provide a follow-up response to one of the key interview questions.

使用“感谢邮件”,您可以将其引荐给您感兴趣的内容或您所谈论的内容。 您还可以对关键面试问题之一进行跟进。

3.不要在社交媒体和专业网络上跟踪您的面试官 (3. Don’t stalk your interviewers on social media and professional networks)

You do not want to overwhelm your interviewer/recruiter by popping out on every third notification on their screens. Take the day off. The next day roll out invites on professional networks, connect with them on social media later, after a day or two.

您不希望在他们的屏幕上每隔三个通知弹出一个对话框来压倒您的面试官/招聘人员。 请了一天假。 第二天在专业网络上发布邀请,在一两天后,稍后在社交媒体上与他们联系。

The ultimate goal is to make a personal connection with the recruiter without overwhelming them. For that, keep calm and have patience, dear heart!

最终目标是在不压倒招募人员的情况下与招募人员建立个人联系。 为此,请保持镇定并保持耐心,亲爱的心!

4.立即开始准备下一次面试 (4. Immediately begin prepping for the next round of interviews)

Making it to the second round of a job interview can feel like you won the lottery. It can easily beguile you to think that you have the position secured, and that you're gonna nail the second round of interviews as well. But in your excitement, without the proper preparation, your second interview can actually disqualify you from landing the job of your dreams.

进入工作面试的第二轮,感觉就像您中了彩票。 您很容易以为您认为自己已经获得了职位,并且也打算参加第二轮面试。 但是,如果没有适当的准备,您会很兴奋,实际上,您的第二次面试实际上会使您失去实现梦想的资格。

If you know you nailed the interview and are sure to get a call for another set of interviews, start preparing today! There's no point waiting until the last night anyways. Repeat all the steps again; same prep, this time with utmost detail. This is a new game, a new battle to be won.

如果您知道自己已定下了面试的机会,并且肯定会接到另一组面试的电话,请立即开始准备! 无论如何,等到昨晚没有意义。 再次重复所有步骤; 同样的准备,这次以最大的细节。 这是一个新游戏,一个新的胜利。

Now as you proceed further, dive into the company's ecosystem. Be the solution to their business challenges. Be a sesquipedalian with a target. Make your qualification count and march towards success.

现在,当您继续进行时,请深入了解公司的生态系统。 成为他们业务挑战的解决方案。 做一个有目标的迷信者。 让您的资格计数并迈向成功。

5.在等待他们的决定时,请寄予厚望! (5. Keep your hopes high while you await their decision!)

If you do not receive a revert in an expected timeframe, follow up if the position is still available.


If there is not a positive reply in your inbox, write a mail saying it was pleasure interviewing for xx and you earnestly wish to work with xx. Looking forward to new opportunities. Keep your hopes high and never let the guard come down!

如果您的收件箱中没有正面的答复,请写一封邮件说很高兴采访xx,并且您真诚地希望与xx合作。 期待新的机会。 寄予厚望,不要让警卫瓦解!

重点介绍 (Key Takeaway)

The ultimate goal of going through the trouble of interviews is to show you DESERVE this; you are prepared, energetic, enthusiastic and capable to join a new company.

解决面试麻烦的最终目标是向您展示应有的权利; 您准备,充满活力,热情并且有能力加入新公司。

Recruiters prefer to be convinced you fit the job perfectly: both personally and professionally. Convince them why you’re the best for the job and why there cannot be any substitute to you. Show your best self to the recruiter.

招聘人员更希望说服您完全适合此职位:无论是个人还是职业。 说服他们,为什么您是最能胜任这份工作的人,为什么不能替代您。 向招聘者展示你最好的自我。

And with all these steps and tips, I’m sure you too will ace all your next interviews, just as I was able to do. Hope this read helps you crack your upcoming interviews. Do let me know in the responses how you feel about this. Thanks for reading!

有了所有这些步骤和提示,我相信您也将像我一样,在所有下一次面试中都走得更远。 希望这篇文章能帮助您破解即将面试的内容。 请在回答中让我知道您对此的看法。 谢谢阅读!

Happy Interviewing! Cheers!

面试愉快! 干杯!

认识你的作者 (Know Your Author)

Rashi is a graduate student and a UX Analyst and Consultant, a Business Developer, a Tech Speaker, and a Blogger! She aspires to form an organization connecting the Women in Business with an ocean of resources to be fearless and passionate for the work and the world. Feel free to drop her a message here!

Rashi是一名研究生,并且是UX分析师和顾问,业务开发人员,技术发言人和Blogger! 她渴望组建一个组织,将从事商业活动的妇女与丰富的资源联系在一起,以对工作和世界充满恐惧和热情。 随时在这里给她留言!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-to-crack-almost-any-interview/

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