

I'm here at RailsConf in Portland (where I live, so that was nice, eh). As with all conferences, in my experience, the real "conferencing" happens outside the sessions. I stopped by the ThoughtWorks booth and started chatting with a number of folks.

我在波特兰的RailsConf上(我住的地方,所以很好,嗯)。 与所有会议一样,以我的经验来看,真正的“会议”发生在会议之外。 我在ThoughtWorks展位旁停下来,开始与许多人聊天。

I've been increasingly concerned with the "Web Developer Stack" that we're (the collective We) using. I started a conversation in the ThoughtWorks booth (because they had free granola bars) where I expressed this concern, and it turned into quite a large and very spirited conversation between the ThoughWorks crowd, DHH, Martin Fowler, myself, and a pretty decent-sized crowd egging it on. It was multi-faceted chat and covered a lot of area. I haven't had so much fun at a conference in a while.

我越来越关注我们(我们集体使用)的“ Web开发人员堆栈”。 我在ThoughtWorks的展位上开始了对话(因为他们有免费的格兰诺拉麦片吧),在那儿我表达了这种担忧,结果变成了WhileWorks人群, DHH , Martin Fowler ,我本人和相当体面的人群之间的一次非常热烈的对话。人群拥挤它。 它是多方面的聊天,覆盖了很多区域。 我有一段时间没有在会议上玩得那么开心了。

The next day, Chris Sells (unintentionally) got a crowd going that also included the ThoughtWorkers, and we talked about what Alpha Geeks want. I asked if there was a coming diaspora of the Alpha Geek towards developer tools and developer experiences that feed their passions, perhaps more than tools and experiences from Microsoft and Sun. At this conference, the general feeling was that a migration of Alpha Geeks had already started. Just as Alpha Geeks forced to develop using Waterfall migrated to more agile shops, these folks feel the same kind of migration is happening around Web Development.

第二天,克里斯·塞尔斯(克里斯·塞尔斯)(无意间)吸引了很多人,其中也包括ThoughtWorkers,我们讨论了Alpha Geeks想要什么。 我问是否有即将到来的Alpha Geek转移到开发人员工具和开发人员体验中,以激发他们的热情,也许超出Microsoft和Sun的工具和经验。 在这次会议上,总体感觉是Alpha Geeks的迁移已经开始。 正如被迫使用Waterfall进行开发的Alpha Geeks迁移到更多敏捷商店一样,这些人也感到Web开发周围正在发生同样的迁移。

I propose that newer (somtimes younger) programmers may have less "tolerance" for development pain or frustration present in existing stacks just as a frog doesn't like being thrown into a hot pot. Perhaps we older frogs are starting to notice some heat and are considering other, cooler pots to spend time in.

我建议,新的(有时是年轻的)程序员对现有堆栈中存在的开发痛苦或挫折的“容忍度”可能会降低,就像青蛙不喜欢被扔进火锅一样。 也许我们年长的青蛙开始注意到一些热量,并正在考虑使用其他凉爽的花盆来消磨时间。

The one thing I learned about Rails and Rails/Ruby folks at this conferences is that they are enthusiastic and passionate. Not just because many are young (I suspect the mean age to be about 26 at this conference) but because they feel that Ruby and Rails expresses their intent in a clean and aesthetically pleasing way that avoids repetition. The code is DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself.)

我在这次会议上了解到有关Rails和Rails / Ruby的人们的一件事是他们充满热情和热情。 不仅因为许多人年轻(我怀疑本次会议的平均年龄约为26岁),还因为他们认为Ruby和Rails以一种干净而美观的方式表达了自己的意图,避免了重复。 代码为DRY(请勿重复)。

In the blogosphere, David Laribee proposed a term I've heard bandied about in the last few years - ALT.NET, to describe developers like this:

在博客圈中, David Laribee提出了一个我在最近几年听说过的术语-ALT.NET,用以描述这样的开发人员:

What does it mean to be ALT.NET? In short it signifies:

ALT.NET是什么意思? 简而言之,它表示:

  1. You’re the type of developer who uses what works while keeping an eye out for a better way.


  2. You reach outside the mainstream to adopt the best of any community: Open Source, Agile, Java, Ruby, etc.


  3. You’re not content with the status quo. Things can always be better expressed, more elegant and simple, more mutable, higher quality, etc.

    您不满足于现状。 事物总是可以更好地表达,更优雅,更简单,更易变,更高质量等。

  4. You know tools are great, but they only take you so far. It’s the principals and knowledge that really matter. The best tools are those that embed the knowledge and encourage the principals [sic] (e.g. Resharper.)

    您知道工具很棒,但它们只能带您深入。 真正重要的是原理和知识。 最好的工具是那些嵌入知识并鼓励校长的工具(例如Resharper)。

ALT.NET? Why is this ALT .NET? 这是为什么 alternative? Seems that this should be mainstream and baked in by the tools and "dogma" that comes down from on high. Microsoft needs to make ALT.NET attitudes Mainstream.NET attitudes, through leadership, openness, and a lot more prescriptive guidance. 选择? 似乎这应该是主流,并应由工具和从高处下降的“教条”所支持。 微软需要通过领导,开放和更多的规范性指导来使ALT.NET的态度成为Mainstream.NET的态度。
Rails appears to be very prescriptive. It says, by its very nature, "do it this way," but still allows developers to do creative things and extend the framework in ways not previously thought of by DHH.
Rails似乎很规范。 它从本质上说“以这种方式进行”,但仍允许开发人员以DHH以前未曾想到的方式进行创造性的工作并扩展框架。
It's important to remember, I think, that Rails is a Web Application Development Framework that enables one to make Web Applications that talk to Databases really fast. It's not the end-all-be-all development stack, and it's better to compare Rails to ASP.NET than it is to compare Rails to .NET proper.
我认为,重要的是要记住,Rails是一个Web应用程序开发框架,它使人们能够使与数据库进行真正快速对话的Web应用程序成为可能。 它不是最终的开发堆栈,将Rails与ASP.NET进行比较比将Rails与.NET进行比较要好得多。
That said, there's a sense of striving for true beauty, beauty in tests, beauty in expression of code, in markup, that .NET developers should drink in.
I'm an Alpha Geek, and you likely are too. I'd love to have the Ruby on Rails developer experience, the gems, the libraries, as well as the ability to bring in .NET libraries, and run the whole thing on IIS and SQL2k5. I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Sun knows it, and
我是Alpha Geek,您也可能也是。 我很想拥有Ruby on Rails开发人员的经验,宝石,库以及引入.NET库并在IIS和SQL2k5上运行整个程序的能力。 我不是唯一这样思考的人。 Sun知道这一点,并且 JRuby will (is) bringing "pure" Ruby to the Java-based datacenter. JRuby将(正在)将“纯” Ruby引入基于Java的数据中心。
The collective group in the discussion at RailsConf seemed to agree that Microsoft should make not just the DLR source available, but actually create a non-profit organization, ala Mozilla, and transfer the developers over to that company. They should allow commits to the code from the outside, which should help get around some of the vagaries of the GPL/LGPL licensed Ruby Test Suites. "IronRuby" should be collectively owned by the community.
在RailsConf的讨论中,这个集体团体似乎同意Microsoft不仅应该提供DLR来源,而且应该实际上创建一个非营利组织ala Mozilla,并将开发人员转移到该公司。 他们应该允许从外部提交代码,这应该有助于解决GPL / LGPL许可的Ruby Test Suites的一些变数。 “ IronRuby”应归社区集体所有。
Why? Because as the
为什么? 因为正如 Wu Tang Clan said, " 吴堂氏族所说的那样,“ Protect Ya Neck." This isn't about Microsoft making money on developer tools, but rather about the platform, where the money is made. An open CLR-based implementation of Ruby on Rails would be a great way to introduce Rails into the Windows-based Enterprise, and would encourage more Alpha Geeks to code on Windows. 保护崖颈” 。 这不是关于微软在开发人员工具上赚钱,而是关于赚钱的平台。 Ruby on Rails的基于CLR的开放实现是将Rails引入基于Windows的企业版的好方法,并且会鼓励更多的Alpha Geeks在Windows上进行编码。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/is-microsoft-losing-the-alpha-geeks

本文标签: 微软AlphaGeeks