


It’s often said that developers and computer types don’t have many social graces or inter-personal skills; but I’m sure we all know that’s more caricature than fact.

人们常说,开发人员和计算机类型没有很多社交能力或人际交往能力。 但我敢肯定,我们所有人都知道这比事实更具讽刺意味。

However, even if we’re more on the extroverted than introverted end of the scale, we can find it difficult, even intimidating to get out there and meet people to press the flesh, if you will.

然而,即使我们更多的外放比规模内敛结束,我们可以发现它很难,甚至恐吓走出去,满足人们按肉 ,如果你愿意。

I won’t lie, while being quite the social butterfly myself, in any new setting, I still have feelings of nervousness, awkwardness, and generally shyness.


However, I’m also a freelancer, and if you don’t get out there when this is your occupation, you’re not going to get very far.


As a result, I’ve gotten out of my comfort zone on a regular basis and want to share with you some of what I’ve learned, so that it’s hopefully easier for you than it has been for me.


在线网络 (Online Networking)

My networking, like a lot of computer geeks, started online, using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and some of the other online portals.

我的网络连接,就像许多计算机极客一样,开始使用Twitter , LinkedIn ,Facebook和其他一些在线门户网站上线。

When you’re an expat far from home, meeting people from all over the world, these platforms, aside from email, are the only viable way for regularly staying in touch.


They’re really effective at bridging the hurdles which timezones and distance bring. In addition, they allow you to multiply your ability to contact new people. But despite the simplicity of the platforms, something about them, for me, is missing.

它们在弥合时区和距离带来的障碍方面非常有效。 此外,它们还使您可以增加与新朋友联系的能力。 但是尽管平台很简单,但对我而言,关于它们的某些东西还是缺失了

Online connections are fantastic, and you can make them from almost anywhere now if you have a tablet or smartphone. But making connections offline always seems more effective, more genuine. The contacts made there seem to last longer and go deeper.

在线连接非常棒,如果您拥有平板电脑或智能手机,则几乎可以在任何地方进行在线连接。 但是使连接脱机似乎总是更有效, 更真实 。 使那里的接触似乎持续更长的时间,并且更深入。

Online can be perfectly fine, but you miss out on the body language, the gestures, all the nuances, which really help you get to know someone properly. I wonder if you’ve had the same experience.

在线可以很好地完成工作,但是您会错过肢体语言,手势和所有细微差别,这确实有助于您正确认识某人。 我想知道您是否有同样的经历。

So to help you improve your offline networking efforts, and to help you push the boundaries of your comfort zone, I’m going to show you six networking techniques you can start using today. I can’t promise you’ll be a master by the end of it, but you’ll definitely have more options.

因此,为了帮助您改善脱机网络工作,并帮助您突破舒适区的界限,我将向您展示六种可以立即使用的联网技术。 我不能保证到最后您将成为一名大师,但您肯定会有更多选择。

1.使用合作空间 (1. Use Co-Working Spaces)

This won’t apply equally to everyone, but a great way to start networking is to find and attend a local co-working space. If you’re not familiar with them, in-effect they’re open plan offices where you can pay, either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, to make use of the facilities.

这并不是每个人都适用,但是开始建立网络的一种好方法是找到并参加本地的共同工作空间。 如果您不熟悉它们,那么实际上它们是开放式办公室,您可以在其中每日,每周或每月付费以使用这些设施。

They offer desks, WIFI access, good coffee, quiet rooms, board rooms and office accessories, such as printers, monitors, and keyboards.


They allow you to get out of a home office and professionally get in the vibe of the city in which you live, for usually about US $20 a day. What’s more, you’re instantly surrounding yourself with other professionals.

它们可以让您离开家庭办公室,并专业地了解您所居住城市的氛围,通常每天只需约20美元。 更重要的是,您可以立即与其他专业人士围绕。

This can include freelancers and businesses who either don’t need an office or aren’t big enough to fully cover the costs. You’ve instantly opened up the door to networking and business possibilities.

其中可能包括不需要办公室或规模不足以支付费用的自由职业者和企业。 您立即打开了网络和业务可能性之门。

But just because you’ve opened the door, that doesn’t mean that the proverbial manna from heaven will fall, landing opportunities in your lap for you to choose from. Just like in school, university and your local sporting clubs, you have to participate.

但是,仅仅因为您已经打开了门,并不意味着来自天堂的著名的甘露会掉下来,在您的腿上降落机会供您选择。 就像在学校,大学和您当地的体育俱乐部一样, 您必须参加

I don’t mean walking up to anyone and everyone, introducing yourself and shoving your business card in their hand. Nobody appreciates this kind of approach!

我的意思不是走到任何人和所有人,自我介绍并向他们推销自己的名片。 没有人喜欢这种方法!

Instead, take your time, get the lay of the land, acknowledge people who you come in contact with, nod and say good morning or good afternoon.


Gradually, you’ll progress from the new person to “one of the regulars”. When an opportunity for a conversation comes, take advantage of it. I did this myself just recently at my local, Coworking Nürnberg. I’ll keep it quick.

逐渐地,您将从新朋友发展为“常客之一”。 当有机会进行对话时,请利用它。 我是最近在我当地的纽伯格(CoworkingNürnberg)自己做的。 我会保持快速。

I was looking a bit lost attempting to work the cappuccino machine (one of those large, expensive, models) and the owner/founder of the space was there. He helped me out and, seeing that I was a new face, made a cappuccino for himself and invited me to talk about who I was, what I did for a living, and why I’d started coming there.

我在尝试使用卡布奇诺咖啡机(那些大型,昂贵的模型之一)时显得有些失落,而那里的所有者/创始人就在那里。 他帮助了我,看到我是一张新面Kong,为自己做了一杯卡布奇诺咖啡,并邀请我谈论我是谁,我为谋生做了什么以及为什么我会开始来到那里。

I said I was a freelance writer and software developer, at which point he remembered that there was a company in the co-working space that could use both these services. Cutting a long story short, he made a personal introduction for me to the company.

我说我是自由撰稿人和软件开发人员 ,那时他想起了在协同工作空间中有一家公司可以使用这两种服务。 简而言之,他为我作了个人介绍。

I then told them what I do, what I’ve done up until now and the relationship has steadily been growing ever since. An amazing opportunity, just for the cost of a coffee and some time. This type of experience isn’t uncommon — but you have to put yourself out there!

然后我告诉他们我做什么,直到现在为止我所做的一切,并且此后的关系一直稳定增长。 一次难得的机会,只是花了一杯咖啡和一些时间。 这种经历并不罕见- 但您必须将自己摆在那儿!

2.交换名片 (2. Exchanging Business Cards)

This point leads on naturally from the last one, but it’s not always necessary. If you’ve struck up a conversation with someone then, often, it’s appropriate to exchange business cards — you do have them don’t you?

这一点自然而然地从上一个开始,但这并不总是必要的。 如果您与某人进行了交谈,那么通常来说,交换名片是合适的—您确实拥有名片吗?

We’re all busy people, with loads of work to do, which for the best of intentions, makes it difficult to remember everyone you meet, let alone their contact details.


By having professional business cards, readily available, you can keep on their radar, without seeming pushy.


3.跟进 (3. Following Up)

This is absolutely key. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my professional career, this has to be the most important — follow up. Let’s assume that you’ve had an opportunity like the one I related above.

这绝对是关键。 如果我从我的职业生涯中学到了什么,这必须是最重要的- 跟进 。 假设您有一个机会,就像我上面提到的那样。

Let’s say that you’ve said you were going to follow up and send them something, such as your CV, provide a sample of work or something similar. Make sure you actually do it within the time you’ve agreed.

假设您已经说过要跟进并向他们发送一些信息,例如您的简历,提供工作样本或类似内容。 确保您确实在同意的时间内完成了操作。

If you don’t: You look unreliable. If you do it late: You look unreliable. If you do it in less time than you promised: You look like a professional and you keep the relationship growing and blooming.

如果不这样做:您看起来不可靠。 如果您迟到:您看起来不可靠。 如果您在比承诺的时间短的时间内完成此任务:您看起来像专业人士,并且可以使关系不断发展。

In my experience, relationships don’t take a lot, just a few little things — but you have to remember to manage them properly. Be polite, be professional, follow up.

以我的经验,人际关系并不需要很多,只有一些小事情—但是您必须记住要适当地管理它们。 要有礼貌,要专业,要跟进。

4.闲聊 (4. Making Small Talk)

This is one thing so many people avoid, whether because they think it’s irrelevant, childish, pointless, or just too damn difficult. They close themselves off from this aspect of interaction. Then there’s other people who are quite enthusiastic about it, too enthusiastic.

这是很多人避免的一件事,无论是因为他们认为这无关紧要,幼稚,毫无意义,还是太难了。 他们从互动的这一方面封闭自己。 还有其他人对此非常热心, 也太热情了。

I’m sure you’ve had an experience with this kind of person. They’re in your face, talk, talk, talk, talk. They’re all about them, sharing their entire life story, talking about things which may have no bearing on your relationship.

我敢肯定您已经和这种人有过交往。 他们在你的脸上,说话,说话, 说话说话 。 他们都是关于他们的,分享他们的整个人生故事,谈论可能与您的关系无关的事情。

In short, they’re pushing you away, instead of attracting you. Don’t be this person. Small talk is simple when done right. My grandfather had a simple rule — we have two ears and one mouth, we should use them proportionately.

简而言之,他们将您推开,而不是吸引您。 不要这个人。 如果做对了,闲聊很简单。 我的祖父有一个简单的规则-我们有两只耳朵和一张嘴,我们应该按比例使用它们。

When you or the other person have initiated the conversation, for the most part, let it flow naturally, while keeping it on topic. I don’t mean it quite as laissez fair as that sounds.

当您或其他人发起对话时,在大多数情况下,让对话自然畅通,同时保持话题性。 我的意思并不是像听起来那样放任自流。

Do your part to guide it and keep it on professional topics, sharing thoughts, experiences and ideas; just don’t go over the top. Like you would with your friends, if you see a topic or the conversation as a whole isn’t working, consider winding it up and moving on.

尽自己的力量来指导它,并使其保持专业主题,分享思想,经验和想法; 只是不要越过顶端。 就像您和朋友一样,如果您看到某个主题或整个对话都没有效果,请考虑将其结束并继续进行。

At the same time, make it meaningful for both of you, not just you. Be observant of the other person’s body language, eye contact and gestures. Are they engaging or just paying lip service? What does your body language, level of eye contact and gestures convey about you?

同时,使它对你们双方都有意义,而不仅仅是你们自己。 注意对方的肢体语言,目光接触和手势。 他们是从事还是只是口口相传? 您的肢体语言,眼神交流和手势对您有什么影响?

Make sure you’re not dominating the conversation, but at the same time, don’t just sit and listen. Give input, share your thoughts and experience. If you click, you’ll be remembered.

确保您不主导对话,但同时,不要只是坐下来听。 提供意见,分享您的想法和经验。 如果单击,您会被记住。

5.主持人 (5. Toastmasters)

One thing that’s really working for me is Toastmasters. If you’re not familiar with Toastmasters, quoting directly:

对我来说真正有用的一件事是Toastmasters 。 如果您不熟悉Toastmasters,请直接引用 :

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills.

Toastmasters International是一个非营利性教育组织,在全球范围内经营俱乐部,目的是帮助会员改善其沟通,公共演讲和领导技巧。

I’m a member of my local club here in Nuremberg because I was looking for exactly these skills. My thinking was this: I can’t lose. I get involved in a new group, meet new people, likely professionals similar to myself, and improve my professional skills in the process.

我是纽伦堡当地俱乐部的成员,因为我一直在寻找这些技能。 我的想法是: 我不能输 。 我参与了一个新的小组,结识了新朋友,可能是与我相似的专业人员,并在此过程中提高了我的专业技能。

You never know who you’re going to meet in these groups. I’ve gotten fully involved in the group and started giving speeches, getting better all the time.

您永远都不知道在这些小组中您将会见谁。 我已经完全参与了该小组并开始发表演讲,并且一直都在进步。

As I do this, I expand my repertoire of skills. As I meet people now, I can present myself ever more professionally, leading to further opportunities.

当我这样做时,我会扩展自己的技能范围。 当我现在与人会面时,我可以更加专业地展示自己,从而带来更多机会。

6.要有耐心 (6. Be Patient)

In my own experience, anything worthwhile takes time and that’s a good think. Because you know what it took to build it, you can repeat it, and you also respect it.

以我自己的经验,任何值得花时间的事情都是不错的想法。 因为您知道构建它所花费的时间,所以您可以重复它,并且您也尊重它。

So take time to build your personal skills, your professional relationships and your professional network. As the saying goes, it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

因此,请花一些时间来建立自己的个人技能,专业关系和专业网络。 俗话说,这不会在一夜之间发生,但是会发生。

现在–交给您 (Now – Over to you)

What networking methods have you tried? How do you manage to meet people on a regular basis? Share them with us in the comments.

您尝试了哪些联网方法? 您如何定期结识朋友? 在评论中与我们分享。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/6-real-world-networking-tips-developers/


本文标签: 开发人员浏览器现实提示页面