


So you’ve successfully graduated from your high school and are about being admitted to a college of your dream. Now you’re rubbing your hands together in anticipation of the best time in your life. Soon you’ll dive headfirst into the fascinating realm of academia. New acquaintances, new knowledge, new skills, and new subjects are awaiting for you. Speaking about subjects… Though choosing a major often becomes a problem for graduates, it definitely wasn’t the case with you. We bet you made up your mind to become a programmer in school, and for good reason.

因此,您已经成功从高中毕业,即将被梦想中的大学录取。 现在,您正在共同努力,以期人生中最美好的时光。 很快,您将首先进入迷人的学术领域。 新朋友,新知识,新技能和新主题正等着您。 谈论主题……尽管选择专业经常成为毕业生的难题,但您肯定不是这种情况。 我们打赌您有充分的理由下定决心要成为学校的程序员 。

In the Digital Age, humanity just cannot get by with programmers and computer scientists, the people that jump in and address a variety of our needs from staying safe online to mitigating climate change consequences. Indeed, the role of computer scientists is difficult to overestimate. Once you get your degree, you’ll be able to make your own contribution to human well being. Needless to say, your path towards a coveted diploma won’t be easy. Computer science is one of the most challenging fields that require a good deal of dedication, time, passion, and intellectual resources. Still, if you feel too overburdened with assignments, you can contact Edusson, an online capstone writing service that has been there for students when they need help with their homework. Thus, you’ll get a respite from overwhelming college routine and be less stressed out. But apart from this little secret, there is something else you should know before choosing computer science in college. Go on reading our article, to find out more.

在数字时代,人类无法与程序员和计算机科学家相提并论,这些人介入并满足我们从保持在线安全到减轻气候变化后果的各种需求。 实际上,很难高估计算机科学家的作用。 获得学位后,就可以为人类的健康做出自己的贡献。 不用说,您通往梦towards以求的文凭之路并非易事。 计算机科学是最具挑战性的领域之一,需要大量的奉献,时间,热情和智力资源。 不过,如果您对工作负担太重,可以联系Edusson,这是一个在线顶点写作服务 ,可在学生需要作业帮助时提供给他们。 因此,您将从繁重的大学常规中得到喘息的机会,并减少压力。 但是,除了这个小秘密之外,在选择大学的计算机科学之前,您还应该了解一些其他信息。 继续阅读我们的文章,以了解更多信息。

无需先前的计算机科学经验 (A Previous Computer Science Experience is not Necessary)

“How come that you don’t know anything about Computer Science? You’ll lag behind other students who have extensive experience in the similar field in college!” There are always people who try to dissuade us from choosing what we have already chosen. So if you happen to hear something resembling the above comments, just ignore them. Note that there will be countless of freshman that, just like you, won’t be able to perform like those students with the CS background. You can make up for lost opportunities once you start devoting enough time to practicing new skills and filling your knowledge gaps. If you’re enthusiastic and passionate about the subject, nothing can prevent you from mastering it.

“为什么您对计算机科学一无所知? 您将落后于在大学类似领域拥有丰富经验的其他学生!” 总有一些人试图劝阻我们不要选择我们已经选择的东西。 因此,如果您碰巧听到类似于上述评论的内容,请忽略它们。 请注意,像您一样,将有不计其数的新生不像那些具有CS背景的学生那样表现出色。 一旦您开始投入足够的时间练习新技能并填补知识空白,就可以弥补失去的机会。 如果您对该主题充满热情和激情,那么没有什么可以阻止您对其进行精通的。

解决问题的技能是极其宝贵的资产 (Problem Solving Skills are an Extremely Valuable Asset)

Learning programming language can be both interesting and challenging. Some students master new languages with flying colors, while other drudge through the entire learning process and cannot find the reason behind their inaptitude. The secret is that good programmer can see the problem clearly and understand it, which allows them to come with an effective enough solution. If you have an related problem solving experience, you’ll be able to apply it while learning programming languages. And one more thing… Don’t strive to master as many languages as possible. There is a common misconception that a multitude of programming languages opens up numerous career opportunities for students. But the truth is that being an efficient IT specialist is not tantamount to the quantity of languages learnt. If you are good at solving problems and you have only one programming language under your belt, you still have good chances to be hired by a top IT company. A programmer with extraordinary problem solving skills will always be in demand.

学习编程语言既有趣又充满挑战。 一些学生掌握了鲜艳的新语言,而另一些学生则在整个学习过程中费力,无法找到其无能为力的原因。 秘密在于,好的程序员可以清楚地看到并理解问题,从而使他们能够提供足够有效的解决方案。 如果您具有解决问题的相关经验,则可以在学习编程语言时应用它。 还有一件事……不要努力掌握尽可能多的语言。 常见的误解是,多种编程语言为学生提供了许多职业机会。 但是事实是,成为一名高效的IT专家并不等于所学语言的数量。 如果您擅长解决问题,并且只掌握一种编程语言,那么您仍然有机会被顶级IT公司聘用。 总是需要有非凡的问题解决能力的程序员。

发挥您的创造力 (Employ Your Creativity)

People often think that programming has nothing to do with creativity. But they are terribly wrong. As you might have heard, different programmers can solve one and the same task using different methods and algorithms. Those that use their creativity and, so to speak, non-standard approach to performing a task, solve problems in a more efficient way than their not so creative counterparts. Moreover, dry knowledge proves to be not enough when it comes to such tasks as developing new software, designing web pages, etc. The projects you’ll be working on in college also will be insipid and devoid of uniqueness if you don’t employ your creativity. So ascertain to make creativity a part of your professional future.

人们常常认为编程与创造力无关。 但是他们完全错了。 您可能已经听说过,不同的程序员可以使用不同的方法和算法来完成一项任务。 那些使用自己的创造力并且可以说以非标准的方式执行任务的人,比不那么具有创造力的同伴更有效地解决问题。 而且,对于诸如开发新软件,设计网页等任务而言,干知识被证明是不够的。如果您不雇用,那么将在大学中从事的项目也将变得平淡无奇且缺乏独特性。您的创造力。 因此,要确保使创造力成为您职业未来的一部分。

编写代码没有什么特别的 (There’s Nothing Extraordinary about Writing Codes)

We tend to underestimate the power of stereotypes and myths, and often end up suffering from them. The myth that coding is an exceptional skill that can be developed only by the chosen is sustained by a good many people at present. As a result, lots of students develop a complex regarding their alleged inability to write codes. As a future programmer, you should keep in mind one simple truth – programming is not meant for geniuses, it can be learned, developed, and polished just like any other skill. To backup our opinion, we want to cite one of the most outstanding programmers of our time, Bill Gates, who once said that “everyone in this world should learn how to code, because it teaches us how to think.”

我们倾向于低估刻板印象和神话的力量,并常常最终遭受其苦。 目前,很多人都坚持认为编码是一项只有通过选择才能开发的特殊技能的神话。 结果,许多学生对他们所谓的无法编写代码形成了复杂的认识。 作为未来的程序员,您应该牢记一个简单的事实–编程并不适合天才,可以像其他任何技能一样学习,开发和完善。 为了支持我们的观点,我们想引用我们这个时代最杰出的程序员之一,比尔·盖茨,他曾经说过:“这个世界上的每个人都应该学习编码,因为它教会了我们如何思考。”

结论 (In Conclusion)

Computing is part of everything we do. Moreover, it has no boundaries. So don’t hesitate to pursue the degree in one of the most fascinating fields that offer great opportunities for creativity and innovativeness and enable you to make a positive difference in this world.

计算是我们所做工作的一部分。 而且,它没有边界。 因此,不要犹豫,在最吸引人的领域之一中攻读学位,该领域为创造和创新提供了巨大的机会,并使您在这个世界上产生积极的变化。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer/2019/06/computer-science-major.html


本文标签: 计算机科学交通大学事情大学专业