


Being able to share your designs in Sketch with very little effort is hugely beneficial to your team, especially for those that don’t use Sketch or whose role isn’t a technical one. At the very least, it keeps over-enthusiastic team members constantly returning to your desk to “see how everything is coming along”!

只需花费很少的精力就可以在Sketch中共享您的设计对您的团队非常有用,特别是对于那些不使用Sketch或角色不是技术人员的团队。 至少,这会使过度热情的团队成员不断回到您的办公桌上,以“了解一切进展情况”!

So why even bother sharing artboards with your team? Because:

那么,为什么还要与您的团队共享画板呢? 因为:

  • Project managers can manage design tasks more easily

  • Developers can weigh-in on the practicality of the design

  • All team members can offer feedback without requiring Sketch

  • Remote teams can be assured that headway is being made

  • Reduces the need for unnecessary and time-consuming meetings


与本地团队共享画板 ( Sharing Artboards with Local Teams)

Sharing artboards with team members (over the internet) who work in the same office may seem a little redundant, but meetings do take up a lot of time and I’m certain many designers and developers don’t like to be bothered or checked-up on throughout the day.


Let's take a look at two ways we can solve those issues.


本地网络共享 ( Local Network Sharing)

Sketch 3.4 introduced a new feature called Local Network Sharing, which basically lets the Sketch user share their artboards with other team members, even if they don’t have or use Sketch. All the recipient needs to ensure is that he or she is using the same network connection as the Sketch user. Multiple members of the team can then see what the designer is up to from the comfort of their own desk, using their own web browser.

Sketch 3.4引入了一项称为“ 本地网络共享”的新功能,该功能基本上允许Sketch用户与其他团队成员共享画板,即使他们没有或没有使用Sketch。 接收者所需要确保的是他或她正在使用与Sketch用户相同的网络连接。 然后,团队的多个成员可以使用自己的Web浏览器,在自己舒适的办公桌上查看设计师的工作。

Start by opening a .sketch document (one with multiple artboards would be most suitable) and selecting “Share” from the toolbar, and then toggle the Enable Local Sharing button.

首先打开.sketch文档(一个带有多个画板的文档最合适),然后从工具栏中选择“共享”,然后切换“ 启用本地共享”按钮。

Your entire artboards will then open in the default web browser and the URL in the address bar can be shared with anyone. What’s unique about local sharing is that your whole canvas will be divided into artboards alongside their name, where the recipient of the URL can click on each artboard to see it in full-screen.

然后,您的整个画板将在默认的Web浏览器中打开,并且地址栏中的URL可以与任何人共享。 本地共享的独特之处在于,您的整个画布将在其名称旁边分成多个画板,URL的接收者可以在每个画板上单击以全屏查看它。

Essentially, you’re sharing the entire document, like so:


使用QR码在本地共享 ( Local Sharing with QR Codes)

A QR code is a machine-readable formation of black and white squares that is usually used to store a URL. Anybody with a smartphone with a camera can lift a URL from these codes, which saves mobile users the hassle of having to type in lengthy URL’s.

QR码是黑白方块的机器可读形式,通常用于存储URL。 任何拥有带有摄像头的智能手机的人都可以从这些代码中提取一个URL,从而使移动用户不必输入冗长的URL。

If you’d rather not force team members to type in the URL of your locally shared .sketch document, send them a QR code instead. With the use of a Sketch extension called QRCode for Sketch Local Sharing, we can generate QR codes for our .sketch documents and team members only have to scan the QR codes to read the URL.

如果您不想强迫团队成员键入本地共享的.sketch文档的URL,请改为向他们发送QR码。 通过使用名为QRCode的Sketch扩展进行Sketch Local共享 ,我们可以为.sketch文档生成QR码,而团队成员只需扫描QR码即可读取URL。

Since there’s no keyboard shortcut to activate it you’ll have to access it from Plugins → QRCode for Local Sharing → Show QR Code. After that, take a screenshot (command+shift+3) and send the QR code to team members as an email/message attachment.

由于没有键盘快捷键可以激活它,因此您必须从插件→用于本地共享的QRCode→显示QR码来访问它。 然后,截取屏幕截图( command + shift + 3 ),然后将QR代码作为电子邮件/消息附件发送给团队成员。

Plugins can help extend the functionality of Sketch far beyond what’s natively available, if you haven’t used them before here’s a quick setup tutorial.


与远程团队共享画板 ( Sharing Artboards with Remote Teams)

Sketch doesn’t offer a way to natively share artboards with remote teams; for that kind of functionality you’ll definitely need to look towards plugins, although the following two methods are still massively useful to in-house teams as well.

Sketch无法提供与远程团队本地共享画板的方法。 对于这种功能,您绝对需要考虑使用插件,尽管以下两种方法对于内部团队也仍然非常有用。

松弛 ( Slack)

Slack has really been on the rise in the last couple of years with many teams switching over from HipChat for their core communication needs, citing that Slack offers a more exciting chat interface, better customer support and an abundance of integrations of its own.

在过去的几年中, Slack确实在增长,许多团队出于其核心通信需求而从HipChat转移过来,理由是Slack提供了更令人兴奋的聊天界面,更好的客户支持以及大量的集成。

Sketch users can benefit from the Sketch to Slack Plugin, helping Sketch users to share their artboards directly into the Slack team conversation with ease.

Sketch用户可以从Sketch to Slack插件中受益,帮助Sketch用户轻松地将他们的画板直接共享到Slack团队对话中。

Before we set this up you’ll need an API token from Slack. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click “Generate test tokens” to begin the request.

在进行此设置之前,您需要Slack的API令牌 。 滚动到网页底部,然后单击“生成测试令牌”以开始请求。

Now, click “Create token” next to the Slack team you want to connect with and follow through with the instructions until Slack gives you an API token. After that, install the Sketch to Slack Plugin if you haven’t already, navigate to Plugins → Sketch To Slack → Update API Token and use the token that Slack gave you.

现在,单击要连接的Slack团队旁边的“创建令牌”,并按照说明进行操作,直到Slack为您提供API令牌。 之后,如果尚未安装Sketch to Slack插件 ,请导航至Plugins→Sketch To Slack→Update API Token并使用Slack为您提供的令牌。

Choosing a Slack team to connect to


When you’re all set up, select any number of artboards and navigate back to Plugins → Sketch To Slack to choose where you’d like Sketch to send the artboards to. You can choose a channel, a group, a user – even the Slackbot itself (for testing). Perfect for sharing designs with large teams!

设置完毕后,选择任意数量的画板,然后导航回“ 插件”→“草图到松弛”以选择要将画板发送到的位置。 您可以选择一个频道,一个组,一个用户,甚至是Slackbot本身(用于测试)。 非常适合与大型团队共享设计!

简易版 ( Easier)

If you work in smaller teams then Easier might be easier, quite literally. Easier takes your artboard, uploads it to their servers and creates a self-expiring link to it. After that, you’re free to share your artboard with whoever and, however, you’d like; email, messenger, Slack, whatever.

如果您是在较小的团队中工作,那么从字面上看, Easier可能会更容易。 Easier接收您的画板,将其上传到他们的服务器,并创建一个自到期链接。 之后,您可以自由地与任何人共享画板,但是,您愿意。 电子邮件,信使,Slack,等等。

Easier is ideal for when you want to keep your team conversations separate from your client conversations or when the client doesn’t have time to be on-boarded into your Slack team.


Select an artboard and use the keyboard shortcut command+option+e; a small dialog will appear telling you that a temporary URL has been copied to the clipboard. Naturally this wouldn’t be a suitable method if you had multiple artboards to share, but it sure is handy if you need a quick and easy solution.

选择一个画板,然后使用键盘快捷键command + option + e ; 将会出现一个小对话框,告诉您临时URL已复制到剪贴板。 当然,如果您要共享多个画板,这将不是一种合适的方法,但是如果您需要一种快速简便的解决方案,那肯定很方便。

原型制作工具 ( Prototyping Tools)

InVision App is one of those collaboration/prototyping tools that helps facilitate feedback, user flows and communication between teams. InVision uses their very own InVision Sync (and Dropbox) to keep everything organised and in-sync, so installing add-ons to Sketch wouldn’t be required if you were to take this route.

InVision App是其中的协作/原型工具之一,可帮助促进反馈,用户流程和团队之间的沟通。 InVision使用自己的InVision Sync(和Dropbox)来保持所有内容的组织和同步,因此,如果您采用这种方法,则不需要在Sketch上安装附加组件。

InVision App, of course, isn’t free, and it also takes some time to learn the ins and outs of this web app since it’s a little more than just a plugin.

当然,InVision App不是免费的,而且还需要一些时间来学习此Web应用程序的来龙去脉,因为它不仅仅是一个插件。

InVision isn’t the only option out there. Here’s a list of collaboration/prototyping tools that integrate with Sketch:

InVision不是唯一的选择。 这是与Sketch集成的协作/原型工具的列表:

  • Framer


  • Zeplin


  • Flinto


  • Marvel


If you’re already using Sketch and one of those tools, then combining the two workflows into one is a no-brainer really.


结论 ( Conclusion)

Sketch could likely benefit from a cloud service similar to Adobe Creative Cloud, but as we all know too well, Sketch usually likes to keep things delightfully simple, opting to improve the user experience of the features it already has rather than invent new ones.

Sketch可能会从类似于Adobe Creative Cloud的云服务中受益,但是众所周知,Sketch通常喜欢使事情保持令人愉悦的简单性,选择改善已有功能的用户体验,而不是发明新功能。

Perhaps the Local Network Sharing feature will evolve to accommodate remote teams in the future?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/sketch-app-sharing-artboards-with-your-team/


本文标签: 画板团队sketchapp