


Forum PHP is an annual PHP conference in Paris, France. This year, I was invited as a speaker and talked about work automation with some interesting tools and libraries.

论坛PHP是在法国巴黎举行的年度PHP会议 。 今年,我受邀担任演讲者,并谈论了一些有趣的工具和库的工作自动化。

组织 (Organization)

The conference is organized by AFUP, the French Association of PHP Users – a.k.a. the French PHP user group. Under the overwhelmingly capable leadership of Fabrice Bernhard, Maxime Teneur and Thierry Marianne and the ever watching eye of Amelie, a wonderwoman who corresponded with everyone and made sure all arrangements were in order, the conference took place in its entirety at Le Beffroi, home of the biggest elePHPant you’ve ever seen.

该会议由法国PHP用户协会AFUP(又名法国PHP用户组)组织。 下的绝大多数能够领导法布里斯伯恩哈德 , 马克西姆Teneur和蒂埃里·玛丽安和莫雷斯莫的不断注视眼,谁跟大家对应,并确保所有安排停当,会议发生在其整体在wonderwoman 乐Beffroi酒店 ,家您见过的最大的elePHPant。

All speakers were made feel welcome, and save for some WiFi troubles that plague conferences as usual (except in the case of PHP Summer Camp), everything was in perfect order – snacks and organized mingling and networking notwithstanding.

所有发言者都受到欢迎,并且除了像往常一样困扰会议的一些WiFi麻烦( PHP夏令营除外)之外,一切都井井有条-尽管有小吃,有组织的混合和联网。

会谈 (Talks)

Most of the talks sounded interesting, though I was unable to attend them due to language constraints.


Sebastian Bergmann’s talk about DDD felt a bit too generic and spread itself too thin. I’m partially inclined to agree with this Reddit commenter who calls it too weak for a man of such caliber – we’re used to expecting more from our, well, heroes. Still, the talk was informative when it wanted to be that and I did learn new things – if not about the pattern, then about the man and the process behind PHPUnit.

塞巴斯蒂安·伯格曼(Sebastian Bergmann)关于DDD 的演讲感觉有点过于笼统,并且传播得太薄了。 我部分倾向于同意这位Reddit评论员的话 ,他认为对于一个如此有才华的人来说,它太虚弱了–我们习惯于期望英雄们提供更多。 尽管如此,该演讲还是很有希望的,而且我确实学到了新知识–如果不是关于模式,那么就是关于人和PHPUnit背后的过程。

Jordi Bogianno’s talk was a shovel to the face – I went in expecting an English presentation from the lead dev of Composer – a PHP hero if there ever was one. Sadly, the talk turned out to be in French, despite the English description on the session list. I followed along as much as I could with the slides and got the general gist of it, but judging by the CPM (chuckles per minute), the talk was entertaining enough to make me sorry for not understanding it.

Jordi Bogianno的演讲令人不寒而栗 -我期待Composer的首席开发人员进行英语演讲,如果有PHP英雄的话。 遗憾的是,尽管会议列表上有英语说明,但谈话最终还是用法语进行的。 我尽可能地按照幻灯片进行操作,并获得了总体要点,但是从CPM(每分钟的笑声)来看,这次演讲很有趣,让我为无法理解而感到抱歉。

The last talk I managed to attend was Beau Siemensen’s, and it was a breath of fresh air. A USA speaker and main developer of Sculpin, Beau talked about the hurdles he had to overcome in the process of building it – not only development-wise (embedded Composer? Madness!) but also dealing with the pushback from the community.

我最后一次参加的演讲是Beau Siemensen的演讲,那是新鲜空气。 Beau是Sculpin的美国发言人和主要开发人员,他谈到了他在构建Sculpin时必须克服的障碍–不仅是开发方面的(嵌入式Composer?Madness!),还包括社区的回击。

He was forced to re-evaluate his reasons for building Sculpin several times – told not to promote a product because alternatives exist, told he shouldn’t reinvent the wheel, he was borderline bullied by the community. And in programming, an area where the success of your work depends only on your own determination and enthusiasm for the area you’re working in, an unsupportive word from even a borderline prominent member of the community can really rock your boat and make you re-evaluate everything you’ve been working on so far. Cold words can ruin projects, and telling someone to “grow a pair” doesn’t help. It’s like having built a beautiful ice sculpture in Ontario after three weeks of arduous labor, and someone from Minnesota comes up, tells you they know of a bigger sculpture someone was making for two years there, and smash yours with a sledgehammer. The community is both an encouraging and poisonous environment in coding, and if you think you’ve found yourself in the latter, the message of talk was – don’t falter. Keep looking for the encouraging part, talk to even more people, expand your community further. Eventually, you’ll meet people who’ll support your idea objectively, without pre-existence bias.

他被迫多次重新评估建造Sculpin的原因-告诉他不要推广产品,因为存在替代品,告诉他不应该重新发明轮子,他被社区欺负。 在编程领域,您工作的成功仅取决于您自己对工作领域的决心和热情,即使是社区中边缘人物的支持也不会真正使您动摇, -评估您到目前为止所做的一切。 冷漠的言语会毁掉项目,而告诉某人“长大一对”并没有帮助。 这就像经过三周的艰苦劳动之后,在安大略省建造了一座美丽的冰雕,然后明尼苏达州的某人出现了,告诉您他们知道有人在那儿做了两年的更大的雕塑,并用大锤砸了您的雕像。 社区在编码中既是令人鼓舞的又是有害的环境,如果您认为自己陷入了后者,那么谈话的信息就是–不要动摇。 继续寻找令人鼓舞的部分,与更多的人交谈,进一步扩大您的社区。 最终,您会遇到客观地支持您的想法的人们,而不会存在先入为主的偏见。

语言障碍 (Language Barrier)

It was a shame to see that most talks were in French. Granted, I went as a speaker, not as a visitor, but I still would have loved to understand some of them. At the very least, the official website should have noted the language of the talks in the programme list, so that English-only speakers know what to skip, and what to chase after. A common argument I’ve heard in favor of an all-French conference was several attendees not being able to speak English, but I refuse to believe that. Programming is talking to the computer in English, unless you’re working in a non-English based language (which you aren’t, because you’re at a PHP conference) so you’re either lying and refusing deflate your ego by admitting you speak English, or you’re a horrible programmer because you learn to code by heart, not by reason and logic.

看到大多数谈话都是用法语进行的,真是可惜。 当然,我是作为演讲者,而不是作为访客,但我仍然很想了解其中的一些。 至少,官方网站应该在节目清单中注明会谈的语言,以使仅讲英语的人知道要跳过的内容和要追求的内容。 我听到赞成全法国会议的一个普遍论点是,有几位与会者不会说英语,但我拒绝相信这一点。 编程是用英语与计算机对话,除非您使用的是非英语的语言 (因为参加PHP会议,所以您不是用英语),所以您要么撒谎,要么拒绝承认您的自我您会说英语,或者您是一个糟糕的程序员,因为您学会了内心地编码,而不是理性和逻辑。

I sincerely hope this aspect of Forum PHP will change in the future. I know the French aren’t too fond of the English language in general, but I do believe there is nothing to be lost and everything to be gained by opening the conference up to international attendees a little more.

我衷心希望Forum PHP的这一方面将来会有所改变。 我知道法国人总体上不太喜欢英语,但是我相信没有什么可以失去的了,向国际参会者再开放一点会议就可以收获一切。

社区 (The Community)

The French PHP community is vibrant and enthusiastic. During informal gatherings, I didn’t get a sense of Anglophobia or isolation, and that’s all that matters in proper networking. If you can approach a group that’s speaking an entirely different language and have them accept you and adapt, that’s a sign of a healthy environment. While this attitude wasn’t as pervasive as it could have been, finding such groups and parachuting into them wasn’t that difficult. Curiously, some particularly fruitful chats happened with delegations of devs from sponsors of the event – in particular the Jolicode and BlaBlaCar crew – less in terms of mutual pitches and more in terms of just discussing everything and anything.

法国PHP社区充满活力和热情。 在非正式聚会上,我没有那种仇视或孤立的感觉,而这在适当的人际关系中至关重要。 如果您可以与一个说完全不同的语言的小组接触,并让他们接受您并适应,那么这就是健康环境的标志。 尽管这种态度没有应有的普遍性,但是找到这样的团体并跳伞并没有那么困难。 奇怪的是,与活动赞助商的开发人员代表团进行了一些特别富有成果的聊天,尤其是Jolicode和BlaBlaCar的工作人员,他们之间的交流很少,而只是讨论一切。

It was also interesting to hear how fond people have grown of SitePoint’s PHP channel in the past year or so – I was told on several occasions that it now occupies a permanent spot in people’s everyday feed readers, serving both as a source of light reading for commutes and short breaks during work, and in depth reads about tutorials and such when there’s time for such an undertaking – and that was the goal all along.


My impressions of the community are mostly positive; I would definitely love to meet most of the crowd at other future events.

我对社区的印象大多是正面的; 我绝对希望在将来的其他活动中与大多数人见面。

结论 (Conclusion)

I didn’t particularly like Paris as a city, but I would love to come to Forum PHP again should the conference take on a more global approach (like WebcampZG did this year, forcing an all-English program). A conference requiring all talks to be in English attracts a more diverse crowd and makes sure the narrow circle of friends you’ve made locally disperses in the variety of incoming parties from all around the world. The conference was quite packed, yes – sold to capacity in fact – but I’m almost certain all of the attendees knew each other in at least some degree, and in the words of Beau, mingling is key.

我并不特别喜欢巴黎作为一个城市,但是如果会议采用更全球化的方法(就像WebcampZG今年强制实行全英语计划一样),我很想再次参加PHP论坛。 要求所有对话均以英语进行的会议吸引了更多的人群,并确保您在本地结交的狭窄朋友圈子分散在来自世界各地的各种参加方中。 会议挤满了,是的-确实卖光了-但我几乎可以肯定,所有与会者至少在某种程度上都相互了解,用博的话来说,融合是关键。

On a side note, I’m proud to announce we’ll be seeing some more national diversity on SitePoint’s PHP channel soon – several people I’ve exchanged contact information with have mentioned the desire to publish their posts (all of which sounded very interesting) on our channel, so stay tuned for some cutting edge topics popping up in November.

顺便说一句,我很自豪地宣布,我们很快就会在SitePointPHP频道上看到更多全国性的多元化–我与之交流过联系信息的几个人提到了发布他们的帖子的愿望(所有这些听起来都很有趣) ),请继续关注11月弹出的一些前沿话题。

Once again, many thanks to AFUP for the invitation and the warm welcome, and honest congrats on an event well organized. I hope we meet again on some of the more international conferences soon!

再次再次感谢AFUP的邀请和热烈欢迎,并对组织良好的活动表示诚挚的祝贺。 希望我们不久能再见面一些国际会议!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/forum-php-report/


本文标签: 报告论坛PHP