

ceph osdc

The second Open Source Developer’s Conference, held in Melbourne this week, can be most simply described as a massive geek-fest.


It’s probably unfair to compare it to the Web Essentials conference that I attended earlier this year, because OSDC is – in the organizers’ words – “created by developers, for developers” whereas Web Essentials has less of a grass-roots base.

将其与我今年早些时候参加的Web Essentials会议进行比较可能不公平,因为用组织者的话来说,OSDC是“由开发人员创建的,是为开发人员创建的”,而Web Essentials的基础却较少。

But I’m going to make the comparison anyway, as I think it does provide a useful measuring stick. As far as I could tell, OSDC differed from Web Essentials in five aspects:

但是我还是要进行比较,因为我认为它确实提供了有用的量尺。 据我所知,OSDC在五个方面与Web Essentials有所不同:

  1. speakers were not paid. This meant that the presentations varied wildly in terms of quality and relevance. There were a number of excellent presentations that appealed to the entire audience, but there were also quite a few talks that were amateurish and about completely obscure topics that would only interest a handful of people.

    发言人未付费。 这意味着这些演示在质量和相关性方面差异很大。 有许多出色的演讲吸引了整个听众,但也有相当多的演讲是业余的,涉及完全晦涩的主题,只有少数人会感兴趣。

  2. presentations were much shorter. Apart from a 60-minute keynote presentation at the beginning and end of each day, all talks were only half an hour long. The more experienced speakers made good use of this limited time, but for some speakers it resulted in their 73 slides being whizzed through far too quickly for anyone to digest.

    演示要短得多。 除了每天开始和结束时有60分钟的主题演讲外,所有的演讲都只有半个小时。 经验丰富的演讲者充分利用了这段有限的时间,但是对于一些演讲者来说,这导致他们的73张幻灯片被太快地搅过,以至于任何人都无法消化。

  3. the variety of topics and industry representation was mind-boggling. The broad umbrella of ‘open source’ was the only common thread linking all presentations, and this resulted in topics ranging from doctorate research papers to entrepeneurial advice to snapshots of large-scale government projects to corporate sales pitches.

    各种各样的话题和行业代表令人难以置信。 广泛使用的“开源”伞是链接所有演示文稿的唯一通用主题,其主题包括博士学位研究论文,创业建议,大型政府项目的快照到企业销售计划。

  4. three streams, instead of two. Unfortunately this meant that occasionally there were three topics that interested me and only one that I could attend.

    三个流,而不是两个。 不幸的是,这意味着偶尔会有三个主题引起我的兴趣,而只有一个我可以参加。

  5. less innovation, more unashamed geekiness. WE05 was exciting to be a part of because of all the new technologies and new ways of thinking that were presented. Microformats, AJAX, user-centred design, innovative ways to make web pages accessible – all these topics were introduced by the people who either invented them or were the most proficient in the world at applying them. We were hearing the latest and the greatest from the forward thinkers responsible for advancing the medium of choice for everyone in the room – the web. OSDC presenters on the other hand, were passionate about their area of expertise, but there wasn’t a common medium for everyone to get excited about other than “being a geek” and “free software”.

    更少的创新,更轻松的怪异。 由于展示了所有新技术和新思维方式,WE05成为其中的一员非常令人兴奋。 微格式,AJAX,以用户为中心的设计,使网页易于访问的创新方法–所有这些主题都是由发明它们或在应用它们方面最精通的人们引入的。 我们正在听取负责推动会议室中所有人(网络)选择媒体的思想家的最新和最深刻的见解。 另一方面,OSDC的主持人对他们的专业领域充满热情,但是除了“成为一个怪胎”和“免费软件”之外,没有一种让所有人都兴奋的通用媒介。

That said, it was a worthwhile three days with plenty of topics relevant for web professionals. Here were some of the highlights for me.

就是说,这是值得的三天,有很多与Web专业人士相关的主题。 这是我的一些亮点。

  • Jon Oxer’s opening presentation about how easy it is to connect random bits of hardware to your PC and talk to them using C, PHP or whatever language you fancy. I haven’t decided whether the coolest part of his talk was his demonstration of how his letter box sends him email (and a text message to his phone) when the postman delivers his mail, or the fact that his cat has been injected with a microchip that opens his cat flap.

    乔恩·奥克斯(Jon Oxer)的开幕演讲介绍了将随机的硬件连接到PC并使用C,PHP或您喜欢的任何语言与之交谈是多么容易。 我还不确定他的演讲中最酷的部分是他演示了邮递员递送邮件时信箱如何向他发送电子邮件(以及短信到他的手机),还是他的猫被注射了微芯片打开他的猫皮瓣。
  • Paul Fenwick’s entertaining tips for giving a good presentation, which included using a Perl module to echo pre-prepared characters to the screen regardless of what keys you press, so that you don’t make any mistakes when giving a live demo.

    保罗·芬威克(Paul Fenwick)提供出色演示的有趣提示,包括使用Perl模块将预先准备好的字符回显到屏幕上,而不管您按什么键,以便在进行实时演示时不会犯任何错误。
  • Scott Penrose’s talk about the ambitious project he calls Zaltana, where he has added HTML hooks to the templates of common web applications such as SquirrelMail, MediaWiki and other custom objects and methods in order to provide a common look and feel across the whole framework for his clients that is reusable.

    斯科特·彭罗斯(Scott Penrose)关于他称为Zaltana的宏伟项目的演讲,他在其中将HTML钩子添加到了普通Web应用程序(例如SquirrelMail , MediaWiki以及其他自定义对象和方法)的模板中,以便为他的整个框架提供通用的外观可重用的客户端。

  • Gus Gollings’ discussion of the Semantic Web. This was a different (less technical) take on the concept than I had heard in the past. Gus provided a rich historical context and posed some thought-provoking questions about what might be one day achievable, and anything that gets me thinking about the future always captures my interest.

    Gus Gollings对语义网的讨论。 这与我以前听到的概念不同(较少技术性)。 古斯提供了丰富的历史背景,并提出了一些发人深省的问题,询问有一天可能会实现什么,而任何让我思考未来的事物总是引起我的兴趣。
  • SitePoint’s own Kevin Yank‘s talk about Mozilla XForms (watch Kev’s blog for more on this soon).

    SitePoint自己的Kevin Yank关于Mozilla XForms的讨论(有关更多信息,请观看Kev的博客)。

  • Luce Chandon’s description of how open source software and the concept of “agents” was used at a Ford manufacturing plant to ensure motor vehicle parts were delivered to the assembly line in a just-in-time fashion.

    Luce Chandon对福特汽车制造厂如何使用开源软件和“代理”概念的描述,以确保将汽车零件及时交付到装配线。
  • The “Lightning Talk” sessions (nothing to do with the miserable weather outside) where interested attendees gave a 5 minute presentation about whatever they liked. The preparation that went into some of these snappy talks was incredible and it was a good, encouraging environment for those new to public speaking to give it a go.

    在“闪电谈话”中(与外面的恶劣天气无关),有兴趣的与会者作了5分钟的演讲,介绍了他们喜欢的东西。 这些简短的谈话中的准备工作令人难以置信,这对于那些刚开始公开演讲的人来说是一个很好的鼓励环境。

In summary, OSDC is a professionally-run conference that represents good value for money if you are a web professional, but even more so if you are an enthusiastic Perl/PHP programmer who wears a red hat everywhere, has named his first son Linus and has a Slashdot ID of three digits or less.

总而言之,OSDC是一个由专业人士主持的会议,如果您是Web专业人员,这是物有所值的会议,而如果您是一个热情的Perl / PHP程序员,并且戴着红色帽子,他的第一个儿子Linus和Slashdot ID为三位数或更少。

The networking aspect was also good and I met some terrific folks, many of whom are involved in the various user groups active around Melbourne and Australia, and some who travelled all the way from Japan, Taiwan and elsewhere for the conference.


However, it was a conference that required you to pick the sessions you attended very carefully, as both the speaker’s presentation skills and the relevance of the content varied (sometimes significantly from the talk’s title).


Credit to the organizers for running things so smoothly. I’ll be back next year!

感谢组织者如此顺利地运行事情。 我明年再回来!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/osdc-2005-wrap-up/

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