

Vienna’s social housing, lauded by progressives, pushes out the poor

The city’s most hard-up rely on the private sector

social housing:公共住房

lauded:美 [lɔ:did] 赞美;称赞;(laud的过去式)

push out:排除在外


例子:High property prices are pushing out low-income families from the city center. (高昂的房价正在把低收入家庭挤出市中心。)

句中:Vienna’s social housing, lauded by progressives, pushes out the poor. (维也纳的社会住房,受到进步人士的赞扬,却将穷人排挤出去。)>

hard-up: 经济苦难的


例子:Many families are hard-up and struggling to pay their bills. (许多家庭经济困难,难以支付账单。)

句中:The city’s most hard-up rely on the private sector. (城市中最困难的居民依赖私营部门。)

the poor:穷人


With the mercury hitting 35°C this summer, many Viennese have headed for

rooftop pools. At Aspern Seestadt, one of Europe’s largest housing projects,

they can plunge into an artificial lake or take the kayak out for a paddle.

Such are the joys of the projects, Viennese-style. Aquatics for the many, not

the few.

随着今年夏天气温达到35摄氏度,许多维也纳人都去了屋顶泳池。在欧洲最大的住宅项目之一Aspern Seestadt,他们可以一头扎进人工湖或者划着皮划艇出去玩。这就是维也纳风格的项目的乐趣。大众游泳,而不是少数人。




plunge into:跳入;跳进;投入

plunge into an artificial lake:一头扎进人工湖

kayak:美 [ˈkaɪæk] 皮划艇;小型划艇;


aquatics: 美 [ə’kwætɪks] 水上运动;水生动植物;(aquatic的复数)



例子:With the mercury rising, people are looking for ways to cool down. (随着气温上升,人们在寻找降温的方法。)

句中:With the mercury hitting 35°C this summer, many Viennese have headed for rooftop pools. (今年夏天气温达到35摄氏度,许多维也纳人前往屋顶游泳池。)


  • 解释:Celsius
  • 例子:The temperature is 35 degrees Celsius today. (今天的气温是35摄氏度。)

for a paddle: 划桨


例子:They took the kayak out for a paddle on the lake. (他们把皮划艇拿出来在湖上划行。)

句中:At Aspern Seestadt, one of Europe’s largest housing projects, they can plunge into an artificial lake or take the kayak out for a paddle. (在阿斯彭海城,这是欧洲最大的住房项目之一,他们可以跳进人工湖或划皮划艇。)


About 60% of Vienna’s population of 2m or so live in “social housing”,

where rents are kept low by the city. Apartments are often small, but the

amenities—kindergartens, laundries and pools—generous. A two-bedroom

unit of 80 square metres (861 square feet) with a garden costs as little as

€900 ($975) a month. Vienna is regularly voted the world’s most liveable

city: cheap housing means more money for the good life. Just 44% of

Viennese spend over a quarter of their income on housing (including energy

costs); in London it is 86%, in Paris 67%. Renters can keep their apartments

for life at roughly the same rent.



amenities:美 [əˈmenətiz] 便利设施;礼仪;(amenity的复数)

liveable:英 [ˈlɪvəb(ə)l] 适宜居住的;宜居的

most liveable city:最宜居的城市


This housing model is a legacy of “Red Vienna”, a period after the first

world war when a socialist city council started building proletarian fortresses

such as the gigantic Karl-Marx-Hof. It has recently been attracting enormous

interest from abroad. Droves of American city planners grappling with

homelessness and soaring rents have come over to learn whether the

Viennese model can work in places like San Diego. The New York Times has

lauded Vienna as a “renters’ utopia”.



proletarian:美 [ˌproʊləˈtɛriən] 无产阶级的;工人阶级的

fortresses: 美 [ˈfɔrtrəs] 堡垒;要塞;(fortress的复数)

city council:市议会;市政局

droves of:一群人;

grappling with:与xxx搏斗



That all depends on who is renting. True, young people can ditch their

parents in their early 20s. But even many Viennese acknowledge that the

model is no longer fit for purpose in a fast-growing, prosperous city.

Designed to provide housing for the poorest, Vienna’s social housing now

mostly benefits the well-off.






The council owns and runs about 220,000 apartments directly, including old

fashioned Gemeindebauten (community flats) such as the Karl-Marx-Hof.

Most of the action, however, centres on 58 “limited-profit housing

associations” (LPHAs), which account for some 20% of the city’s housing. A

national housing tax of 1% divided equally between employers and

employees helps these schemes. The council reduces the LPHAs’ costs, for

example by letting them buy land at knock-down rates.





About 80% of Vienna’s population qualify for social housing, so high are the

income limits: €57,600 after tax for one person and over €100,000 for a

couple with two children. The council boasts that this makes it “inclusive”:

the entire middle class gets access to subsidised housing. But the barriers to

entry are such that it is mostly the middle class that benefits.



For a start, people can enter the housing queue (sometimes two years long or

more) only if they are citizens of an EU country and have been registered for

two years at the same address in Vienna. Applicants also have to

demonstrate a regular income. These criteria knock out many immigrants,

new arrivals and those without regular jobs. Non-Austrians make up 34% of

Vienna’s population and Austria has very low naturalisation rates.



regular income:固定收入

knock out:淘汰

naturalisation:英 [ˌnætʃərəlɪ’zeɪʃən] 同化;归化;(外国的习惯、语言等的)移入

naturalisation rate:入籍率


Moreover, rent is not the only cost for an LPHA apartment. Prospective renters

must make a down payment of up to €500 per square metre to meet building

costs. So-called “smart apartments” charge much less, but are often tiny, just

40 square metres. The council argues that such fees “protect the system from

being overrun”; critics say they simply keep immigrants and the poor out of

middle-class enclaves. Only 9% of renters in the LPHA sector have low

incomes. Since residents can stick around for life, the council has struggled

to prevent tenants with houses elsewhere from renting out their municipal




down payment: 首期付款;(分期付款中的)头期款;首付;订金;预付定金

enclave: 美 [ˈɛnˌkleɪv] 飞地;孤立区(指完全被另一国家领土包围的一小块领土);被包围的区域

tenants: 美 [ˈtenənts] 房客;占用者;承租人;(tenant的复数)


Ironically, the poorest quarter of Vienna’s residents often have to rent in the

private sector. There, rents are needlessly high, argues Hans Ulreich, a

property developer. Private builders must follow the same dense

bureaucratic procedures as the municipal housing sector. Mr Ulreich thinks

regulations could be significantly reduced without losing safety or quality.

Vienna’s population is growing by 20,000 per year, and social housing alone

cannot meet the demand. The Viennese model was ground-breaking in the

1920s, but it is no panacea—and is due for an update. ■

具有讽刺意味的是,维也纳最贫穷的四分之一居民经常不得不租住在私人住宅。房地产开发商Hans Ulreich认为,那里的租金高得没有必要。私人建筑商必须遵循与市政住房部门相同的繁琐官僚程序。乌尔赖希先生认为,在不损失安全和质量的情况下,可以大大减少监管。维也纳的人口每年增长20,000人,单靠社会住房无法满足需求。维也纳模式在20世纪20年代是开创性的,但它不是万灵药——是时候更新了。■

property developer:房地产开发商

panacea:美 [ˌpænəˈsiə] 万能药;灵丹妙药;万灵药



本文标签: 英文学人经济日这期poor