

Here at How-To Geek, we’re big fans of Photoshop, but there are times when it’s not the right app for the job. Here’s how to tell when you should consider an alternative.

在How-To Geek,我们是Photoshop的忠实拥护者,但有时它并不是适合该工作的应用程序。 这是告诉您何时应考虑替代方法的方法。

Although Photoshop is the king of image editors for lots of good reasons, it’s not without its faults. For example, it’s only available as a subscription service, and it has decades of legacy support and feature bloat. You could even consider its versatility and broad range of options a drawback if you only need to perform a simple task. For these reasons and others, you might be better off using something else—at least in particular situations.

尽管出于很多原因,Photoshop是图像编辑器之王,但并非没有缺点。 例如,它仅可作为订阅服务使用,并且具有数十年的传统支持和功能膨胀。 如果您只需要执行简单的任务,则甚至可以考虑其多功能性和广泛的选择范围。 由于这些原因及其他原因,至少在某些情况下,最好使用其他方法。

当价格至关重要时 (When Price Is All That Matters)

I strongly believe that Photoshop—as part of Adobe’s $9.99/month bundle with Lightroom—is more than worth the money but not everyone feels the same way. If you don’t use Lightroom to sort and organize your photos, then Photoshop is definitely a bigger financial commitment. Similarly, if you totally ignore the mobile apps, you’re paying a lot for stuff you don’t use.

我坚信Photoshop 是Adobe每月与Lightroom捆绑提供$ 9.99的一部分, 它物有所值,但并不是每个人都有相同的感觉。 如果您不使用Lightroom对照片进行排序和整理,那么Photoshop无疑是一个更大的财务承诺。 同样,如果您完全忽略了移动应用程序 ,那么您将为不使用的东西付出很多。

The good news is that there has never been a better time to be in the market for a Photoshop alternative. There are some great, affordable apps out there. GIMP is still not a serious competitor, even if it is free. Affinity Photo and Designer, on the other hand, are $50 each on both Windows and Mac and cover most of Photoshop’s abilities between them. Pixelmator is Mac only, but a steal at $29.99. If the thought of indefinitely paying $10 per month turns you off, other developers have your back.

好消息是,现在市场上没有比现在更好的时间来使用Photoshop替代产品了。 有一些很棒的,负担得起的应用程序 。 即使免费, GIMP仍然不是一个严重的竞争对手 。 另一方面, Affinity Photo and Designer在Windows和Mac上的价格均为50美元,涵盖了Photoshop在它们之间的大部分功能。 Pixelmator仅适用于Mac,但售价29.99美元 。 如果无限期地每月支付$ 10的想法使您失望,那么其他开发人员也会支持您。

当您处理大量文件(尤其是RAW文件)时 (When You’re Working With Lots of Files (Especially RAW Files))

Photoshop has a lot of strengths but batch processing and applying the same edits to lots of files—unless you’re prepared to learn how to use Photoshop’s incredible but difficult Actions feature—isn’t one of them. If you’re going to work with lots of files on a regular basis, then you need to look elsewhere.

Photoshop具有很多优势,但是批处理和对许多文件进行相同的编辑-除非您准备学习如何使用Photoshop令人难以置信但困难的Actions功能-并不是其中之一。 如果要定期处理大量文件,则需要查找其他位置。

This is especially true if you’re working with RAW images because catalog apps with RAW processing tools, like Lightroom and CaptureOne, do a much better job. They give you all the tools you need to sort through, rate, and edit your images, and also to sync all the changes you’ve made across dozens or hundreds of pictures.

如果您正在使用RAW图像,则尤其如此,因为具有RAW处理工具的目录应用程序( 例如Lightroom和CaptureOne )会做得更好。 它们为您提供了分类,评估和编辑图像所需的所有工具,还可以同步您对数十张或数百张图片所做的所有更改。

当您想使用更简单的应用程序时 (When You Want a Simpler App to Use)

Photoshop isn’t as tricky and inaccessible as some people make out but, because it’s so powerful and you generally have total control, you have to spend some time learning the tools. If you want an editing app where you can play around with sliders or add a filter, Photoshop probably isn’t for you.

Photoshop并不像某些人那样棘手且难以访问,但由于它功能强大且通常具有完全控制权,因此您必须花一些时间来学习这些工具。 如果您想要一个可以在其中使用滑块或添加滤镜的编辑应用程序,那么Photoshop可能不适合您。

Honestly, if you’re looking for the simplest, powerful editors, you might be better sticking with smartphone apps. Apps like Photos (iOS only), Snapseed (iOS, Android), VSCO (iOS, Android) and even Instagram are all great and super intuitive.

老实说,如果您正在寻找最简单,功能强大的编辑器,那么最好还是坚持使用智能手机应用程序。 诸如照片(仅适用于iOS),Snapseed( 适用于iOS , Android ),VSCO( 适用于iOS和Android ), 甚至Instagram之类的应用程序都非常出色且超级直观。

If you need a desktop app, the Nik Collection from DxO and Luminar are great, easy to use, and powerful.

如果您需要台式机应用程序, DxO和Luminar的Nik Collection很棒,易于使用且功能强大。

当其他应用做得更好时 (When Other Apps Do a Better Job)

You can do pretty much everything in Photoshop, but you can’t necessarily do it perfectly or easily. It’s possible, for example, to do stuff like HDR editing and focus stacking, but Photoshop’s tools fall behind those of hyper-specialized apps like AuroraHDR and Helicon Focus. If you wanted to do things manually, you could probably recreate the same results with Photoshop, but it’s not the same.

您可以在Photoshop中完成几乎所有操作,但不一定能完美或轻松地完成它。 例如,可以进行HDR编辑和焦点堆叠之类的工作,但是Photoshop的工具落后于AuroraHDR和Helicon Focus等超专业应用程序的工具。 如果您想手动执行操作,则可以使用Photoshop重新创建相同的结果,但这并不相同。

Similarly, the Control-Points feature in the Nik Collection makes broad local adjustments simpler than any tool in Photoshop. You can recreate the effect by combining some targeted mask features, but you can’t do it with one click.

同样,Nik Collection中的Control-Points功能使广泛的局部调整比Photoshop中的任何工具都更简单。 您可以通过组合一些目标蒙版功能来重新创建效果,但是不能一键完成。

Photoshop is the best general purpose image editor out there, but there are plenty of situations where it’s not the best specific image editor. If you’re continuously running into issues getting Photoshop to do things you want, have a look and see if there’s a better app you could be using. They’re often available as plug-ins for Photoshop too.

Photoshop是目前最好的通用图像编辑器,但是在许多情况下,它并不是最佳的特定图像编辑器。 如果您不断遇到使Photoshop进行所需操作的问题,请查看并查看是否可以使用更好的应用程序。 它们通常也可以作为 Photoshop 的插件使用。

I love Photoshop—I’ve built my career on it—but even I don’t use it for every image editing situation. I’m just glad that there are so many great other apps out there now.

我热爱Photoshop,在此基础上建立了自己的职业,但即使在某些图像编辑情况下,我也不会使用它。 我很高兴现在有这么多出色的其他应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/364385/when-you-shouldn’t-use-photoshop/

本文标签: photoshop