


It's never surprised me that scrum has a bit of a controversial reputation. While some praise scrum for its effective and straightforward approach to software development, there are professional software developers who have staked their reputations on arguing that approaches such as scrum are at best pointless, and at worst detrimental to an effective software development effort.

对于Scrum享有一些有争议的声誉,我从未感到惊讶。 尽管一些人赞扬scrum的有效而直接的软件开发方法,但仍有一些专业软件开发人员在争辩说scrum之类的方法充其量是毫无意义的 , 最不利于有效的软件开发工作的人也为此声名狼藉。

Scrum may well have encouraged such heated debate, not because of anything intrinsic to scrum itself, but rather due to misconceptions and misapplications of the terminology and the technology that have grown up around scrum. And if your team is working on web and mobile development projects, scrum may be the best possible solution out there for managing your projects.

Scrum很可能鼓励了如此激烈的辩论,这并不是由于Scrum本身固有的任何原因,而是由于围绕Scrum成长起来的术语和技术的误解和误用。 而且,如果您的团队正在从事Web和移动开发项目,那么Scrum可能是管理项目的最佳解决方案。

那么什么是Scrum? (So What Is Scrum?)

Scrum is one of a family of approaches to organizing software projects that fit together under the umbrella of agile. Other agile techniques include kanban and extreme programming. All of these approaches share a few common principles about how people should work together in software development, and how to optimize that process, such as:

Scrum是在敏捷框架下组织软件项目的一系列方法之一。 其他敏捷技术包括看板和极限编程。 所有这些方法都具有一些共同的原则 ,这些原则涉及人们在软件开发中应该如何一起工作以及如何优化该过程,例如:

  • Delighting the customer

  • Delivering working software frequently

  • Business people and developers working together

  • Measuring real results based on work that is completed

  • Allowing teams to self-organize

  • Reflecting regularly on what's working and what isn't


In particular, scrum is optimized for teams working on projects that can be broken down into complete slices of functionality able to be delivered within a fixed and regular time frame of usually one or two sustainable work weeks, known as sprints in scrum. Scrum uses the term stories to describe those slices of functionality, and strives to improve the team's ability to estimate how much effort would go into completing a story.

特别是,scrum已针对团队的项目进行了优化,这些团队可以分解为完整的功能块,这些功能可以在通常一个或两个可持续工作周的固定和固定时间框架内交付,这称为scrum。 Scrum使用术语故事来描述这些功能,并努力提高团队的能力,以估计完成一个故事需要花费多少精力。

Unlike traditional software development approaches, often lumped together under the label waterfall, scrum doesn't involve long and detailed requirements documents full of specifications crafted by product managers that all need to be spelled out before the team can get started working.

不同于传统的软件开发方法,往往标签下混为一谈瀑布 ,争球不涉及漫长而细致的需求文档的完整的由产品经理,所有需要被阐明之前,团队可以立即开始工作制作规格。

Scrum is flexible enough to allow a team to get started based on just enough stories to keep them busy for a couple of weeks. In that time, if there's new user feedback, the market changes, new information comes up from outside or inside the company, or the technology underlying the product shifts, new stories can be introduced and worked on for the next couple of weeks.

Scrum足够灵活,可以让团队根据足够多的故事来上手,让他们忙几个星期。 在那段时间里,如果有新的用户反馈,市场发生变化,新的信息来自公司外部或内部,或者产品变化所基于的技术,则可以在接下来的几周内引入新故事并继续进行研究。

Scrum also favors regular face-to-face communication over detailed specifications. This is usually helped along by having every member of the team stand up in a group daily and report on what they've done the previous day, what they're planning to do the current day, and whether they have any blockers. Scrum also recommends other regular face-to-face meetings, called rituals, for planning, demonstrating, and doing a retrospective every sprint.

Scrum还倾向于定期的面对面交流,而不是详细的规范。 通常,通过使团队中的每个成员每天都站在一起并报告他们在前一天所做的事情,他们计划在当前一天做的事情以及他们是否有任何阻止者的行为,这可以得到帮助。 Scrum还建议其他定期的面对面会议,称为仪式,以计划,演示和回顾每个冲刺。

While the prospect of a daily meeting may sound off-putting to a lot of developers, it's important to remember that these are all finely tuned scrum rituals managed by a scrum master, with fixed times and clear agendas. For example, the daily standup should never take longer than 15 minutes.

尽管每天召开会议的前景对许多开发人员而言可能令人反感,但重要的是要记住,这些都是由Scrum管理员管理的,经过精心调整的Scrum仪式,具有固定的时间和清晰的议程。 例如,每日站立时间不应超过15分钟。

Roles such as scrum master and product owner are also defined within scrum. And you may have noticed that the vocabulary of scrum sounds a little funky for a professional technical environment. That's kind of the point. Scrum defines roles, rituals, and artifacts in such a way that you can't confuse them easily with other approaches.

Scrum中还定义了诸如Scrum Master和产品所有者之类的角色。 您可能已经注意到,对于专业的技术环境,Scrum的词汇听起来有些时髦。 这就是重点。 Scrum定义角色,仪式和人工制品的方式是,您不会轻易将它们与其他方法混淆。

为什么Scrum有争议? (Why Is Scrum Controversial?)

The promise of scrum is alluring. Teams adopt scrum because experts say it will improve the team's ability to estimate the amount of work they can do, provide flexibility when market requirements change, improve transparency into the process, and foster an environment where everybody is encouraged to learn more and improve constantly while putting in a sustainable amount of effort. How can you argue with that?

Scrum的前景诱人。 团队采用Scrum是因为专家表示,这将提高团队的能力,以估计他们可以完成的工作量,在市场需求发生变化时提供灵活性,提高流程的透明度,并营造鼓励每个人在此期间学习更多并不断改进的环境付出持续的努力。 你怎么能这样争论呢?

Well, it's easy to argue with something that sounds too good to be true. And in fact, the more scrum promises, the harder it is for scrum to deliver on those promises. But I think scrum, and agile processes in general, have suffered from a fundamental misunderstanding about where they fit into an organization, and how they are distinct from the hierarchy of a business.

好吧,用听起来好得令人难以置信的东西来争论是很容易的。 实际上,scrum承诺越多,scrum兑现这些承诺就越困难。 但是我认为,混乱和一般的敏捷过程都遭受了根本性的误解,这些误解在于它们适合组织的位置以及它们与业务层次结构的区别。

Scrum provides a way to make the best use of the resources you have available while remaining adaptable to a constantly changing market. It isn't a magic formula that you can pour over your team and suddenly have the results you've always dreamed about. If anything, scrum will expose problems such as technical debt, inadequate resources, or information hoarding quickly, bringing them to the surface instead of allowing them to hide behind job titles and self-limiting traditions. And as a result, scrum may get blamed for those problems in the first place.

Scrum提供了一种在保持适应不断变化的市场的同时充分利用现有资源的方法。 您可以倾倒您的团队并突然获得梦always以求的结果,这不是一个神奇的公式。 如果有的话,混乱会暴露出诸如技术债务,资源不足或信息quickly积之类的问题,使它们浮出水面,而不是让它们藏在职称和自我限制的传统后面。 结果,一开始,scrum可能会被指责为这些问题。

But I don't want to come off as glib here. One of the reasons I believe scrum gets blamed for problems in the workplace may come from the temptation to pretend that you're using scrum when all you're actually doing is using the terminology or the tools. As with any cultural institution, the rituals and vocabulary of scrum can be mis-applied or even abused unless everyone is willing to learn the actual intentions and defend the original intent behind the practice.

但是我不想在这里以glib的形式出现。 我认为scrum会因工作场所中的问题而受到指责的原因之一可能是由于您在实际上只使用术语或工具时假装正在使用scrum。 就像任何文化机构一样,除非所有人都愿意学习实际意图并捍卫实践背后的原始意图,否则Scrum的仪式和词汇可能会被误用甚至滥用。

In a nutshell, if scrum isn't working for you, go back to the definitions and make sure what you're doing is actually scrum. If you're choosing scrum because you think there's something wrong with the people on your team, you have an underfunded organization, or you think you may have product-market fit problems, you may need to address more fundamental issues before you can realize the benefits of scrum.

简而言之,如果scrum不适用于您,请返回定义并确保您正在做的实际上是scrum。 如果您选择Scrum是因为您认为团队中的人员出问题了,或者您的组织资金不足,或者您认为自己可能遇到产品市场问题,那么您可能需要先解决一些更基本的问题,然后才能意识到Scrum的好处。

为什么选择Scrum进行Web和移动开发? (Why Scrum for Web and Mobile Development?)

Scrum emerged in the 1980s, and began to take hold seriously in the 1990s. This is around the same time that software development started moving away from monolithic shrink-wrapped applications delivered on an annual basis, toward smaller more focused apps delivered constantly through web and mobile technology. I don't think that's an accident.

Scrum在1980年代出现,并在1990年代开始受到重视。 大约在同一时间,软件开发开始从每年交付的整体式收缩包装应用程序转变为通过Web和移动技术不断交付的更小,更集中的应用程序。 我不认为这是偶然的。

When the timeframe for delivery may be a year or more, a more traditional pattern involving detailed specifications defined up-front and worked on over the course of many months may make sense. But web and mobile technologies change very frequently. User expectations can be different from one week to the next, as new browsers, updated mobile operating systems, and unexpected competitors enter the market.

当交货时间可能是一年或更长时间时,一种更传统的模式涉及到预先定义的详细规范,并需要花费几个月的时间才能解决。 但是网络和移动技术的变化非常频繁。 随着新浏览器,更新的移动操作系统和意外竞争对手进入市场,用户对一周的期望可能会有所不同。

Scrums's focus on flexibility, transparency, sustainability, reflection, and the ability to estimate resources is perfectly matched to the expectation that companies with products in the web and mobile space can only survive if they are, well, agile.


转向Scrum (Making the Move to Scrum)

While the fundamentals of scrum are straightforward, implementing scrum effectively takes training, practice, and willingness. That's one of the reasons I wrote Scrum: Novice to Ninja. The aim of that book is to help introduce scrum to people working in web and mobile development who may not be familiar with scrum, and offer teams having trouble implementing scrum the opportunity to reflect on how they apply the techniques. I hope you'll check it out, and let me know what you think.

尽管Scrum的基本原理很简单,但有效地实施Scrum需要培训,实践和意愿。 这就是我写《 Scrum:Ninja的新手 》的原因之一。 这本书的目的是帮助向可能不熟悉Scrum的Web和移动开发工作人员介绍Scrum,并为实施Scrum遇到困难的团队提供机会来反思他们如何应用这些技术。 希望您能查看一下,并让我知道您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/why-choose-scrum-for-web-and-mobile-development/


本文标签: 游戏开发Scrumweb