


Ubuntu is pretty snappy out-of-the-box, but there are some ways to take better advantage of your system’s memory and speed up the boot process. Some of these tips can really speed things up, especially on older hardware.

Ubuntu相当开箱即用,但是有一些方法可以更好地利用系统的内存并加快启动过程。 这些技巧中的一些技巧确实可以加快速度,尤其是在较旧的硬件上。

In particular, selecting a lightweight desktop environment and lighter applications can give an older system a new lease on life. That old computer that struggles with Ubuntu’s Unity desktop can provide decent performance for years to come.

特别是,选择轻量级的桌面环境和轻量级的应用程序可以使旧系统焕然一新。 与Ubuntu的Unity桌面斗争的那台旧计算机可以在未来几年提供出色的性能。

安装预载 (Install Preload)

Preload is a daemon – a background service, in other words – that monitors the applications you use on your computer. It learns the libraries and binaries you use and loads them into memory ahead of time so the applications start faster. For example, if you always open LibreOffice and Firefox after starting your computer, preload will automatically load each application’s files into memory when your computer starts. When you log in and launch the applications, they’re start faster.

Preload是一个守护程序,即后台服务,它监视您在计算机上使用的应用程序。 它会学习您使用的库和二进制文件,并提前将它们加载到内存中,从而使应用程序启动更快。 例如,如果在启动计算机后始终打开LibreOffice和Firefox,则预加载将在计算机启动时自动将每个应用程序的文件加载到内存中。 登录并启动应用程序时,它们的启动速度更快。

Preload isn’t installed by default on Ubuntu, although some distributions do include it by default. To install Preload, run the following command:

默认情况下,Ubuntu上未安装预加载,尽管默认情况下某些发行版确实包含预加载。 要安装Preload,请运行以下命令:

sudo apt-get install preload

sudo apt-get安装预载

That’s it! Preload runs in the background without bothering you. You can tweak Preload’s settings in the /etc/preload.conf file if you want, but the default settings should work fine.

而已! 预加载在后台运行,不会打扰您。 您可以根据需要在/etc

本文标签: 速度种方法UbuntuPC